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Abstract Plus

Abstract Plus. Software for Abstracting and Coding Cancer Cases. Abstract Plus Overview for Pacific Regional Central Cancer Registry Honolulu, Hawaii March 7, 2009. Overall Learning Objectives. Identify Abstract Plus purpose and benefits Logging into Abstract Plus

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Abstract Plus

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  1. Abstract Plus • Software for • Abstracting and Coding Cancer Cases • Abstract Plus Overview for • Pacific Regional Central Cancer Registry • Honolulu, Hawaii • March 7, 2009

  2. Overall Learning Objectives • Identify Abstract Plus purpose and benefits • Logging into Abstract Plus • Identify the components of Abstract Plus • Understand how Abstract Plus is set up and configured • Create and modify abstracts; resolve edit errors • Export abstracts • Run the available reports

  3. Abstract Plus • Used to abstract and code cancer cases using standard data items and codes • Supports abstraction of all data items in national standard data sets, including all text fields and state-specific data items • Entered abstracts are validated by customizable edits, allowing for interactive error correction while abstracting • Customized by central registries for distribution to and use by hospitals and other reporting sources • Also used for special projects and start-up registries

  4. Abstract Plus Purpose • Summarize the medical record into an electronic report of cancer diagnosis and treatment by abstractors and other individuals or groups who work with cancer data • CDC provides support and consultation to state central registries for their state-specific customization and distribution of the Registry Plus software

  5. Abstract Plus Features • Output: electronic abstract in the format of the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR) data exchange layout • State-specific needs in data collection can be accommodated • Edits are tightly integrated into Abstract Plus, allowing for interactive editing and error correction • Abstract Plus includes Registry Plus Online Help

  6. Abstract Plus Features • Can be distributed free of charge to cancer reporting facilities in a state • Suitable for reporting from non-registry hospitals, clinics, laboratories, and other sources for cancer incident reports • Can be configured for special studies

  7. Abstract Plus Users • Facility Abstractors: • Add, edit, delete, and export abstracts (cannot perform administrative functions) • Administrators: Perform all the functions of Facility Abstractors, plus: • Edit display types and fields • Change user IDs or passwords • Administrator password is required

  8. Abstract Plus Basics • Log in as a guest • Create your own user ID and password • Log in using your own user ID and password • Navigate the Abstract Plus main menu

  9. Launching Abstract Plus • Start--->All Programs--->Abstract Plus---> Absplus

  10. Logging in as the Guest User guest

  11. Creating a New User ID AP1


  13. Confirm Password and Log In as Newly-Created User 2. CLICK CHANGE CURRENT USER 1. CONFIRM PASSWORD AND PRESS ENTER CLOSE

  14. Abstract Plus Main Window YOU ARE LOGGED ON

  15. Abstract Plus File Menu Items

  16. Abstract Plus File Menu Items

  17. New Abstract

  18. New Abstract Abstract Reference ID Number Field Entry/Code Selection Display Type Abstract Section Display Fields Area Information Tabs – Text/Edits/Projects

  19. Enter a Few Fields

  20. Save Your Work!

  21. Assign a Project to the Abstract

  22. Close the Abstract

  23. Open/Find the Abstract Double-click Patient Name to Open

  24. Copy the Abstract

  25. Copied to New Abstract Abstract Reference ID Number 2

  26. Save New Abstract

  27. Run Edits on the Abstract

  28. Abstract Plus Edits Tab Total Number of Errors Selected Error Failed Edit Name Edit Set Name Fields Included in Edit

  29. Data Editing - Overview Edits consist of data validation routines: • Single field edits • Verify that only acceptable values are used for codes • Example: check validity of primary site code • Interfield edits • Enforce relationships among values in related data items • Example: check validity of primary site code for a specific sex code

  30. Standard Setters and Edits Development • Standard Setters • SEER • COC • NPCR • NAACCR • Edits Development • Establish specifications • Write edits

