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Combining Computers and Health - A Path to Success

Dr. Mercola's journey from a computer course in 1969 to a thriving online business, emphasizing the importance of passion, value, and relationships in achieving long-term success in the health industry.

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Combining Computers and Health - A Path to Success

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  1. Computers & Health First computer course 1969 First online 1977 Went to medical school Never made >$25K until after 30 Took 20 years to understand health Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  2. Web Business Progression Combined computer and health passion 1997 and started website 1997 to 2000 lost $500K First earned money in 2001 Last year business valued at over $100 million Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  3. Mercola.com Stats No investors No ads No influence 150K pages of ORIGINAL content Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  4. Mercola.com Stats 1.5 million subscribers 12 million views per month 5 million emails per week Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  5. Mercola.com Stats 35 customer service reps 30 full time programmers 20 admin 4 executives Looking for some key people though (stay tuned at end) Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  6. Traffic 1.2 million new visitors per month from organic search (NOT paid) 40% of traffic comes from search engines 60% from our newsletter 3 full time SEO staff Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  7. Traffic 100 major keywords in top ten Exercise Coconut oil Fish oil Krill oil Health newsletter Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  8. Infrastructure Gammadyne on 5 email servers E commerce Server CMS Community Server v 3.0 Social Networking Forums Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  9. Fishing Teach you HOW TO FISH Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  10. How to Get the MOSTFrom Events You Attend Coming since Underground I When I am not in Maui go to one event a month You SIMPLY MUST convert your notes to action items in system like Getting Things Done  They will be USELESS to you if you leave them in your notebook. Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  11. Something for Everyone Start with something even novice beginners can use Then progress to information for more advanced Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  12. Passion If you are doing it for the money run away You have to be passionate about it and serve others as a result of that passion Avoid the quick buck temptation Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  13. Passion If you bring value to others you will be successful long term. Have to be absolutely passionate about it or you will simply not be successful long term. If you aren’t jumping out of bed before dawn RECONSIDER Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  14. Passion Don’t go to extreme of Craig’s List and Wikipedia Convinced they are blocked on wealth Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  15. Your List Jay Abraham taught me that but took four years to know what to do with it Give them free report, audios or videos BUT they have to be GREAT Help them out BIG TIME Be a straight shooter, NEVER lie, tell it like it is Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  16. Email Overload 15 email "relationships" (meaning emails that they pay attention to regularly) before they hit email overload This includes emails regarding credit card statements, bank statements, their kids' school updates, and ME Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  17. Email Overload If you want to get on that list of 15, you've got to deliver more value than someone else who is already on that list and replace them to make room for you. Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  18. Your List The value is in the RELATIONSHIP with the list. Do NOT sell anything until you have a good relationship with them!! - - Jeff Walker Underground I Dan Kennedy “Personality in Copy” Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  19. Video Mandatory! Same rules apply YouTube will soon have HD video! Always try to educate them and give them VALUE first and then offer your solution Post to YouTube (10 million views) Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  20. Logitech QuickCam Pro for Notebooks Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  21. Get Clear on Your Purpose You need to have a reason why That is what will get you through the difficult times My purpose is to catalyze transformation in the health care system Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  22. Email Deliverability We have 99% + deliverabilty Five mail servers 350K per server Issue number and date in subject line 11 AM Tuesday and Thursday is best time and 3 PM next best, time zone of those it is going to (ideally) Can refine with segmentation Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  23. Email Deliverability Use an advanced email analysis tool such as Lyris Email Advisor to test for SPAM or display problems among the largest ISP's and email client browsers.  Lyris.com Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  24. Email Deliverability Process your bounced emails. Specify an email address for bouncebacks and process them after each send.  Many ISP's will downgrade your service for attempting to send to addresses that have expired.  Scripts can be written to automate the processing of these 'bad' emails and remove them from your next send. Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  25. Email Deliverability Domain Keys: verify you are a legitimate sender – no cost unlike bonded sender MX Records: Including valid SPF Reverse DNS check: The #1 verification your customers mail servers utilize. Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  26. Email Deliverability Provide an easy and obvious way for customers to unsubscribe.  If they can't unsubscribe, they will mark your email as SPAM.  If enough customers report the email as SPAM, you could potentially be blacklisted from the entire domain. Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  27. Mistakes You need to fail and fail often Nothing wrong with making mistakes as long as your learn Might as well learn from others Cost me tens of millions of dollars Lost $500K first three years 1997-2000 Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  28. John Reese Early on had photo service for eBay for 400,000 people.  Many stopped using it and his outsourced Russian programmer ran report to find this out and then needed some space on the server so he deleted 95% of his customer service records.  John estimates he lost $20 million in sales for what he could have sold them in additional products. What was his mistake? Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  29. Moore’s Law In September 1956 IBM launched the 305 RAMAC, the first computer with a hard disk drive (HDD). Weighed over a ton and stored 5MB of data. Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  30. Western Digital 320 GB Passport 2.5“ USB 2.0 Hard Drive Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  31. Subject Line Mistakes Used eHealthy News You Can Use from beginning to 2007 Then used forum to find most read article and used that Unless it is a sales letter Cost many millions Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  32. Dropped Shopping CartMistakes How would you like instant 15% in sales? Staging order capture and authorize Perry Belcher gained 30% Used to be manual and two full time people now automated and one ¼ time person Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  33. Ad Mistakes Keep ads and content SEPARATE Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  34. Email Newsletter Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  35. Email Newsletter Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  36. Email Sales Mistakes Sales letter 2-3 pages NOT long email Integrated into normal newsletter using subject line for lead article - - eliminated complaints Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  37. Email Sales Mistakes Sales letters were sent twice a month Primary source of revenue Many unsubscribes “selling” Now integrated into regular newsletter with subject line for sales promo Always put video on sales copy Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  38. Customer ServiceMistakes Customer service Tony Zappos Absolute FREE golden nuggets from beta testers to tell you how to improve site Of course weed out nutcakes that you should fire Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  39. Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  40. Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  41. SegmentationMistakes Did not segment email or sales copy 20% people turn off cookies Stopped using cookies and now using tokens Much better for email and market segmentation Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  42. SegmentationMistakes Open email vs. non open Purchase vs. non purchaser By content interest Location so can optimize email deliverabilty Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  43. AnalysisMistakes Have to TEST!!! Google Analytics for non-dynamic and best of all it is FREE Many high end options but we use SiteSpect.com - - 90% less expensive Check out our sales pages as they are highly optimized!! Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  44. Infomercial Mistakes Don’t do infomercials Lost well over one million on this venture UNLESS you have $5 to $25 million to invest.  Last year got excited and did JV with company and I only lost $500K before I realized this. Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  45. Now for the GOOD Stuff This one technique I learned at Underground II helped make me financially independent Hot seat mistake Only works for sites like ours with LOTS of content Who wants to know it? Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  46. One Million New Subscribers 2000 new subscribers EVERY day Light Box Fool.com works well for sites with lots of content Token, not cookie, to avoid displaying to subscribers Live Demo Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  47. Test Headlines Get Free & Unlimited Access to This & Unlimited Access to All Articles Instantly Get this Article & Permanent Access to 50,000 Other Health Articles FREE Right Now Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  48. Test Headlines 65 Get Free & Unlimited Access to This & Unlimited Access to All Articles Instantly 554 Get this Article & Permanent Access to 50,000 Other Health Articles FREE Right Now Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  49. Test Headlines 554 Get this Article & Permanent Access to 50,000 Other Health Articles FREE Right Now Get Free & Unlimited Access to This Article (and Thousands of Others) Right NOW Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

  50. Test Headlines 554 Get this Article & Permanent Access to 50,000 Other Health Articles FREE Right Now 1241 Get Free & Unlimited Access to This Article (and Thousands of Others) Right NOW Dr. Mercola March 26, 2008

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