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Explore the importance of efficient packaging in reducing post-harvest losses of mangoes and ensuring fresh delivery to consumers. Learn about various packaging materials and techniques, including cushioning methods and current trends.

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  2. Introduction Packaging of Mango • India is the second largest producer of fruits and vegetables • It will have significance only when fruits and vegetables reach the consumer in fresh and palatable condition at a reasonable price • Due to heavy post harvest losses, a considerable gap between production and availability of fruits and vegetables to consumers • Post-harvest losses are occurring in the period between harvesting and consumption • An urgent need to adopt proper post harvest management practices by adopting improved packaging, handling and efficient transportation methods

  3. Packaging of Mango Introduction cont….. • Packaging is required to keep fruits, vegetables and root crops in good condition until it is soled and consumed • Packaging serves as an efficient handling unit to carry produce from field to consumer • The package should also protect the produce against rotting • Packages must protect against possible damage

  4. Packaging of Mango Definition of Food Packaging Food packaging is defined as a mean or system by which a fresh produce or processed product will reach from the production centre to the ultimate consumer in safe and sound condition at an affordable price

  5. Packaging of Mango Functions of Packaging Material • Two main functions of packaging are: • To assemble the produce into convenient units for handling. • To protect the produce during distribution, storage and marketing.

  6. Packaging of Mango Packaging materials used to serve the following purposes • Serves as an efficient handling unit • Protects from mechanical damage • Protects against moisture loss • Provides clean and sanitary storage • To prevent pilferage • Provides sales and service motivation • Reduces cost of transport and marketing

  7. Packaging of Mango Packaging Materials for Fresh Produce 1. Basket made of woven strips of leaves, bamboo, plastic etc. 2. Sacks: flexible, made of plastic or jute. i) Bags: small size sack ii) Nets: sacks made of open mesh 3. Wooden crates 4. Fibreboard boxes i) Solid fibreboard boxes ii) Corrugated fibreboard boxes 5. Plastic crates 6. Biodegradable plastics 7. New innovations in packaging of fruits, vegetables and root crops 8. Pallet boxes and shipping containers

  8. Packaging of Mango Packaging Materials for Process Products Packaging for processed products is of several types: 1. Glass containers 2. Metal cans 3. Aluminium foil 4. Plastic materials 5. Collapsible containers 6. Composite containers

  9. Packaging of Mango Cushioning Materials and Wrap • Cushioning material used for packaging fruits and vegetables are dry grass, paddy straw, leaves, saw dust, paper shreds etc • It should dissipate the heat of respiration of the produce • It should be free from infection and should be physiologically inactive • Moulded pulp tray, honeycomb portion, cell pack are used replacing the cushioning material • Cassia leaves are most effective in reducing physiological loss in weight (PLW), spoilage, retaining fruit colour and chemicalquality

  10. Packaging of Mango Cushioning Materials and Wrap • One of the newest trends in produce packaging is the shrink-wrapping of individual produce items • Shrink-wrapping with an engineered plastic wrap can reduce • shrinkage, • protect the produce from disease, • reduce mechanical damage and • provide a good surface for stick-on labels

  11. Packaging of Mango Packing • Containers should not be filled either too loosely or too tightly for best results • Loose products may vibrate against each other and cause bruising • While over-packing results in compression bruising • Proper filling along with cushioning can minimize rubbing damage

  12. Packaging of Mango Packaging of Mango • Baskets made of bamboo with paddy as cushioning materials are used as packaging for mangoes in India • It is due to its low cost, but they result in high spoilages of fruits • Now a day, corrugated fibre boxes are used for packaging mango • Cushioning materials like paddy straw, wood wool, vinylite and pliofilms wrappers, paper cuttings, newsprint, tissue paper and polyethylene films etc are used • Sometimes honey comb fibre boxes are also commonly used in local market • Plastic crates are also used for local market

  13. Packaging of Mango Special Care in Packaging • All freshly harvested produce are living entities • They respire till their senescence • The packaging must be provided with enough vents • The produce can respire appropriately and remains fresh and alive • Mangoes are packaged in a single layer in fruit crates and cartons • Due to their great sensitivity to pressure, the fruit are sometimes wrapped in paper or padded with wood • Recommended ventilation conditions: circulating air, 60 - 80 circulations/hour with continuous supply of fresh air, to prevent excessive concentrations of CO2, ethylene and other gases

  14. Packaging of Mango Packaging & Labeling/Marking for export • Each graded mango is placed into soft, white expandable polystyrene, netted sleeves to prevent bruising before placing it in compressed fiberboard cartons • The sleeved mangoes are packed in a single layer in compressed fiberboard cartons of interlocking type preferably having a water-proof coating to prevent damage due to high humidity during cold storage • All the holes or vents are covered with insect- proof screen of a minimum of 30 meshes per linear inch

  15. Packaging of Mango Packaging & Labeling/Marking for export ... • Only packing material of food grade is used for packing mangoes at the pack house • Standard size of packages are used for packing mangoes for export viz., 370 X 275 X 90 mm • All the sides of each package are then sealed with adhesive tape to prevent entry of target or non-target quarantine pests • All the packages are affixed with labels as per requirement

  16. Packaging of Mango Transport Fruit Packaging Corrugated Box

  17. Packaging of Mango Mango Transport in Carton Fiberboard Box Developed at CISH, Lucknow with Proper Vents at top, Sides and Bottom for Mango Packaging

  18. Packaging of Mango Double Fruit Foam Net (Packing Mango) Source: http://www.made-in-hina.com/showroom/flypacking/product-detailmqEQCtrjupkf/China-Double-Fruit-Foam-

  19. Packaging of Mango Let Us Sum Up • Food packaging is a system by which the fresh produce or processed one will reach from the production centre to the ultimate consumer in safe and sound condition at an affordable cost • It serves two basic objectives, i.e., marketing and logistics • Adopting improved packaging, handling and transportation methods during distribution and marketing can successfully avert huge post harvest losses • The product requirements, the marketing system and the personnel preference will determine the type of packaging to use

  20. Packaging of Mango Thank You

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