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The Simple Present Tense in Contrast to the Present Progressive (Continuous) Tense

The Simple Present Tense in Contrast to the Present Progressive (Continuous) Tense. by Patricia Galien http://pjgalien.wordpress.com/. The Verb Tenses We Will Cover this Semester. The Simple Present.

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The Simple Present Tense in Contrast to the Present Progressive (Continuous) Tense

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  1. The Simple Present Tense in Contrast to the Present Progressive (Continuous) Tense by Patricia Galien http://pjgalien.wordpress.com/

  2. The Verb Tenses We Will Cover this Semester

  3. The Simple Present 1. Use the simple present tense to write about regular occurrences (habits, customs, and routines). I usually meet my aunt for coffee on Sunday afternoon. Most Americans eat turkey on Thanksgiving. The U.S. government takes the census every ten years. http://beachfrontonly.files.wordpress.com/2007/11/thanksgiving.jpg http://www.exactdata.net/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/CensusBag2-lo1.jpg

  4. The Simple Present 2. Use the present simple tense to write about facts. Chicago has 38 movable bridges. The average American uses 8 to 100 gallons of water every day. http://blogs.ei.columbia.edu/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/water-footprint.jpg http://www.gallagher.com/art_photos/chicago_bridges_opt.jpg

  5. The Simple Present Tense 3. Use the simple present tense to write about place of origin. I come from Jordan. I am from Jordan. I come from Japan. I am from Japan. http://www.spacetoday.org/images/Japan/JapanMap.jpg http://camelsnose.files.wordpress.com/2009/02/jordan-map.jpg

  6. The Simple Present Tense 4. Use the simple present tense with non-action verbs. Saori and Samahknow Polish. Uncle Sam wants you. http://www.heraldica.org/topics/pictures/poland.jpg http://inttechnologies.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/i-want-you-flat.jpg

  7. The Present Progressive Tense 1. Use the present progressive tense to write about actions that are happening right now. Patricia is holding the baby. Julia is studying. http://usm.maine.edu/alcohol/girl-studying-and-writing1.jpg

  8. The Present Progressive Tense 2. Use the present progressive tense to write about a long action in progress. My neighborhood is getting busy. The glaciers are melting. http://www.chicagoapartmentfinders.com/images/neighborhood_pics/River_North_Neighborhood1.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_NjUov1-0KnU/SxLCgcZxYQI/AAAAAAAAKK4/RZO1-ZT60GE/s1600/Glacier+National+Park.jpg

  9. The Present Progressive Tense 3. Use the present progressive tense to write about a temporary action in progress. Iam studying at Moraine Valley Community College. My nephewis living with me. http://profiles.studyusa.com/images/IL025.jpg http://www.lafayettecountyhealth.org/Teenager.jpg

  10. The Present Progressive Tense 4. Use the present progressive tense when you describe something or someone (a descriptive state). Which person is Bill Gates? Ithink Bill Gates is sitting in the front wearing a blue shirt. http://www.intelliadmin.com/images/Microsoft1978Picture.jpg

  11. The Present Progressive Tense 5. Use the present progressive tense when you write about a definite plan for the future. In this case you need a future time expression. I am having lunch with the president on Friday. They are running in the marathon next week. http://www.laurierasmussen.com/blog_files/marathonstart.jpg http://ahssan.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/obama-official-photo1.jpg

  12. Check your understanding. First, fill in the blank. Then, check your grammar and your choice. Finally, give a reason for your answer.

  13. Practice Complete the sentences withthe present simple or present progressive tense and give a reason for your choice. • Can I call you back in a few minutes? • I _____ dinner right now. (have) • am having • have Reason? This is happening right now. Have is an action word in this sentence.

  14. Practice 2. I _____ about my mother every day. (think) • am thinking • think Reason? This is a regular event.

  15. Practice 3. I _____ a Honda Civic. (have) • am having • have Reason? In this sentence have is a nonaction verb. Have is nonaction when it means possession.

  16. Practice 4. It _____ a lot in Seattle. (rain) • is raining • rains Reason? This is a regular event or occurrence (fact).

  17. Practice 5. It is Mother’s Day and I _____ about my mother. (think) • am thinking • think Reason? This is happening right now. Think is an action word in this sentence.

  18. Practice 6. I _____ you are wonderful. (think) • am thinking • think Reason? Think is a nonaction word when it means an opinion.

  19. Practice 7. I _____ lunch with the president on Friday. (have) • am having • have Reason? This is a definite plan for the future.

  20. Practice 8. I _____ a Honda Civic. (have) • am having • have Reason? In this sentence have is a non action word. Have is nonaction when it means possession.

  21. Practice 9. I _____ in a hotel while I look for an apartment. (live) • am living • live Reason? This is a temporary action that is happening right now.

  22. Practice 10. I _____ in Chicago. (live) • am living • live Reason? This is a state or a fact. (It is not temporary.)

  23. Practice 11. You _____ tired right now. Perhaps we should do this later. (seem) • are seeming • seem Reason? Seem is a non action word.

  24. Practice 12. I _____ Kasia is from Poland. (believe) • am believing • believe Reason? Believe is a non action word.

  25. Practice 13. I don’t think Patricia is rich. She _____ an old Honda Civic. (drive) • is driving • drives Reason? This is a fact or regular activity.

  26. Practice 14. You are lying. I _____ you. (believe) • am not believing • don’t believe Reason? Believe is a non action word.

  27. Practice 15. I _____ three children. (have) • am having • have Reason? This is a fact or state. Have is a nonaction verb when it is used for possession.

  28. Practice 16. I _____ a baby in December. (have) • am having • have Reason? This is a definite plan for the future.

  29. Practice 17. Next weekend, Tom _____ camping with his family. (go) • is going • goes Reason? This is a definite plan for the future.

  30. Practice 18. I _____ cooking. (like) • am liking • like Reason? Like is a nonaction verb.

  31. Practice 19. Rosa _____ to go to an Italian restaurant tonight. (prefer) • is preferring • prefers Reason? Prefer is a nonaction word.

  32. Practice 20. Abdul _____ the menu for Saturday. (plan) • is planning • plans Reason? This could be happening right now or it could be a definite plan for the future.

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