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Register clicking on my link: http://www.pfplace.com/marec/nA company that, as stated earlier, “is totally revolutionary, stimulating and completely different, which will revolutionize Internet Online Business”./n“pfplace is a new concept of Social Network that creates opportunities of dialogue among millions of people around the world, offering applications and services that enable their users to share interests and hobbies. It is formed by an enterprising group of people and directed by en elite team of experts in the industry of Online Business, Investments, and other Sectors./nThe strategy of pfplace is based on solutions, experiences and the conquest of new markets", being explained this way in an event full of extraordinary surprises for everyone./nSome of their services were presented by their respective department directors and endorsed by their professional background./npfplace is a Social Network in which its users can enjoy a proper Digital Journal, published in 7 languages, starting first with Spanish and the rest of them will be gradually added./nIn addition to the Digital Journal, users will have other free services such as: Business Center, own Web mail, chat between users –with simultaneous translation– including VoIP technology, and many more services that will be integrated into the platform./nHowever, what makes pfplace truly revolutionary is the fact that it is a Social Network that pays its users for doing what they already do for free in other Networks, i.e., inviting their friends. A Marketing Plan has been created for this which gives you the option to obtain very interesting incomes./nThe concept is very simple: the most successful Social Networks are companies with multimillionaire economic performance due to the publicity revenue of their advertisers. Well, pfplace aims to “share” a high percentage of advertising revenue among its most active users, as set out in the Marketing Plan./nShortly pfplace will have various advertisers from several sectors, providing to the company great advertising commissions, which will be distributed among active users./nDefinitely, pfplace aims high with this new business concept that is certainly going to arouse much interest in the sector, since it offers its user a “useful” Social Network granting fun and money./nSuccess for everyone!/nRegister clicking on my link: http://www.pfplace.com/marec
THE BEST IS YET TO COME !! A new generation in theinternet businessisbeingborn. We are proudtopresentyou… theCompanythatwillmarkthe before and after in the sector.
Reflections What do you use Internet for? Currently, thewebpageswithmostviews and registeredusers are:Social Networks, Online News and Web mails. In suchwebpagesyou look forinformation, training, relations, services, opportunities, business, etc. Do you imagine doingwhatyou do everydayonthe internet but… makingmoney? The Internet is a Marketwithgreatpotentialtoobtainhighincomes
Reflections If you do not pay for using your email or for using the Social Network in which you are registered, why are these companies multimillionaires? • Due to the advertising in their webpages. • The advertising companies pay based upon the amount of registered users, of visits received per day, week, month, etc. • The more registered users, the more advertising revenues… You have been responsible for their millionaire profit, without receiving a penny! Isn’t it interesting? pfplace changes this concept definitely
pfplaceis a company formed by an enterprising group of people and directed by an elite team of experts in the industry of Online Business,Investments and other Sectors. pfplace is a Social Network that creates opportunities of dialogue among millions of people around the world, offering applications that enable them to share interests and hobbies. The strategy of pfplace is based on solutions, experiences and the conquest of new markets. It is definitely a company totally revolutionary, stimulatingand completely different. We now invite you to become part of the next Online Business Generation.
What does pfplace offer? pfplace is a company with a new concept in internet business; it has unified the most popular and successful business models, that have emerged in the internet in recent years, “in a single web”, improving services and, the best of all, making their users earn money. • Social Network • Digital Journal • Business Center • Web mail And… earn!
Social Network Weallknowwhat a Social Network is. WehavecreatedtheperfectSocial Network foryou… youwillinteractwithpeoplethat share yourinterests, needs, dreams… Youwillmake new friends, makebusinesscontacts, share opportunities, hobbies, photographies, videos, contests, prizes… youwillhavefunearning!!
Digital Journal • Everydayyouwillbeabletoreadnational and internationalinformation. • Economy • Investments • Politics • Social • Sports • Etc.
Business Center • Thisisthe place whereyouwillbeabletomakeyourownbusinesswithyourNetwork’scontacts. • You can offer and/orreceive: • Professional services • Sales opportunities (whateveryouwant) • Business projects • Etc., etc. …
Web Mail Soon you will have at your disposal Web Mail services, totally free: xxxxxx@pfplace.com pfplace will also offer high quality and useful services, both to individuals and to employers.
