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Adult Skills from the BBC

Adult Skills from the BBC. What we have and where we are going. Lisa Percy, Learning Executive, BBC Learning Mark Elkins, Editor, Adult Skills. The Adult Skills Portfolio. BBC raw Skillswise WebWise.

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Adult Skills from the BBC

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  1. Adult Skills from the BBC What we have and where we are going Lisa Percy, Learning Executive, BBC Learning Mark Elkins, Editor, Adult Skills

  2. The Adult Skills Portfolio • BBC raw • Skillswise • WebWise

  3. BBC raw is an ambitious adult basic skills learning website for words, numbers, money and ICT • The centre-piece is the video-rich website using entertainment and interactive activities to attract adults to learning. • raw provides interactive online resources that don’t require tutor mediation • The purpose is to inspire confidence and encourage people to take the next steps towards tackling their skills needs.

  4. BBC raw homepage

  5. Audience • Skills in the UK: • Around a sixth (5.2 million) of working-age adults have poor literacy skills (Entry Level 3 or below ).* • Nearly half (15 million) of working-age adults have poor numeracy skills (Entry Level 3 or below). * • Around 3 million people are constantly struggling to keep up with their financial commitments. • 70% of people have made no personal provision to cover an unexpected drop in income. • * 2003 SfL survey

  6. BBC raw money Resources based around ten key life stages that equip people with the knowledge and skills to make financial decisions before they reach a crisis situation.

  7. BBC raw computers Immersive experience to take you through the basics of using your computer, from how to use a mouse to shopping online.

  8. BBC raw words Narrative (entertaining!) video to inspire people with their writing. Activities to offer more practical support.

  9. Deakus finds out how to plan his writing http://www.bbc.co.uk/raw/words/story_writing/planning_stories.shtml

  10. BBC raw numbers Numbers uses a combination of videos, graphic novels and interactive tools to help people improve on their numeracy skills

  11. Formula 1 maths http://www.bbc.co.uk/raw/numbers/formula_one_manager.shtml

  12. What next for BBC raw? • MORE content • Literacy & numeracy • Point of need approach • Work; family; leisure • Pan-BBC • Food; Sport; Entertainment • Digital Participation • Accessing the online world – Partner with WebWise

  13. Skillswise • Currently covers most of L1 and about half of E3 literacy and numeracy curricula • We would like to complete coverage of E3 & create resources for L2 • Should we? • How could Skillswise support Functional Skills?

  14. Tell us what you think! Email the editor: mark.elkins@bbc.co.uk bbc.co.uk/raw bbc.co.uk/skillswise

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