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Black Hole Masses and accretion rates. Thomas Boller Max-Planck Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Garching. Present knowledge on black hole masses and accretion rates. The effect of mass accretion rate on X-ray properties. Analysis of individual NLS1 spectra.
Black Hole Masses and accretion rates Thomas Boller Max-Planck Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Garching
Present knowledge on black hole masses and accretion rates The effect of mass accretion rate on X-ray properties Analysis of individual NLS1 spectra Supercritical accretion in 1H0707-495 Accretion-rates and Black hole masses in extreme accretion modes Spectral complexity dependence on the accretion rate Metallicity dependence on the accretion rate
High accretion rate: soft state Low accretion rate: hard state Black body type soft excess and significantly steeper power-law (G~2.2-2.5) Canonical power-law with G=1.7 Rapid flux variation Black holes in X-ray binaries relative flux Energy [keV] Energy [keV] Broad-line Seyfert 1 Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Canonicalpower-law with G=1.7 Super- Massive Black Holes relative flux Energy [keV] Energy [keV] The effect of mass accretion rate on X-ray properties Accretion-rate dependent differences may exist in AGN as well
IRAS 13224-3809 1H 0707-495 pn MOS 7.1,7.5 keV 8.2 keV Counts s-1 keV-1 0.2 1 2 3 5 10 Energy [keV] 0.2 1 2 3 5 10 Energy [keV] Analysis of individual NLS1 spectra Drop energy is time-dependent (7.1 keV in 2000, 7.5 in 2002), remains sharp even for 8.2 keV drop in 13224, no Kb UTA absorption, therefore high outflow v of neutral Fe of 0.05 and 0.15 c are required Both show a common characteristic shape - strong soft X-ray excess - steep power-law with G = 2.4~2.5 These features are typical for partial covering phenomenon, or reflection dominated X-ray spectra The hard tail gradually flattens towards high energies and abruptly drops at around 7-8 keV
Solutions for high accretion rates based on additional cooling due to horizontal advection of heat; adding a new branch to the Shakura-Sunyaev disc in the S - dM/dt plane Abramowicz 1988: All NLS1s from ASCA observations fall into the (dM/dt) / (LE/c2) = (10 – 20) slim disc region Mineshige 2000: Makishima 2000: Watarai 2001: Lmin and Tbb give Mmin ~2.106 Msun dM/dt ~ (10-20) (LE/c2) ~6.1024 g s-1 Supercritical accretion in 1H0707-495 Slim disc model applies to such high accretion rates and high disc temperatures
FWHM of emission lines increases Ionizing continuum decreases Huge soft X-ray excess in NLS1s Moderate soft X-ray excess In BLS1s [OIII] Hb [OIII] Flux Hb Fe II Fe II relative flux l[A] l[A] Energy [keV] Energy [keV] Expected parameter changes due to black hole mass growth assumptions: NLS1 evolution starts in the slim disc regime (L ~ Ledd) dM/dt remains constant for some time and then gradually decreases Soft and hard power-law indices decreases Fe II multiplet emission decreases when ionizing continuum decreases
Simple picture for the optical line widths evolution of Seyfert 1s Assumptions: all galaxies go through an AGN phase the case for 1H0707 (a NLS1s starting with a small mass of ~2 . 106 Msun) accretion rate: 6 . 1024 g . s-1 (10-3 earth mass per second) = 0.1 Msun/ yr 10000 km s-1 NLS1 BLS1 phase exp. growth 90Million years Comparison with SDSS EDR Williams et al. 135 NLS1 out of 944 BLS1 assuming ~108 yr AGN phase mean NLS1s phase ~15 Millions years FWHM Hb [km s-1] 4600 km s-1 60Million years 2000 km s-1 linear growth 25 Million years 8 Growth time [yr] when high accretion rate ceased, 1H0707 become normal Seyfert 1s within a few 10´s million yr NLS1 are the most rapidly growing black holes