Earn! pfplacemakesyouearn, makesyourfriendsearn and… thefriends of yourfriends! You can earn * fromtheadvertisingpublished in: the online news, social network, web mail… of theadvertisingcompanies in varioussectors: financial, insurance, telecommunications, etc. In pfplace, you can growwithoutlimits. Yourincomewillbe UNLIMITED !! * According to Marketing Plan
About Advertising & Marketing Thecompaniesthat are advertised in pfplace are selectedspeciallyforyou. Youwillhave at yourdisposalthebestbusinessproposalsfromthebestleadingcompanies of varioussectors… Itisaboutthe “meetingpoint” betweenCompanies and potentialCustomers. Users/ Customers Companies
Market: ExponentialTendency - In 2008 online advertisingexceeded52 Billion USD, in 2010 itwillexceed78 Billion. - MySpace has 200 millionusers. Ifitwere a country itwouldbethe 5th biggestone in theworld. - Facebookplannedtoreach350 million USD profitthisyear… with300 millionusers. -1.300 millionpeople are registered in Social Networks worldwide.
RANKING OF COUNTRIES: REGISTERED USERS Colombia Spain Ecuador Italy UnitedStates Slovenia Mexico France Croatia Guadeloupe Portugal Argentina Paraguay Panama Bosnia and Herzegovina Peru
See your business? • 7 out of 10 internet users are or were members of a Social Network.See your business? • Earning without selling anything, • without instructing a sales team, • without first ordering… • pfplace provides everything for you… • See your business? • Do you think that Social Networks’ users would like to earn economic benefit only because they belong to them?See your business? pfplaceis definite, the perfect fusion between Network Marketing and Social Networks. pfplace The Online Business Revolution
Go ahead and register your friends!They would do the same for you. www.pfplace.com/marec
Server Structures • New Technologies. • Replication. • Currentstructure. • WorkTeam • Softenterprise. • Graphicenterprise. • Research and Development.
Server Traffic • Trafficstartingfromthe 5th of September.
pfpTalk • Friendsgroup. • My NETWORK. (Companycodes) • Whomaycontact me? • Chat Multi - Languages. • VoIP • a. Free callsbetweenusers. • b. CallstotheTelephone Network. • 6. Conferencefor 10 users. • ------------------------------------------------ pfp Talk Mobile
Conference Room pfpConference
PLAN MAR KETING Increasingly, companies are clearly betting on Social Networks to advertise themselves. pfplace creates for advertisers suitable spaces, so that users know them and be able to contact them. pfplacebecomes large due to our users inviting their friends. For that reason we want to share with our active users ahigh percentage of our advertising revenue. We want our users to contribute with ideas and suggestions that will allow us to improve. Undoubtedly, this will be beneficial to everyone.
PLAN MAR KETING The Marketing Plan is specially designed to obtain a fast growth in the amount of registered users. HigherEarningsamong Users MoreAdvertising Income More RegisteredUsers
de PLAN MAR KETING Terminologyand Concepts
PLAN MAR KETING • Friend Levels • Friends that are invited to register in pfplace are distinguished by: • direct friends (L.1) • friends of my friends (L.2) • friends of the friends of my friends (L.3) • and so on through 10 levels of friends (L.10) This is different than those friends added into the Network to be contacted.
