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Global Trade Imbalances and China’s Role

Global Trade Imbalances and China’s Role. Raghuram Rajan. Outline. Where did the global imbalances come from? U.S. China What role are current policies playing in perpetuating them? How might the imbalances narrow? Is G-20 or IMF led policy coordination necessary or even feasible?

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Global Trade Imbalances and China’s Role

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  1. Global Trade Imbalances and China’s Role Raghuram Rajan

  2. Outline • Where did the global imbalances come from? • U.S. • China • What role are current policies playing in perpetuating them? • How might the imbalances narrow? • Is G-20 or IMF led policy coordination necessary or even feasible? • What are the risks?

  3. Where did the imbalances come from? • The Spenders: U.S., U.K., Spain, Latvia… • The Producers: China, Germany, Japan… • The Resource Rich: Middle East, Latin America including Brazil, Africa

  4. United States as spender • Consumption boom. • Financed by credit, especially housing credit. • Why? • Structural – growing income inequality • Cyclical – thin safety net • Global savings glut?

  5. Growing income inequality in the United States Source: Golden and Katz 2009

  6. Let them eat credit • As more Americans left behind in perception if not in fact, increasing polarization. • But education difficult to tackle • Redistribution? No political support + huge costs • But people care about consumption. So what if they don’t have income growth. • Consumption growth through credit growth • Better still, home ownership: stake in the future as well as means to borrow • Affordable housing (Clinton), ownership society (Bush) • Instruments: FHA, Fannie, Freddie, CRA

  7. Consumption inequality has not increased commensurately…

  8. Debt has filled the gap… as in the 1920s Source: Kumhof and Ranciere (2010)

  9. Jobless growth in the United States and an inadequate safety net • Past recoveries • 2 quarters typically for growth • 8 months for recovering lost jobs • Thin safety net – 6 months: Created for in and out recoveries => incentive to search and match • 1991: 3 quarters for growth, 23 months for jobs • 2001: 1 quarter for growth, 38 months for jobs • Safety net inadequate for jobless recoveries

  10. Consequences • Substantial government stimulus • But in the shadow of a crisis, opens the way for substantial excess • …and Fed stimulus • Which central banker would be brave enough to raise rates when unemployment is still high? • Bernanke/Greenspan Put • QE II • Jobless recoveries and inadequate safety net makes the U.S. the reliable stimulator of first resort

  11. Summary: U.S. as spender • Structural forces: Consumption and credit to compensate for stagnating incomes • Cyclical: Frenetic policy as a response to a slow job market and a weak safety net. • Easy money: The “savings glut”

  12. Outsourcing spending: The Producers • Exports as a strategy for growth • China, Germany, Japan • Savings and exchange reserves as a response to crisis • Malaysia, Thailand, Korea, Phillipines

  13. Export-led strategies • Post-war Germany and Japan, followed by Korea, Taiwan, ASEAN, and now China: • Government and bank intervention to create a bias towards producers and develop strong firms • Discriminate against households • But • Small domestic market => Emphasize exports • It worked!

  14. Source: JP Morgan

  15. Producer biased growth • China • Low wages • Low deposit rates for households, cheap credit to corporations • Low corporate taxes, low requirement to pay dividends • Low compensation for land acquisition • Low costs for inputs – energy, resources

  16. Chinese consumption is low because household income has fallen as share of national income.

  17. Current policies…U.S. • U.S. stimulating spending once again. • Fiscal measures – First time home buyers credit, Cash for Clunkers, etc. • Easy monetary policy: QEII • Is the cost of capital really holding corporations back from investing? • Asset price channel • Exchange channel • Households have started to borrow and spend again: savings rate stabilized at 5 percent.

  18. Source: New York Times

  19. Silver lining: Manufacturing productivity increased and exports are climbing. Source: The Economist

  20. Current Policies…China • Nominal renminbi appreciation halted for a long time to revive exports • China stimulated investment via massive credit expansion. • Plus tax benefits for consumption

  21. Important changes are taking place • China is moving to expand domestic demand • Increase household incomes • Higher wages • Expand production in interior • Higher interest rates • Higher corporate taxes and more transfers to households • Higher value of renminbi Source: JP Morgan

  22. How might the imbalances narrow? • Slow growth in industrial countries, and high government and household debt will force slower spending. • Large exporters like China will have to adopt policies to expand the domestic market. • Real renminbi appreciation will be one of the channels of adjustment.

  23. Why adjustment is inevitable!

  24. Is there a need for G-20 coordination? • Yes, even as U.S. domestic demand contracts, Chinese demand can expand to keep world growth growing. • No, policy lags are variable and uncertain, so even if we could coordinate policy, no reason to believe global demand would be smoothed. • No, impossible that large countries would agree to tailor domestic policies to a global timetable.

  25. What role is there for G-20 /IMF? • Financial sector regulation, especially cross-border, and macro-prudential measures • To make sure countries don’t adopt harmful policies • Trade protectionism • Barriers to investment • International Currency? SDR?

  26. Risks: Political • Global integration and technological change are creating winners and losers within, and between, countries. • Rising inequality • Fear will result in strange policies • Anti-immigration • Protectionism • Populism • Political upheaval and conflict will have wide effects

  27. Risks for EMs • Emerging market policies have to focus more on domestic and regional demand. • All this has to be managed while keeping government finances under control, investment from becoming excessive, and debt-fuelled consumption from exploding. • Emerging markets typically do not have a track record of macro management except when the industrial world is doing well.

  28. Bottom line • Good news: global imbalances will likely adjust as emerging markets expand demand • Bad news: Policy makers are typically not helping. • Hope: The adjustments takes place anyway.

  29. Thank You

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