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Children’s MRT Benefit Package Comments. To be submitted by April 7, 2014 Discussion and Feedback.
Children’s MRT Benefit Package Comments To be submitted by April 7, 2014 Discussion and Feedback
Mobile crisis intervention is for psy or substance use crisis, will each team have to be qualified for both types of responses 24/7 or can their be specialized teams that meet substance use criteria? • CPST - allows "licensed practitioners of the healing arts" will this include licensed art and music therapists? • CSPT - will this include other diversion/re-unification programs that use evidence-based techniques (family finding, structural family therapy) or only Blueprint models? How will the allowable models/services be updated to reflect new EBTs? • Family Caregiver Support Services - MUST be credentialed and HAVE lived experience - we've gone too far to go backwards; good that phone and Skype is included - should we include other technology-based communications methods - twitter, email, who knows what comes out next month? • Youth/Support Training - youth focused, but not provided by youth/peers - is there a reason why not? • Crisis respite: referral sources may not be complete: mobile crisis, ER, community, self-referral, step-down from inpatient -- should we include RTCs, CRs specifically, does self-referral include family, physician, schools State Plan Benefits and 1915i Services