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Introducing M usic to NooJ

Explore the possibility of coding music in NooJ and discover how it can read and analyze musical notes, compare composers, and determine the musical period of compositions. This presentation shows examples of coded music and explains the process. Join us at the International NooJ Conference 2013 for more insights.

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Introducing M usic to NooJ

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introducing Music to NooJ Kristina Kocijan Sara Librenjak Zdravko Dovedan Han University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Department of Information and Communication Sciences {krkocijan, slibrenj,zdovedan}@ffzg.hr International NooJ Conference 2013

  2. Introduction This is what happens when you spend months working in NooJ so it becomes almost the part of you and everything you do is think how to make a NooJ grammar that would describe this and that and everything... And than you spend days singing to your little daughter and question just pops out: hmmm – how about NooJ and music? International NooJ Conference 2013

  3. More questions! • Could NooJ read notes? • How can we make NooJ read notes? • So what if we make NooJ read notes! What do we do with that? • Can we check what notes single composer uses the most? • What octave does s/he prefere? • Could we compare the music by different composers? • Could we discover the musical period the composition is from? • ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

  4. So... Let me procceed with another question Have you ever seen this? b’4 International NooJ Conference 2013

  5. Don’t go away! There are more questions coming up after this slide... And how aboutthis? c’4 d’8 International NooJ Conference 2013

  6. And now something a bit more challenging... g8_"1/8"[ g g g] s16 g16_"1/16"[ g g g] s g32_"1/32"[ s g s g s g] s16 International NooJ Conference 2013

  7. Hmm, does this look familiar? c4-( d e-) c4-- d-- e-- c4-.-( d-. e-.-) c4-. d-. e-. International NooJ Conference 2013

  8. How about this one? <g b d>1 <g bes d> <g bes des> <g b dis> International NooJ Conference 2013

  9. And for the final challenge... bes16 aes8_"notation" aes16 bes aes8 g | { aes16[( bes] } <c aes>4) { aes16[( bes] } <c aes>4) bes16 aes8_"performance" aes16 bes aes8 g aes32 bes c8. aes32 bes c8. aes16 ~ aes8. aes16 ~ aes8. International NooJ Conference 2013

  10. NooJ does NOT “read” notes! We code the notes using: letters numbers symbols International NooJ Conference 2013

  11. Instead of these codes International NooJ Conference 2013

  12. We get these codes: \new Staff = "down" { \clef bass \key f \minor \time 4/4 \repeat volta 2 { \partial 4 r4 R1 r4 <f aes c'>4\staccato <f aes c'>\staccato <f aes c'>\staccato <e g bes c'>4\staccato r4 r2 r4 <e g bes c'>\staccato <e g bes c'>\staccato <e g bes c'>\staccato r4 <f aes c'>\staccato <f aes c'>\staccato <f aes c'>\staccato r <g bes e'>\staccato <g bes e'>\staccato <g bes e'>\staccato r4 <aes c' f'>\staccato r <bes des' g'>\staccato r4 <c' g'>4\staccato r4^\fermata g,4\staccato^\p c\staccato ees!\staccato g\staccato c'\staccato ees'!4.( \times 2/3 { d'16[ c' b] } c'4\staccato) c'4\staccato <c' f'>1 <bes! f'>1 <bes ees'>1 <aes ees'>1 des'2 d' ees'4 r r << { ees'4 f'2 f' ees'4 } \\ { c'4 des'2 d' ees'4 } >> r4 r << { ees4 f2 f2 } \\ { c4 des2 d2 } >>...} >> ... } ... \header { title = "Piano Sonate Opus 2 No 1 (1st Movement)" composer = "Ludwig Van Beethoven“...} \score { \new GrandStaff << \new Staff = "up" { \clef treble \key f \minor \time 4/4 \tempo 4 = 190 \repeat volta 2 { \partial 4 c'4\p\staccato^\markup { \large \bold "Allegro." } f'\staccato aes'\staccato c''\staccato f''\staccato aes''4.( \times 2/3 { g''16[ f'' e''] } f''4\staccato) r4 g'\staccato c''\staccato e''\staccato g''\staccato bes''4.( \times 2/3 { aes''16[ g'' f''] } g''4\staccato) r4 \acciaccatura c''16 aes''4.\sf( \times 2/3 { g''16[ f'' e''] } f''4\staccato) r4 \acciaccatura c''16 bes''4....} International NooJ Conference 2013

