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Strategic Frameworks and Instruments for Tackling Social Exclusion IPA Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance Republic of Macedonia. Azra Misini. IPA Components Preparation Process IPA Operating Structure Mainstreaming Social Inclusion
Strategic Frameworks and Instruments for Tackling Social ExclusionIPAInstrument for Pre-Accession AssistanceRepublic of Macedonia Azra Misini
IPA Components Preparation Process IPA Operating Structure Mainstreaming Social Inclusion Human Resources Development Multi-annual Operational Programme Targeting Financial Programming 2007- 2009 Accreditation- state of play Content
I- Transition Assistance and Institution Building; II- Cross-border Co-operation; III- Regional Development; IV- Human Resources Development and V- Rural Development. IPA Components
Financial Framework : Multi- annual Indicative Financial Framework (MIFF), per country and per component Strategic planning: Multi-annual Indicative Planning Document (MIPD) 2007- 2013 for the Republic of Macedonia, C(2007) 1853 of 30/04/2007, for all components Specific programming by component Administrative structure: DIS, NF, NAO, NIPAC etc. Preparation Process
strengthening the capacities in central and local state institutions achievement of a more balanced regional and human resources development through a local focus and in a cross border context economic and social development of the country by reducing its regional disparities, by the means of improving the transport, environment, social and rural infrastructure increased participation in the labour market, improvement of the education system quality and adaptability to the labour market needs ensuring sustainable rural development to contribute to the socio-economic development of rural areas Mainstreaming Social Inclusion
MIPD JIM & JAP Strategic Coherence Framework Regional development component Human resources component (HRD) Operational programme Operational programme Operationalprogramme Operational programme
Priority axis 1: Employment - Attracting and retaining more people in employment Priority axis 2: Education and training – Investing in human capital through better education and training Priority axis 3: Social inclusion – Promoting an inclusive labour market Priority axis 4: Technical assistance Human Resources Development Multi-annual Operational Programme
Priority 1 Employment - Attracting and retaining more people in employment: Young persons aged 15-27 Long-term unemployed and elder unemployed persons (55 and over) Unemployed persons with disabilities Unemployed women aged 15-64 Unemployed persons from ethnic communities and developing regions ESA with the employment centres Units of local self government Social partners and NGOs Education Centres Labour inspection services Targeting (I)
Priority 2 Education and training – Investing in human capital through better education and training: Centre for Vocational Education and Training Vocational schools Employment Agency Local self-government Economic Chambers of Commerce and Craft Chamber of Commerce Trade Unions and Employers’ Federations Centre for Roma Education Adult educational and training institutions Local firms Targeting (II)
Priority 3 Social inclusion – Promoting an inclusive labour market: Young people lacking working skills (18 – 26) in a particular condition of disadvantage- young people who have left school early, young offenders Self-supporting parents Women victims of family violence Persons with disabilities Drug and alcohol addicts; People living in remote and rural areas Members of ethnic communities Centres for social work NGOs and Social partners Units of local self government Targeting (III)
Priority 4 Technical assistance: The Unit for IPA Coordination and Implementation, MLSP and IPA Unit, MES Labour Department, Social Inclusion Unit and other relevant departments in MLSP CFCU (in relation to the tasks it accomplishes as the operating structure of the OP) ESA with the employment centres Social Work Centers Units of local self government Targeting (IV)
Compliance assessment- finalized on 21 November 2008 Expected date for accreditation- mid of 2009 Accreditation- state of play