Accretion-rates and Black hole masses in extreme accretion modes Low efficiency accretion Super-Eddington Accretion Name L M L/Ledd dM/dt [erg s-1] [Msun] [Msun/yr] NGC 0315 1.2 1043 1.3 109 1 10-4 1 10-6 NGC 1052 1.5 1043 2.0 108 6 10-4 1 10-6 NGC 2681 7.0 1039 5.6 107 1 10-6 1 10-8 3C 218 3.8 1043 7.6 108 5 10-4 1 10-6 NGC 2728 6.3 1039 4.0 107 1 10-4 1 10-6 M81 5.0 1041 6.1 107 7 10-5 7 10-7 NGC 3125 3.2 1041 5.9 105 4 10-3 4 10-5 NGC 3169 2.3 1041 7.2 107 3 10-5 3 10-7 NGC 3245 2.4 1040 2.4 108 1 10-6 1 10-8 NGC 3718 1.9 1042 8.5 107 2 10-4 2 10-6 NGC 4125 1.5 1040 3.1 108 3 10-7 3 10-9 NGC 4203 4.0 1041 7.9 107 4 10-5 4 10-11 NGC 4278 4-0 1041 1.6 109 2 10-6 2 10-13 … 34 LINERS from Cariollo et al. 1999, Satypal 05, Dudek 05 Name kT L M L/Ledd dM/dt [eV] [1044][106][Msun/yr] PHL 1092 128 60 ~10 3 0.03 NAB 0205 120 24 ~6 3 0.03 IRAS 13349 97 9 ~4 2 0.02 Akn 564 129 7 ~2 2 0.02 PG1211 117 4 ~2 2 0.02 1H0707 92 4 ~2 10 0.10 IRAS 13224 130 3 ~1 2 0.02 Mrk 335 130 3 ~1 2 0.02 PG1204 120 3 ~1 1 0.01 Mrk 1044 105 0.5 ~0.4 0.7 0.007 NGC 4051 130 0.01 ~0.1 0.2 0.002 Boller,Tanaka(in prep.)
LINER galaxy IC 1459 Balestra, Boller Separation of nuclear emission from optically thin gas and point sources emission to disentangle AGN contribution from other emission prosses
Black Hole growths for NLS1s and LINERs IRAS 13224-3809 2 109 yr 5 108 yr IRAS 13349 NGC0315 2 109 yr 0 yr 3 108 yr 8 108 yr 106 108 1010 [Msun] NGC 2728 1 108 yr 2 109 yr 0 yr 5 107 yr 0yr NGC 3125 0yr 0 yr 0 2 4 6 Time [109 yr]
NLS1s BLS1s BLS1s LINERs Accretion-rates dependence on Black hole masses NLS1s • LINER • caveates: • - separate • nuclear • emission • following • Hagai´s comment: • if SLOAN people • are right, • LINERs • shift up LINERs
Spectral Complexity in dependence on the accretion rate Power-law fit to IRAS 13224-3809 strong residua Null hypothesis value <0.1 in 2-10 keV band 0.0 in 0.3 10 keV band e.g. low Null hypothesis values indicative for spectral complexity as soft excess, lines…
Spectral complexity correlates with accretion rate fit in the 2-10 keV range LINERS often as a simple power-law NLS1s more complex - soft excess - spectral curvature - sharp spectral drops
Metallicity dependence on the accretion rate 13224 with super-Eddington accretion Clear trend of FeII/Hb with accretion rate for NLS1 and high-z QSO Boller et al. 2003 Netzer et al. 2004 Fe overabundance 3-10 required in all NLS1s with sharp spectral drop, even for reflection dominated model optical Fe II emission increases with accretion rate
Summary X-ray observations on the disc temperature and the luminosity allow to measure black hole masses and accretion rate, independent from optical line width relations The NLS1s are accreting at luminosities close or above the Eddington luminosity Lmin/ Ledd ~ 1-2 The black body temperature is high: 90-120 eV and exceeds the limit from standard geometrically thin accretion discs The objects have relatively low black hole masses of ~106 Msun and are rapidly growing in mass with ~ dM/dt ~ (1-20) (LE/c2) When the high accretion rates are ceased NLS1s become normal Seyfert 1s within a few 10´s Million years NLS1s are the most rapdily growing black holes in the universe LINERS accrete at extreme low Eddington luminosity ratios