  13. A bit of code cleaning • Replaced the notation that presented • additional instructions for the layout design (paper-height, paper-width, line-width, padding, font-size, color etc) • information about the person preparing the notation for the Mutopia site • Information that is printed at the bottom of the page • Lyrics • With descriptive tags like <MARKUP> <INFO> <FOOTER> <LYRICS> ...

  14. Building the dictionary • #use muzicke_note.nof • # N= NOTES • c,N+Octave=0+FLX=TRAJANJENE+LANG=Nederlands • d,N+Octave=0+FLX=TRAJANJENE+LANG=Nederlands • e,N+Octave=0+FLX=TRAJANJENE+LANG=Nederlands • #PA =Pauza • r,PA+Length=U • key,GL+Value=Key+UNAMB • time,GL+Value=Time+UNAMB • # ORN = ornaments above the notes • staccato,ORN+UNAMB • # GN = grace notes –printed much smaller – not counted inside the bar • grace,GN+UNAMB • acciaccatura,GN+UNAMB • # DYN=changes in dynamics • cr,DYN+Value=crescendo+UNAMB • decr,DYN+Value=decrescendo+UNAMB • p,DYN+Value=piano+UNAMB • f,DYN+Value=forte Description of music <N> notes <PA> pause <GL>global information <ORN> ornaments <DYN> dynamics International NooJ Conference 2013

  15. Building the dictionary • #inside the header • header,HEADER+UNAMB • title,HEAD+Value=Title+DRV=HEADER • composer,HEAD+Value=Composer+DRV=HEADER • #NB=note blocks - place where to put the notes • score,NB+Level=0+UNAMB • new GrandStaff,NB+Level=1+UNAMB • new StaffGroup,NB+Level=2+UNAMB • new Staff,NB+Level=3+UNAMB • #PL= page layout • <comment>,PL+comment+UNAMB • <footer>,PL+footer+UNAMB • markup,MARK+UNAMB • large,FONT+Value=markup Description of page /instructions <HEAD> <NB> note blocks <PL> page layout <MARK> <FONT> International NooJ Conference 2013

  16. Forming the nof file • c,N+Octave=0+FLX=TRAJANJENE • TRAJANJENE = <E>/Length=U • + is/Length=U+sharp • + es/Length=U+flat • + isis/Length=U+dblsharp • + eses/Length=U+dblflat; Description of: FLX = DRV = title,HEAD+Value=Title+DRV=HEADER HEADER = <LW>mutopia/HEAD; International NooJ Conference 2013

  17. Building the syntactic grammars Description of: dynamics International NooJ Conference 2013

  18. Building the syntactic grammars Description of: Key Time Tempo Clef Markup override International NooJ Conference 2013

  19. Building the syntactic grammars Description of: Accidental ! – (back to natural) International NooJ Conference 2013

  20. Building the syntactic grammars Description of: Single notes c c’’’ c’2 c’2\staccato International NooJ Conference 2013

  21. Building the syntactic grammars Determining the length: International NooJ Conference 2013

  22. What magic can NooJ do now? International NooJ Conference 2013

  23. Show me all the notes in 1st octave! International NooJ Conference 2013

  24. Show me all the notes in 2nd octave! International NooJ Conference 2013

  25. Show me all the notes in 3rd octave! International NooJ Conference 2013

  26. Show me all the chords! International NooJ Conference 2013

  27. Show me all the beams! International NooJ Conference 2013

  28. Show me all the slurs! International NooJ Conference 2013

  29. Show me the chords with all equal notes! International NooJ Conference 2013

  30. Show me the chords with 1st and last equal notes! International NooJ Conference 2013

  31. In conclusion paragraph sentence word International NooJ Conference 2013

  32. International NooJ Conference 2013

  33. Questions? International NooJ Conference 2013

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