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You may know about a treatment for sleep apnea called Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. This method uses a device that forces air through the nasal passages during sleep, but reports show that sixty percent of sleep apnea sufferers stop using this treatment after one year, usually because they find it uncomfortable. This would put a person back in the dangerous condition they had been in before — lack of oxygen coupled with a lack of essential REM sleep.<br>Read more: http://marconidentalgroup.com/procedures/sleep-apnea/
Sleep Apnea Symptoms , Cause & Treatments
Sleep Apnea Does the clock say you are getting enough sleep but your body says something else? Are you getting to bed at an early hour, but wake up feeling like you hardly slept? Have you been told you have a serious snoring problem, but you can’t believe it, because how could you be snoring when it feels like you didn’t even sleep?
Those questions reveal the answer to your problem — you may have sleep apnea! Sleep apnea is not just an annoyance that you handle during the day with a triple shot latte and at night with sleeping pills. Sleep apnea is not something to be ignored or dealt with using over-the-counter medications. It’s a condition that will interfere with all aspects of your life, day and night. Read on to see how the team of dentists at Sacramento’s Marconi Dental Group can help diagnose and treat your sleep apnea. What Causes Sleep Apnea? Obstructive sleep apnea happens when the shape of your air passages and tongue leads to your airways being blocked during sleep. Blocked airways means less oxygen, which causes your body to wake up, often hundreds of time a night. So not only are you not getting enough oxygen, your important dream phase sleep (REM) periods are constantly interrupted. It’s no wonder you’re so tired, even after what seems like enough time in bed!
Symptoms of sleep apnea include: drowsiness during the daytime, the sensation that you never get a good night’s sleep, snoring or choking while sleeping, lack of REM sleep or dreaming. Testing for sleep apnea involves an integrated approach with your medical doctor and the professionals at the Marconi Dental Group. With the help of Dr. Alizadeh, your doctor arranges for you to receive sleep testing, to determine if you have apnea episodes. This may be done at home or at a sleep clinic. If these tests show you have a sleeping disorder, dental treatments may give you the sleep-filled nights you need to function well during the day.
What Causes Sleep Apnea? Obstructive sleep apnea happens when the shape of your air passages and tongue leads to your airways being blocked during sleep. Blocked airways means less oxygen, which causes your body to wake up, often hundreds of time a night. So not only are you not getting enough oxygen, your important dream phase sleep (REM) periods are constantly interrupted. It’s no wonder you’re so tired, even after what seems like enough time in bed! Treatment for Sleep Apnea You may know about a treatment for sleep apnea called Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. This method uses a device that forces air through the nasal passages during sleep, but reports show that sixty percent of sleep apnea sufferers stop using this treatment after one year, usually because they find it uncomfortable. This would put a person back in the dangerous condition they had been in before — lack of oxygen coupled with a lack of essential REM sleep. http://marconidentalgroup.com/procedures/sleep-apnea/
Snoring, sleep disordered breathing and sleep apnea can wreak havoc on your life. Not only does sleep apnea make it difficult for you to sleep each night, it also increases your risk of health problems like obesity, cardiovascular disease and even gum disease. Your loved ones struggle with it just as much, because of the tossing and turning all night long. What would you say if you could easily stop your sleep apnea problems and get a better night’s rest for you and your family in just one trip to the dental office? A Non-Invasive Approach to Sleep Therapy You might be surprised to hear it, but battling your sleep apnea is as simple as visiting Marconi Dental Group. We work with your sleep physician to pinpoint the root cause of your sleep apnea. For some people, the condition is caused by a collapse of the soft tissues in the back of the throat. The tongue and soft palate create a seal against the back of the mouth, blocking 100% of the oxygen flow. This then causes you to wake up frequently throughout the night in order to breath. Thankfully, we have a way to help you stop this from happening without the need for invasive, loud CPAP machines.
