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Learning and memory Why do we forget??? Why do we remember certain things?

Learning and memory Why do we forget??? Why do we remember certain things?. Major Aspects How to Consumers Learn about (new) products? The importance of memory Theories of learning Subliminal messages – (again!) The importance of the level of involvement. Remembering!!.

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Learning and memory Why do we forget??? Why do we remember certain things?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Learning and memory Why do we forget??? Why do we remember certain things?

  2. Major Aspects • How to Consumers Learn about (new) products? • The importance of memory • Theories of learning • Subliminal messages – (again!) • The importance of the level of involvement. • Remembering!!

  3. How do you know that learning has taken place?

  4. How do you know that learning has taken place effectively?

  5. Helping learning become memory…. Memory is a key part of the internal Search process.

  6. Learning Theory – observed from animals Dogs Classical Conditioning Pigeons Rats

  7. Iconic Rote Learning The repetition of a simple memorable phrase or symbol… Coke is It Often used in Low involvement purchasing FMCG But symbols brand logos are key to all products Potential for high wear off

  8. Vicarious Learning The observation of the behaviors of other Seeing the results /outcomes Customer acceptance…

  9. Analytical Reasoning New learning built on existing knowledge Laptops can be learned (understood) by building on Knowledge of desktop PCs – sic Tablets ---- smartphones = some people have a greater depth of understanding.

  10. Learning situations High Involvement versus Low Involvement High Involvement = extended product search often high risk Low involvement = limited product search – low risk FMCG

  11. Experiential Learning Description: Hands on use/exposure of a product Example: Riding a bike

  12. Subliminal Messages again! Sub threshold Hidden Persuaders page 41/42 Description: Message/stimulus absorbed unknowingly Hypnotism Example: EAT ICE CREAM Clothes worn /Brands used by actors Omega Watches – Olympic games official timer

  13. Memory and Remembering All learning /stimuli is processed in the short term memory RAM It maybe stored in the LTM The key is how it can be recovered.

  14. Memory and Remembering Recovery or recall can be affected by: Importance Message involvement Mood Reinforcement Repetition Dual Coding Memory Interference

  15. Making it easier to remember Simple message ‘Hooks/ Clues’ - pathways NMENONICS Story telling Use all sensations

  16. Memory Interference Clutter Miscoding – confusion New information

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