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Key Area 1.5: Genetic Engineering Researching current GM foods/ applications and issues

Explore current GM foods, applications, and issues in genetic engineering, including uses in medicine and agriculture. Learn about societal impacts and controversies surrounding GM organisms.

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Key Area 1.5: Genetic Engineering Researching current GM foods/ applications and issues

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  1. Unit 1: Cell Biology Key Area 1.5: Genetic EngineeringResearching current GM foods/ applications and issues National 5 Biology Mrs Smith - National 5 Biology

  2. Lesson starter 1: Can you put these in the correct sequence 3 1 7 2 6 5 4

  3. Lesson starter 2: Draw a flow chart showing the stages of genetic engineering!

  4. Learning Intentions • In today’s lesson you will be learning aboutcurrent GM foods/ other applications for GM and issues associated with them. • By the end of this lesson you should aim to: • List uses of genetic engineering and how they are used by society • Look at the advantages and disadvantages for each (and make an opinion) GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP

  5. TED TALKS : Programming bacteria to detect cancer (and maybe treat it) 4mins 11 secshttps://www.ted.com/talks/tal_danino_we_can_use_bacteria_to_detect_cancer_and_maybe_treat_it?language=en

  6. Genetic engineering in Multicellular organisms • The production of GM organisms is not restricted to microorganisms such as bacteria and yeast. • We can now insert a plasmid containing a required gene into the cells of multicellular organism. This makes a multicellular GM organism. e.g. • Plants with improved nutritional value (rice) • Plants that are resistant to pests (blight resistant potatoes) • Fruit with longer shelf life (tomatoes) • We will investigate these and other applications of GM organisms in more detail

  7. The debate over whether genetic engineering is safe is ongoing. People should be sure that they know all the facts before making a judgement about this or any other issue in science.

  8. Complete the Genetic Modification circus noting advantages and disadvantages for each application. 20 minutes

  9. Genetic MODIFICATION Products of medical value

  10. Brian Cox the genetic modification debate! 6 mins 17secshttp://www.bbc.co.uk/education/clips/z9cw7ty This describes the benefits of genetic modification of plants. It describes the history of the discovery of DNA in Cambridge by Crick and Watson. He discusses the work of Rosalind Franklin, explains the significance of Photograph 51 and outlines how this allowed her to suggest the double helix structure, leading to Crick and Watson being able to build their famous model. He describes the significance of genetic sequencing and how this has ultimately led to the controversy around genetic modification.

  11. Hormones: Insulin to treat diabetics (2mins 28secs)http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/clips/zt4c87h Insulin is needed by the body to allow glucose to be taken up into the cells for use as fuel. Diabetes is a condition in which the pancreas does not produce enough insulin. Until 1982, insulin from oxen and pigs was used to treat the condition. Today genetically modified yeast is used to produce insulin that is identical to human insulin.

  12. Insulin jet system For example: Living with diabetes – We can all agree this is not good. Your body has too much glucose (sugar) in its blood, a potentially fatal condition. Insulin moves it out of the blood, into the cells where it is broken down to produce energy. Control involves regular checks of blood sugar before and after meals. Insulin injections (2 - 4x day). In older people it involves diet changes, weight loss, exercise and often insulin tablets or injections.

  13. Slaughtered cattle, sheep & pigs Genetically engineered bacteria Sources of insulin • Ethical objections • Some people allergic • More risk of side effects OR Identical to human insulin no side-effects Pure no allergies Produce large quantities meets  demand Quick & relatively cheap animals slow, expensive

  14. Just a thought for arguments sake! Diabetes in the ageing population • 1971- 55.9 million • Over 65- 7.4m • Under 16- 14.2m + 8% • 2006- 60.6 million • Over 65- 9.7m • Under 16- 11.5m The Issues: + 31% Older population = More diabetics If you treat them they live longer – can society afford this!! (HARSH?) Some sufferers are allergic to animal sources of insulin. - 19% • Over 85’s + 6% One problem: Diabetes develops in older people when their pancreatic cells stop making insulin

  15. Hormones: Human Growth Hormone Human growth hormone is made by the pituitary gland in the brain and is essential for normal growth and development. .

  16. Too little growth hormone! Too much growth hormone! Before being banned in 1989, HGH was used by some sports-people to increase muscle size • Human growth hormone can be made via genetic engineering and can be given to children who are not growing properly

  17. Factor VIII to treat Haemophilia GM blood clotting factor

  18. Vaccines e.g. Hepatitis B is a disease of the liver caused by a virus. A gene from the virus has been inserted into yeast cells to make a viral protein. This viral protein is then injected into people to stimulate their immune system into making antibodies against the virus.

  19. Banana Vaccine Bananas, carrots, potatoes and lettuce have all been genetically engineering to deliver vaccines for diseases. The banana has been the most successful in testing. The virus’ genes are transferred to the banana cells and become a permanent part of that banana’s genetic code. Is there a risk of people taking the vaccine without realising they are doing so? When the gene has been inserted into the banana, it’s cells produces virus proteins (not the infectious part). When you eat the banana you ingest these proteins and the body produces antibodies against them – this is exactly how injected vaccines work!

  20. Genetically MODIFICATION Of plants for the food industry

  21. Genetically modified plants:Productivity of Rice (6 mins 17 secs) http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/clips/z2yfb9q As global demand for food increases, plant geneticists are working to increase the productivity of rice by investigating gene switches which control development of vascular tissue. The work is at an early stage, and involves difficult extraction of the meristems from the young plants in order to look at the gene expression in the developing tissues. The work is important because populations are increasing, fertilisers are increasingly expensive and rainfall is increasingly unpredictable.