PLAN MAR KETING Marketing Plan Categories • pfplacewill pay commissions -in terms of advertising- to active users, i.e., frequent users of the website’s services. • The user activity on the website is quantified by: • Frequency of using our services • Promoter activity of the Social Network (see Marketing Plan). There are 9 categories that classify the user activity, and therefore their profit: FriendUser Promoter Local Executive Regional Executive NationalExecutive International Director Master Junior Advisor SeniorAdvisor
PLAN MAR Groups of Advertisers KETING Payment of commissions will vary depending on the Group of Advertisers to which the advertising company belongs, and on the company of which one user of our Friends Network became its customer. Group A. Financial Firms 1.-Broker House: Per client of your group: Investment Range Commission* A1.1.Investment from 100 to 4000 € 4 € /month A1.2.Investment from 4001 to 20000 € 12 €/month A1.3.Investment from 20001 to 60000 € 60 €/month A1.4.Investment from 60001 to 200000 € 160 €/month A1.5.Investment bigger than 200000 € 400 €/month 2.- Fund 1 Investment EU to determine 3.- Fund 2 Investment EU to determine 4.- Financial Firm X to determine *Commission in terms of advertising
PLAN MAR KETING Group B. PaymentSystemsCompanies 1.- Pacific MutualCommission* Per PM debitcardpurchase 7 € 2.- Bank accounts, etc. 3.- Others Group C. Othersectors Group D. Othersectors Group 10. Companies of othersectors General advertisementsthatpayfortheirpresence in the Web. TheywilldistributecommissionsamongallFriendUsers and Promoterswhomeettheminimumconditionsaccordingtothe Marketing Plan. *Commission in terms of advertisement
PLAN MAR KETING Description of the Marketing Plan’s Categories 0 2 • Promoter • It is the Friend User who is customer of one advertiser of each Group of Advertisers A, B, C, D. • Visits his webpage20 days minimum per month. • Invited 5 Friends and 3 are customers of at least one of the Groups of Advertisers A, B, C, D. • Receives advertising commissions: • 1.-Commissions produced by Direct Friends in the Groups A, B, C, D. • 2.- Advertising commissions of Group 10. User: Personwho has registered in theWebsite. 1 • FriendUser • ItistheUserwhocompletedhisprofile and: • Visitshiswebpage12 daysminimum per month. • Invited5 Friendswhocompletedtheirprofile. • Receivesadvertisingcommissions: • 1.Advertising commissions of Group 10.
PLAN MAR KETING 3 4 • Regional Executive • Itis a PromoterwhoseDirectFriendsare: • 1 Local Executive • 2 Local Promoters • Receivesadvertisingcommissions: • 1.- 4 Levels of Friends in Groups A, B, C, D. • 2.- Advertisingcommissions of Group 10. • Local Executive • Itis a PromoterwhoseDirectFriendsare: • 1 Promoter • Receivesadvertisingcommissions: • 1.- 3 Levels of Friends in Groups A, B, C, D. • 2.- Advertisingcommissions of Group 10.
PLAN MAR KETING 5 6 • NationalExecutive • Itis a PromoterwhoseDirectFriendsare: • 3 Regional Executives • 3 Local Executives • 3 Promoters • Receivesadvertisingcommissions: • 1.- 5 Levels of Friends in Groups A, B, C, D. • 2.- Advertisingcommissions of Group 10. • International Director • Itis a PromoterwhoseDirectFriendsare: • 3 NationalExecutives • 3 Regional Executives • 3 Local Executives • Receivesadvertisingcommissions: • 1.- 6 Levels of Friends in Groups A, B, C, D. • 2.- Advertisingcommissions of Group 10.
PLAN MAR KETING 8 7 • Junior Advisor • Itis a PromoterwhoseDirectFriendsare: • 3 Masters • 3 International Directors • 3 NationalExecutives • Receivesadvertisingcommissions: • 1.- 8 Levels of Friends in Groups A, B, C, D. • 2.- Advertisingcommissions of Group 10. • 3.-To allJunior Advisorsitisallocatedthe20% of networkcommissionsthat are notdistributedduetothelack of requirements of promoters. • Master • Itis a PromoterwhoseDirectFriendsare: • 3 International Directors • 3 NationalExecutives • 3 Regional Executives • Receivesadvertisingcommissions: • 1.- 7 Levels of Friends in Groups A, B, C, D. • 2.- Advertisingcommissions of Group 10. • 3.-To allMastersitisallocatedthe20% of networkcommissionsthat are notdistributedduetothelack of requirements of promoters.
PLAN MAR KETING 9 • TO BE CONSIDERED • Minors: they do not earn money, but exchangeable credits for other services or products advertised in pfplace • Group A commissions are paid from investments that are equal or less than your investment range. Higher investment ranges than yours will generate commissions up to your own investment range. • Ex. You belong to Investment Range A1.3. and one of your friends has an investment A1.5. From this investment you will only earn commission up to your range: A1.3. • SeniorAdvisor • Itis a PromoterwhoseDirectFriendsare: • 3 Junior Advisors • 3 Masters • 3 International Directors • Receivesadvertisingcommissions: • 1.- 10 Levels of Friends in Groups A, B, C, D. • 2.- Advertisingcommissions of Group 10. • 3.-To allSeniorAdvisorsitisallocatedthe20% of networkcommissionsthat are notdistributedduetothelack of requirements of promoters.
Go ahead and register your friends!They would do the same for you. www.pfplace.com/marec