How Oral Sleep Appliances Work Oral sleep appliances use a technique that is necessary during rescue breathing measures used for CPR. That is, the lower jaw is brought slightly forward in order to separate the soft tissues in the back of the mouth and thus opening the airway. When we create an oral sleep appliance, it fits snuggly over your teeth and guides the lower jaw forward in a similar manner. This prevents any blockage to the airway and allows naturally increased oxygen flow when you go to sleep at night. See Results the Very First Night It’s true – many of our patients begin seeing results from their oral sleep appliance from the very first night. Some people are even able to eliminate equipment like their CPAP machines. With an oral sleep appliance you enjoy naturally deeper sleep from the very first use. Feel free to rest in any position that you like, because there are no invasive tubes or masks to wear during the process. Enjoy the liberty that a good night of sleep can give you! http://marconidentalgroup.com/dental-devices/is-sleep-apnea-something-my-dentist-can-help-with/
Home Sleep Apnea Test If you have sleep issues due to possible obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), it is important to have a home sleep apnea test. Traditionally, a clinical sleep test involves traveling to a sleep center, getting in your pajamas, crawling into a strange bed, getting hooked up to wires and machines, being watched by technicians, all without your favorite pillow and blanket and furry friends from home. Now, try to get a bit of shut eye so the sleep technicians can assess whatís wrong and why youíre having trouble sleeping. Anyone with sleep issues sees the problem here and is wide awake just thinking about how unrestful it must be to try laboratory sleep testing. Try Home Sleep Testing You live at home, not the sleep center. So a much more practical technique is to study you where you sleep, in your own bed, with all the comforts of home. This is possible with the development of home sleep testing devices, also called home polysomnography (H-PSG). Sleep studies examined by Sleep Medicine Reviews demonstrate that H-PSGs create a more realistic setting that still provides results useful to sleep professionals. No more tossing and turning in a strange bed, wondering if anyone is laughing at your Hello Kitty sweatpants.
What Polysomnography Measures A home sleep test to see if you suffer from sleep apnea looks for two different sleeping episodes: If and when you stopping breathing while sleeping (an apnea episode). If and when your breathing is partially blocked (a hypopnea episode). Knowing how frequently during a typical sleep period these episodes happen in your normal surroundings is vital for your wellbeing. Your results are then compared to the Apnea Hypopnea Index (AHI). Less than five of either of these episodes in one hour is considered normal. If you are having five or more episodes per hour, your condition is considered sleep apnea.
Using this data, your condition of sleep apnea is rated in severity: • Mild is oxygen levels not less than 90%, • Moderate is oxygen levels not less than 80%, • Severe is blood oxygen desaturation to less than 80%. If you are experiencing sleep apnea, your sleep is not only being disrupted repeatedly at night, but youíre also not getting enough oxygen. No wonder you wake up exhausted, unprepared to face the day!
Solving Sleep Apnea A simple oral appliance from the Marconi Dental Group can treat mild to moderate forms of sleep apnea. Sleeping with this device greatly enhances the amount of restful sleep you get, and lets you start the day with vim and vigor. For severe or certain cases of sleep apnea, the professionals at the Marconi Dental Group will outline your options to get back the restful nights and energetic days you crave. This may involve correcting your dentition with orthodontics, as some forms of malocclusion contribute to blocked airways. Sleep apnea is not just an annoyance, it is a health issue that impacts your whole life. Please make an appointment soon to get your apnea identified and resolved, so you can get the sweet sleep you deserve!
Sleep apnea is not just an annoyance, it is a health issue that impacts your whole life. Please make an appointment soon to get your apnea identified and resolved, so you can get the sweet sleep you deserve! http://marconidentalgroup.com/procedures/sleep-apnea/home-sleep-testing/
For more Visit This Website now http://marconidentalgroup.com/
Contact Details 4350 Marconi Avenue, Suite 100Sacramento, CA 95821 Phone: (916) 589-6462 smile@marconidentalgroup.com