  22. Golden Rice Genetically engineered rice which contains a gene from carrots (or other vegetable) which causes the rice to contain the building blocks for vitamin A production in the body. Vitamin A deficiency causes blindness and death. 125 million children suffer from vitamin A deficiency. Most of these children live in developing countries where rice is the staple food. Too much vitamin A causes other health problems. Some people think that GM crops like this one promote the use of GM foods to people that are not in the position to say no.

  23. Genetically modified plants: Blight kept at bay in GM potatoes trial(1min 48secs)http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-19194379 Researchers have been showing off results in the testing of genetically modified blight-resistant potatoes. The wet weather has provided ideal conditions for the team at the Sainsbury Laboratory at Colney in Norfolk, which carried out the GM trial for two years (Aug 2012).

  24. Superspuds The ‘Protato’ contains 60% more protein per gram than a ‘normal’ potato, it also has a larger yield. A gene was used from the grain Amaranth which codes for storage protein. Could the Protato face the same opposition as Amflora? Amflora Potato created for the starch industry. Used antibiotic resistance marker gene. Fear that the genes could escape into the environment. It was proposed that the waste potato was fed to livestock. This caused outrage from some European countries, why? In tests with rats and rabbits there have been no side effects and no allergic affects.

  25. FlavrSavr Tomato Normally, tomatoes are picked while green and transported many miles before being sprayed with ethylene to ripen them. This prevents damage and perishing on the journey. The Flavr Savr tomato is a genetically engineered tomato which has a gene inserted to extend shelf-life by slowing down the rotting process. Is it better to spray tomatoes with ethylene than genetically engineer them? The Flavr Savr tomato was the first GM fruit to be sold in the World.

  26. Genetically Modified PlantsTomatoes with longer shelf life The 2 tomatoes on the left have been genetically altered to resist mould Tomatoes which keep fresh longer and do not spoil quickly.

  27. Genetically Modified PlantsLess toxic rape seed Rape seed oil is toxic to humans and many insects. It has been genetically modified to remove the toxic genes and produce a vegetable oil.

  28. Genetically Modified PlantsDisease resistant crops Corn grown with a gene which makes it insect resistant

  29. Fishy Strawberries 3. • The flouder is a fish that lives in icy seas. It has a gene that stops it from freezing to death. • Strawberries are soft fruits that can easily be damaged by frost. 1. The flouder’s antifreeze gene is copied and inserted into the plasmid of a bacterium 4. 2.

  30. Venomous cabbage Cabbage which has been genetically engineered to include the gene for Scorpion venom. This reduces the use of chemical pesticides sprayed on crops. The venom is poisonous to caterpillars – it acts as a pesticide. The toxin has been altered - it does not kill human cells What if the toxin mutates and alters again? What affect will the toxin have on the biodiversity of the area?

  31. Genetic MODIFICATION Of Animals

  32. Genetically modified animalsENVIROPIG... Pigs producing less pollution The EnviropigTM - pigs with improved metabolism– this leads to lower levels of phosphate in pig waste and reduced water pollution!

  33. Genetically modified animalsModified cows... Chinese scientists generated dairy cows genetically engineered with genes for human beings to produce milk that would be the same as human breast milk.

  34. GloFish Originally created in an attempt to show levels of pollutions in rivers. Native to India and Bangladesh. None have survived in American rivers. Zebra fish with a gene inserted from jellyfish or coral to make them fluoresce. The first genetically engineered organism to be sold as a pet. They can reproduce, but it is illegal to do so! How does this fish benefit us? Other fluorescent organisms

  35. Spider-Goat Spider silk is stronger than steel, lightweight, and very elastic. It holds it’s strength between -40°C and 220°C. Spider silk could be used to manufacture; • replacement ligaments • wound covering (it has antiseptic properties and vitamin K which helps with blood clotting!) • optical communications • bullet proof clothing • waterproof clothing!! Goats which produce spider silk in their milk! The gene transferred from a spider causes the goats to produce an extra protein in their milk which can be extracted and spun into spider silk thread. About 75% of spider goats are euthanised as there are strict controls meaning that they cannot leave the facility where they are created. Why create a life to destroy it? Spiders cannot be farmed as they are cannibalistic – they eat each other!

  36. AquAdvantage Salmon This fish has not been consumed by humans yet – is it safe? What affect could the AquAdvantage salmon have on wild salmon if it escaped? Could this gene be transferred to humans if we eat it? What could happen if this occurred? AquAdvantage salmon Normal salmon A gene which controls the growth hormone from one breed of salmon is inserted into the DNA of another. This causes it to grow much quicker than ‘normal’ salmon.

  37. FYI: In your own timeUseful web site/ • http://www.sciberbrain.org/Home/Geneticengineering.aspx • Look at examples of GE in the headlines


  39. Homework Collect internet research on genetic engineering and use the information to construct the table below. You will use the information you have gathered to write an assessed report next lesson. There are two very useful video links below. • Video link • Video link 2

  40. TYK qu’s 1-3 Torrance pg 47

  41. TYK qu’s 1-3 How did you do?

  42. Lesson Recap • Check off your Learning Outcomes for today’s lesson: • Give examples of uses of genetic engineering. • Know the arguments for and against genetic modification.

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