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Student Achievement at Britton Middle School An Annual Report to our School Community. Britton has “A” programs!. Record number of students participating in school related activities A thletics—Britton offers a full range of teams and every sport qualified a team for post season playoffs!
Student Achievement at Britton Middle School An Annual Report to our School Community
Britton has “A” programs! • Record number of students participating in school related activities • Athletics—Britton offers a full range of teams and every sport qualified a team for post season playoffs! • Arts—Britton is fielding a band with record numbers featuring a color guard, drum line and parade marching; we’re producing school plays, and art work for art shows. • Activities—Britton is hosting clubs ranging from Britton TV, mathletes, to field hockey. We have almost 100 student in student leadership and we’re leading the way with positive campus climate and anti bullying programs. All that and we dance too! • Acceleration—Britton is offering after school science enrichment through the MESA program with SJSU and math extension, math club & math competition opportunities. • Assistance—Britton has extended day help through Homework Center, Khan Academy Math Lab (before and after school), & the EL Academy. Britton also offers Math tutorial and Read 180 classes All of that adds up to student Academic Achievement
State Student Achievement Measures • The Academic Performance Index (API) • What is it? • What does it show? • What doesn’t it show? First some background, then we’ll take a look!
The API is: • A single number that represents all students in the school despite wide differences in student audiences. • A measurement based on a single test in select core subjects. • A calculation based on test results where students are assigned one of only 5 possible values: 200, 500, 700, 875, or 1000…(a single answer moves a student from 700 to 875) • A weighted average where English scores count 48%, Math 32% and History and Science 10% each. • A reasonable measure of how a school is doing over time compared to itself. • An API is not • A reliable single number measure to compare one entire school to another as the make up of each school is different. The API report includes subgroup performance data which provides for more reliable comparisons. (See Handout #1, Sample API reports)
So What are Britton’s API Trends? • Double Digit growth for 2 years in a row! (one of only a few County wide) • Every subgroup growth target met! • Growth on every test given (English, Math, History and Science). 802 State High Performing School Goal: 800 778 762
Subgroup Performance Growth • Britton Demographic Subgroups Improved • Asian Students from 898 to 936 • Hispanic/Latino students from 692 to 728 • White students from 872 to 893 • Socio Economic Disadvantage students from 683 to 715 • English Learners from 690 to 711 • Special Education 584 to 578 dropped only 6 points despite adding a moderate to severe program which had an API of 398. • Some additional API highlights: • Our current 8th grade class: 826 • Our current 152 8th grade honor roll students (top 46 % of the class by grade point average: 935 • Latino Students fluent in English: 831
Britton’s Latino Students 728 S.E.D students 715 Britton’s White Students 893 EL students 711 Britton’s White Students 893 Latino students 728 Palo Alto High School Latino Students 719 S.E.D students 703 Los Gatos High School White students 882 EL Students 702 CA State Average White students 867 Latino Students 751 Subgroups Comparisons are more Valid…so where do we stand? • Go Bobcats !!! (See Handout #2---API and Subgroup comparisons)
So Why is our Latino Subgroup Score Low? Latino Students audiences vary a lot based on the number of Latino students who are also English Learners. Britton has a high number of Latino-EL students which lowers the average group score. But Britton EL’s scored 711 compared to the State Average of 706. Britton’s English Fluent Latino Students scored 831 and would qualify as a State Distinguished School all by themselves!
EL Audience also Varies • English Learners range from Beginning (1) to Nearly Fluent (5) as measured on the CELDT exam…MHUSD’s EL audience is heavily skewed towards the beginning end of the range: Percent of students at each CELDT level for District, County and State from California Department of Education most recent CELDT scores:
Subject Area Growth • 7th grade English grew 2 points to 836 • 8th grade English grew 47 points to 825 • 7th grade Math grew 10 points to 828 • 8th grade Math grew 14 points to 697** • 8th grade History grew 85 points to 846 • 8th grade Science grew 36 points to 882 *Math course offerings and enrollment practices are widely different among California Schools. (See handout #3)
What about Math? • There is a big effect on math scores based on which course/test the students are taking at which grade level. Many of our students have been taking tests that are one to two years ahead of the rest of the State: • Algebra 1 participation rates in 8th grade: • Britton 85% • County 64% • State 57% • Gilroy 66% • Algebra 1 in 7th grade • Britton 10% • State 8% • Gilroy 0%
How do Math Scores impact overall API? • Using the California Department of Education’s API Calculator, The non-math (all other subjects) API for Britton is 838 compared to our actual of 802 • The issue of invalid API comparisons based on math scores will be partly addressed by the Statewide adoption of common core standards. • Here’s a closer look:
How do math enrollment practices impact the overall API?Here’s a look at the 10 closest area middle schools • API based on all subjects by Rank • Bernal Middle School 862 • Solorsano Middle School 840 • Herman Middle School 830 • Brownell Middle School 820 • Rancho Middle School 803 • Britton Middle School 802 • South Valley Middle School 787 • Murphy Middle School 786 • Maze Middle School 770 • Davis Middle School 763 • API without math by Rank * • Bernal Middle School 869 • Solorsano Middle School 867 • Murphy Middle School 845 • Britton Middle School 838 • Herman Middle School 837 • Brownell Middle School 832 • Rancho Middle School 830 • Davis Middle School 800 • Maze Middle School 799 • South Valley Middle School 799 (See Handout #4) *Calculation from 2013 STAR results based on general education results and performed in CDE’s API calculator.
Traditional Sequence Pre Algebra Algebra 1 Geometry Algebra 2 Trig-Pre Calculus AP Calculus or Stats AP Calculus or Stats Common Core Sequence Math 7 Math 8 (acceleration assessment) Math 1 Math 2 Math 3 (acceleration assessment) Trig-Pre Calculus AP Calculus or Statistics AP Calculus or Statistics Common Core Math Sequence The course where accelerated students may move ahead has switched from between grades 6-7 to between grades 8-9. Math 1 topics are being used for enrichment during math 7-8 to ensure that students have a solid foundation to support acceleration Students will have another chance to accelerate at Math 3.
Our School Plan is Working!! • Connecting Students with School through activities and relationship building: • Sports, Activities, Clubs, Band, Drama Productions, Educational Travel, Rachel’s Challenge, Capturing Kid’s Hearts. • Providing Targeted assistance for struggling students: • Khan Academy, EL Academy, Read 180, Math Tutorial • Providing enrichment opportunities for accelerated students: • Science MESA program, Math Club, Common Core Math Differentiation. • Refining instruction through data driven decision making: • Weekly collaboration, Common Benchmark Assessments. • Working with our parents and community to create innovative opportunities and support students: • Project Cornerstone, Chamber of Commerce Mentors, Active Parent Groups.
So Let’s Share Some Ideas! • On one side of your handout, list something that you really like about Britton and really want to make sure it continues. • On the other side of your handout, list something that you wish your school would do or do differently. (See Handout #5)
Meet and Greet…and Share! • Now let’s stand up and meet someone new and tell them your ideas. • They will next tell you their ideas. • Now exchange cards and find another partner…someone you don’t always talk too! • Now you will share the exchanged ideas. • Exchange again and repeat this 5 times!!!
Congratulations! Not only do you have a better idea of how Britton is doing, but…. • You have met 5 new people and have learned 5 new ideas! • Which idea did you like the most? • Let’s share with the group!
Thank you !!!Go Bobcats !!! Please Join us for Dessert!