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Enhancing Evidence-Based Commissioning: The Role of Commissioning Librarians in NHS Milton Keynes

Learn how Commissioning Librarians support evidence-based care and commissioning in NHS Milton Keynes through IMPACTE groups, journal clubs, and practical sessions, aiding health professionals in accessing and applying high-quality evidence.

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Enhancing Evidence-Based Commissioning: The Role of Commissioning Librarians in NHS Milton Keynes

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  1. The role of the Commissioning Librarian Anne Gray BSc, PGDipLib, MCLIP NHS Milton Keynes Presentation at HLG Conference 20 July 2010

  2. The White Paper The NHS will be held to account against clinically credible and evidence-based outcome measures(1.6) The Department is committed to evidence-based policy-making and a culture of evaluation and learning (1.23) NHS will, wherever possible, use clinically credible and evidence-based measures (3.4) (Equity and excellence: liberating the NHS, DOH, 2010)

  3. NHS Milton Keynes Quality Improvement model ► Primary care led - clinical leadership and engagement in strategic planning, pathway review and commissioning ► Evidence-based care and evidence-based commissioning ► Patient centred - public and patient engagement and interaction

  4. NHS Milton Keynes model How are librarians involved? Evidence based care: IMPACTE groups Improving Medical Practice by Assessing CurrentEvidence Evidence based commissioning: Supporting commissioners

  5. IMPACTE model follow through questions raised in routine primary care practice and look at the evidence to answer these use evidence to close the gaps between current ways of working and best practice make the evidence accessible “journal clubs”

  6. IMPACTE - What’s in a name? Journal Clubs Evidence Based Discussion Groups Improving Medical Practice Through CurrenTEvidence  IMPACTE A mouthful Scary!

  7. What are IMPACTE groups? Primary careteam initiative Build consensus to support changes across a whole team / system Questions raised in routine clinical practice Track down the best evidence What does the evidence tell us? So what? Establish a sustainable action plan Audit changes and followup

  8. Understanding the research evidence Centre for Evidence Based Medicine approach PICO - is the article relevant to the team? Was the research well done? (critical appraisal) What can we learn from the results? Are there any actions we could take to improve our practice? Action plan

  9. Light touch statistics Learn to read the results tables Basic understanding of statistics eg p value, NNT, OR, funnel plot Further statistical concepts (hopefully) explained by session lead or librarian NOT an in depth critical appraisal session

  10. IMPACTE group model Relaxed, informal sessions Regular Topics of general interest with possible practical outcome Use “best” evidence eg EBM journal selections, NICE guidelines, Map of Medicine, “experts” Follow up actions and report back Pragmatic

  11. IMPACTE group membership Group organiser Session lead who has prepared a specific paper Health professionals eg GPs, nurses, pharmacists, AHPs, practice manager Librarian Find the evidence / support understanding eg statistics / write up / prompt for actions and follow up **Every group is different**

  12. Quality MK website Records of all discussions and analysis by topic IMPACTE toolkit : including Hints and Tips on setting up an IMPACTE group Where to find high quality evidence Attendance list Summary template Attendance certificate/reflection Evaluation www.qualitymk.nhs.uk/impacte_groups.htm

  13. Where next? New groups across Milton Keynes - for patients & public - in other General Practices - online forum - in other clinical teams Continued funding to develop the model further Dissemination of the model To clinical staff To librarians Paper by Prof Paul Glasziou to be published soon Available to all on the website

  14. Commissioning Librariana personal story Commissioners are not aware of support and resources available Commissioning Librarian involvment - Service design groups - Strategic boards - Team meetings - Talk to people Give people the information they need - Push and Pull Don’t wait till people ask but be aware of email overload

  15. What do commissioners need? Best practice guidelines, service specifications, case studies How to run a clinical service location, processes, workforce, competencies Monitoring performance, outcomes, audit How much does it cost? health economics, cost benefit, prioritisation Tools NICE, DoH, public health

  16. Knowledge Zonewww.qualitymk.nhs.uk/knowledge_zone.htm Structure mirrors internal organisation Dynamic resource, constantly updated Links to existing resources “Where to find …” “Keeping up to date” “Commissioning Librarian” “Local library sources”

  17. www.qualitymk.nhs.uk/knowledge_zone.htm

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