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School Counselors Follow us @ SouthMSguidance

School counselors at South Middle assist with schedule issues, conflicts, and resources, teach clubs, and lead lessons. Today's lesson focuses on bullying prevention and harassment awareness. Learn the signs and how to handle bullying situations effectively.

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School Counselors Follow us @ SouthMSguidance

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  1. School CounselorsFollow us @ SouthMSguidance Mr. Mark Conover Students with last names L-Z Dr. Barbara James Students with last names A-K

  2. AND our intern…Ms. Kristen Becker

  3. What do School Counselors do at South? • Help with schedule issues • Listen when you need someone to talk to • Help you solve conflicts with others • Help you get resources you might need • Talk to your parents if they are worried/concerned • Teach lessons, sponsor clubs, lead small groups

  4. Today’s Lesson • Bullying Prevention • What is bullying? • What do you do if you are bullied? • What do you do if you are the bystander? • Sexual Harassment

  5. Bullying and Harassment Be a hero, take a STAND Speak out against bullying Tell an adult when you see someone being bullied Always set a good example Notice when others are left out Don't let your friends bully others 2015-16

  6. Is it bullying? • A student is walking past you in the hallway and calls you a nasty name. Is it bullying?

  7. Is it bullying? • A student is walking past you in the hallway and calls you a nasty name. Is it bullying? • NO. Bullying must be ongoing and persistent. A one time instance of name-calling or physical aggression may… • Be rude • Be wrong • Get the person in trouble • But it must be ongoing and persistent to be called bullying.

  8. Is it bullying? • A student keeps bumping into you in the locker area. Is it bullying?

  9. Is it bullying? • A student keeps bumping into you in the locker area. Is it bullying? • Only if it is intentional. Accidents or clumsiness do not count as bullying.

  10. Is it bullying? • Cliff calls another student a name every time they pass in the hallway. Then he laughs about it. The principal calls Cliff into the office and the student says, “I was only joking around.”

  11. Is it bullying? • Cliff calls another student a name every time they pass in the hallway. Then he laughs about it. The principal calls Cliff into the office and the student says, “I was only joking around.” • It does not matter if he says he is “joking around.” It only matters if the intended victim was joking around.

  12. Bullying has an imbalance of power • Ways for there to be an imbalance of power: • Size, strength • Number (ex: 3 vs. 1) • Lots of other ways, what do you think?

  13. What is Bullying? • Physical or verbal mistreatment that is: • Ongoing and persistent • Intentional • Has an imbalance of power.

  14. Types of bullying… • Physical • Attacks on Property • Verbal • Relational Aggression • Cyberbullying • Bullying motivated by race, body, gender, social class, religious beliefs, sexual or gender identity and other relevant characteristics.

  15. Have you been bullied at school this year? April 2015 April 2014

  16. Harassment • Sexual Harassment • Harassment against any individual on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, or physical characteristics is prohibited by the district policy, federal, and state law • Verbal-Spreading rumors, name calling (such as gay, lesbian). • Written-Notes, Graffiti • Text messaging, e-mails, Facebook, websites • Physical-Touching someone’s body without their consent • Harassment can occur one time or many times

  17. Remember • Each person gets to determine what is offensive to them. • Every student has the right to feel comfortable at school.

  18. South’s Bullying Rules 1. We will not bully others 2. We will try to help students who are bullied when it is safe to do so. 3. We will include students who are left out. 4. We will tell an adult at school and an adult at home when we see someone being bullied.


  20. What To Do If You Are Bullied/Harassed • Be Assertive: Tell the person you don’t like it and to stop • Report it— • If it doesn’t stop tell a parent, friend, teacher, counselor, principal, trusted adult • Remember you have the right to file a complaint-it is against the law • Don’t blame yourself

  21. How to Report at South You have options! You can either: • Tell an adult and ask them to report for you. • Send us an email • Call the hotline number 785-330-4321 • Write down the incident you witnessed/experienced with names and anonymously submit to drop box (Library or Nurse’s Office).

  22. Let’s See What You Have Learned… Let’s Play a Game to test your Knowledge

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