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MAHATMA GANDHI NATIONAL RURAL EMPLOYMENT GUARANTEE SCHEME (MGNREGS). PD Conference. 27 - 28 th MAY, 2011. GOVERNMENT OF ORISSA PANCHAYATI RAJ DEPARTMENT. Issues raised in CEFS Report. Misappropriation of 75% of NREGS funds spent. Non registration of eligible beneficiaries.
Issues raised in CEFS Report Misappropriation of 75% of NREGS funds spent. Non registration of eligible beneficiaries. Non issue of job cards to eligible beneficiaries. Job cards with Government Officials /VLL. Mismatch between muster roll and job card. False muster roll. Ghost workers . Ghost man days. Reported wage payment did not reach workers. Less payment. Delay payment. Use of Machine. Use of Contractors. Non maintenance of worksite facilities.
Issues raised in NIRD Report Non issue of Job Cards No updating of Job Cards Job Cards with PEO/GRS/VLL No updating of Registers Non permissible works taken up False muster roll 31% (Ghost workers) 53% (Ghost mandays) 58% of reported payment did not reach workers Use of machine Use of contractors Non maintenance of worksite facilities Non approval of work plan
Muster Roll Discrepancies-1Percentage of Actual No. of beneficiaries V/S reported beneficiaries
Muster Roll Discrepancies-2Percentage of Actual No. of mandays v/s reported mandays
Muster Roll Discrepancies-3Percentage of Actual wages received v/s reported wages paid
Issues raised in CAGReport Non preparation of Perspective plan and Annual Action plan. Non-Transfer of un utilized balance of NFFWP/SGRY to NREGS. Mismatch of Data. Parking of Scheme fund in PL Account. Registration of in eligible persons. Short fall in employment generation. Execution of work through middle man. Un authorized use of labour displacing machine. Un fruitful expenditure on incomplete work.
Issues raised in CAGReport Expenditure on in admissible items. Absence of Worksite facilities. Delayed/Less payment of wages. Tampering/Manipulation of Muster rolls. Fraudulent muster rolls. Denial of un employment allowance. Lack of Transparency and Grievance Redressal. Deficiencies in Social Audit, Inspection, Monitoring and Evaluation.
Implementation of Operational Guidelines As per the direction of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, the provisions of operational guidelines, 2008 of MGNREGA should be followed and implemented strictly. The following provisions of operational guidelines, 2008 should be followed and implemented strictly. Muster Rolls Job Cards Application for registration Application for work Allotment of work Payment of wages Transfer of wages to the accounts of beneficiaries
Construction of Check Dam Work shop of Assistant Engineer/JE/GPTA of Blocks at District level should be completed. All feasible projects should be identified Joint visit of MI and Block Staff should be completed for finalisation of the projects. Field exposure of all JE/GPTAs of Block in completed/ongoing projects of MI should be done. Two projects per JE/GPTAs should be completed by 30th June, 2011. Ten projects per JE/GPTAs
Prevention of Migration The following steps should be taken to prevent migration in migration prone Districts: Identification of migration prone areas Availability of sufficient works for those areas Awareness campaign Mobilization Timely payment of wages Follow-up action.
Grievance Redressal All the complaints/ Grievances received at the Block and District level should be disposed immediately. All the complaints/petitions received from Central Government and State Government should be disposed immediately and compliance/action taken report should be submitted to the Department. Grievance Redressal rules should be followed strictly. Grievance Redressal Committee at the District level under the Chairmanship of Collector should sit in every month regularly. Compliance to SLM Report/NLM Report/ Eminent Citizen Report should be submitted to the Department immediately. Complaint register should be maintained at GP/Block/District level. Complaint Box should be installed at GP/Block/District level.
% OF HH PROVIDED EMPLOYMENT AGAINST REGISTERED =(House Hold provided employment during the year / House Hold Registered since inception X100 )
% OF WOMEN PARTICIPATION = (Persondays generated by women / Total Persondays generated X 100) 16
% OF ST&SC PARTICIPATION = (Persondays generated by ST & SCs / Total Persondays generated X 100) 17
AVERAGE DAYS PROVIDED EMPLOYMENT PER HOUSEHOLD = (Total persondays generated / No. of House Hold Provided Employment)
Cost per Manday under MGNREGS(Orissa) :2010-11 Cost per Manday (in Rs.) (Total Expenditure / Total Persondays Generated)
Wage per Manday under MGNREGS(Orissa) :2010-11 Wage per Manday (in Rs.) (Total Expenditure on unskilled wage / Total Persondays Generated)(Should be equal to minimum wage, Rs 90/- per day)
STATUS OF MO POKHARI (% of work order issued)
Comparision of Labour Budget Target to on line Achievement , 2010-2011 (In %)
% of Persondays Generated against approved Labour Budget (2010- 2011)
% of Expenditure against approved Labour Budget (2010-2011)