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WE-06-01 Surface-based GOS for Weather

WE-06-01 Surface-based GOS for Weather. May 2008 Up-date. WWW/GOS :. WWW/GOS :

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WE-06-01 Surface-based GOS for Weather

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  1. WE-06-01Surface-based GOS for Weather May 2008 Up-date

  2. WWW/GOS: • WWW/GOS: • Systematic evaluation of the GOS performance based on WWW monitoring results has been continued and respective Members were informed of findings requesting remedial actions. List of the RBSN/ABSN and RBCN/ABCN list of stations were kept up-to-date. Results of second survey on the Impacts of new instrumentation on the GOS are currently being analyzed. • Members were invited to nominate National Focal Points responsible for country inputs related to the Implementation Plan for Evolution of Surface- and Space-based Subsystems of the GOS (EGOS-IP. The ET, in collaboration with Meteo France, is preparing a classification scheme applicable for the surface in-situ observing stations, and in collaboration with KNMI, the method suitable for optimization of RBSN/RBCN networks. • A draft Vision for the GOS in 2025 is under the preparations for the consideration by CBS-XIV (March 2009).

  3. AMDAR matters • AMDAR matters • Aircraft observations were integrated into the new OBS Department and a new Aircraft Observation Unit was created within the OSD Division. A vacancy notice for the new position within the OSD will be issued soon to replace the previous AMDAR Technical Coordinator officer. In collaboration with SpectraSensors (USA) activities are going on to improve the performance of the water vapour sensor. • The first meeting of the WIGOS Pilot Project for AMDAR will be aimed at enhancing the delivery of aeronautical data from AMDAR platforms to users.

  4. Marine and Ocean Meteorological Observations • Following the decision to work towards the WMO Integrated Global Observing System, new Marine and Ocean Meteorological Observations and data Management Unit was created within the OSD Division in support of the integrated approach to the GOS. • At the fourth JCOMM Ship Observations Team (SOT) meeting, Geneva, April 2007, it was noted that high quality radiosondedata are particularly needed for the calibration of the satellite products especially over the Southern Hemisphere and in the North Pacific. • JCOMM engaged in a WIGOS Pilot Project in close cooperation with the oceanographic community and IOC. The Pilot Project is promoting the development of interoperability arrangements between the ocean data systems and the WIS; the integration of Best Practices and standards in cooperation with IMOP, including the possible development of ocean instrument centres; as well as the development of standard quality management systems (e.g. ISO compliant).

  5. IMOP Instrument Intercomparisons: • . IMOP Instrument Intercomparisons: • The WMO Field Intercomparison of Rainfall Intensity Instruments started in Vigna di Valle, Italy on 1 October 2007 and will last until, at least, September 2008. 26 instruments of different principles are taking part in the intercomparison. • The WMO Field Intercomparison of Thermometer Screens/Shields and Humidity Measuring Instruments has not yet started due to the logistics on site, however most of the instruments (in total 22) have been calibrated and installed. • CIMO engaged in a WIGOS Pilot Project to develop a draft of the Underpinning/crosscutting role and responsibilities of IMOP and CIMO in the context of WIGOS.

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