  31. Users of Data Edits • NAACCR • SEER • NPCR • COC/NCDB • State cancer registries • Hospital cancer registries • Cancer registry software providers

  32. EDITS Used at ALL LEVELSof Cancer Reporting Standard Setters (SS) COC • Run edits on CCR and Reporting hospital submissions to: • Enforce national data standards • Assess data quality and completeness • Provide feedback to CCRs and Reporting Hospitals NPCR, SEER, & NAACCR Vendors Central Cancer Registries (CCR) • Incorporate edits in Reporting Facility and CCR cancer abstraction and reporting software (interactive data validation & batch mode) • Support CCR and Facility-specific edit needs • Run Call For Data edits prior to submission to SS • Run edits on incoming data submissions to assess for accuracy and completeness, and to identify training needs Reporting Facilities • Use edits for: • Evaluation of data quality prior to submission to • CCR or SS • Correcting edit errors on report from CCR • Abstracting (interactive data validation w/in software) COC-Approved

  33. Edit Differences by Agency SEER Edits • Strict application of rules by diagnosis year • Example: Treatment edits • Many edits include Sequence Number – Central CoC Edits • Assume data conversion rather than strict application of rules by diagnosis year • Example: Treatment edits • Many edits include Sequence Number - Hosp

  34. The Data Cleaning CycleUsing EDITS Repeat Steps 1 and 2 until clean!

  35. Edits DocumentationReport Sections • Edit Name* • Agency • Edit Sets • Fields* • Error Messages* • Description* • Administrative Notes • Edit Logic • *Note: Sections marked with an asterisk are commonly referenced when resolving errors, and are included in your PRCCR edits dictionary

  36. Edits DocumentationReport Sections Edit Name Date of Last Contact, Date of Diag. (NAACCR IF19) FIELDS: Date of Diagnosis Date of Last Contact ERROR MESSAGES: Date of Diagnosis and Date of Last Contact conflict DESCRIPTION: Date of Last Contact must not precede Date of Diagnosis. If either year is unknown (9999), the edit is skipped. If either month is unknown (99), then only the years are compared. If either day is unknown (99), then only the years and months are compared. ADMINISTRATIVE NOTES: List of fields checked by edit Error message: What’s wrong or needs to be reviewed Description: The coding “rules”; may include tips or additional coding rules to help resolve error Administrative Notes: Additional information; how edit differs from another edit of same name

  37. Resolving Listed Errors • 5 Easy Steps to Cleaner Cancer Data: • Review error message/edit description • Note the fields to be reviewed • Review the codes • Verify the codes through review of Text • Resolve the error

  38. Resolving Listed ErrorsSetting Over-rides • Should not be set unless the case has been reviewed and documentation is found to confirm that the case is rare or unusual and was originally correctly coded • Majority of errant cases corrected, not over-ridden • Enter a ‘1’ (2 or 3) to indicate that the case has been reviewed, and is correct-as-is • Will prevent the case from generating an error when it is re-run through the edits

  39. Impact of Edits “Standardized transportable data edits and easy-to-use software for creating and applying them have enhanced the accuracy and comparability of data from reporting facilities and central registries across North America.” 1 1 Menck, HR, Deapen, D, Phillips, JL, and Tucker, TC. (Eds.). (2007). Central Cancer Registries: Design, Management and Use, page 151.

  40. Export Abstract • In general, only complete cases (no edit errors) are exported, for reporting to the CCR

  41. Export Abstract

  42. Export Abstract

  43. Abstract Plus Administrator Menu

  44. Abstract Plus Utilities Menu Items

  45. Abstract Plus Utilities Menu Items

  46. Abstract Plus Utilities Menu Batch Completion Re-check

  47. Abstract Plus Utilities Menu Doctor Query System

  48. Abstract Plus Reports Menu Items

  49. Abstract Plus Reports Menu Items

  50. Abstract Plus Reports Accession Register

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