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APPENDIX B ANSWER KEY. MACROS. What’s in this appendix: Answer Key for Workshop 1 Answer Key for Workshop 2 Answer Key for Workshop 3 Answer Key for Workshop 4 Answer Key for Workshop 5 Answer Key for Workshop 6 Answer Key for Workshop 7 Answer Key for Workshop 8
MACROS • What’s in this appendix: • Answer Key for Workshop 1 • Answer Key for Workshop 2 • Answer Key for Workshop 3 • Answer Key for Workshop 4 • Answer Key for Workshop 5 • Answer Key for Workshop 6 • Answer Key for Workshop 7 • Answer Key for Workshop 8 • Answer Key for Workshop 9 • Answer Key for Workshop 10 • Answer Key for Workshop 11 • Answer Key for Workshop 13 • Answer Key for Workshop 14 • Answer Key for Workshop 15 • Answer Key for Workshop 16
ANSWER KEY FOR WORKSHOP 1 • To automatically find the drop angle: • Step 2: 6.797 degrees • To manually find the drop angle: • Step 2: No • To perform an optimization study: • Step 3: DV_p4_x (+4.78%) • Step 4: DV_p2_x (-0.247%) • Step 5:
ANSWER KEY FOR WORKSHOP 1 (CONT.) • To perform an optimization study: • Step 8: Yes • To perform a tolerance check: • Step 3:
ANSWER KEY FOR WORKSHOP 2 • Quiz: • 1=Integer, 2=Object, 3=String, 4=String, 5=Real, 6=Object, 7=Matrix (Array of reals) • Module review: • Step 1: .express_test.steel - database object • Step 2: This variable is only referenced by the left wing, not the right; data type is character string. • Step 3: .express_test.rt_pillar.MARKER_22 - database object • Step 4: 300.0, -100.0, 203.0 - array of real numbers • Step 5: 6.83 - real value • Step 6: jt_rt_pillar - character string • Step 7: 7-integer number
ANSWER KEY FOR WORKSHOP 3 • To obtain information about the cylinder: • Step 2: .cyl_mod.PART.MARKER_1 • Module review: • Step 1: By default the center of mass (CM) location for a part is derived from the geometry and material type. A change in cylinder length automatically results in ADAMS/View updating the CM location. Therefore, parameterizing the CM location yourself would be in conflict with what ADAMS/View is trying to do. If you want to parameterize a CM location you must define the mass and inertia using User Input instead. • Step 2: No, it cannot. You can only use design-time functions to define the model configuration. The only geometry types that change shape during run-time are outline, spring-damper, and force graphics. • Step 3: Yes, the cylinder length can be dependent on the design-time STEP function. This would allow you to control the length based on conditional logic. This might be something you'd want to do in a design study, DOE, or optimization. If you have internet access, see KB Article 8464 for an example.
ANSWER KEY FOR WORKSHOP 4 • To identify the parts: • Step 2:
ANSWER KEY FOR WORKSHOP 4 (CONT.) • To parameterize the location of the tierod geometry: • Step 1: .sla.tierod.tierod_geo_base • Step 5: (LOC_RELATIVE_TO({0,0,0},.sla.ground.pnt7_ref)) • To parameterize the orientation of the tierod geometry: • Step 3: (ORI_ALONG_AXIS(.sla.ground.pnt7_ref, .sla.ground.pnt8_ref, ”z”)) • Step 5: No • To parameterize the universal joint: • Step 3: Yes • To parameterize the location of the long cylinders: • Step 3: 3
ANSWER KEY FOR WORKSHOP 4 (CONT.) • To inspect the behavior of short cylinder parametrics: • Step 5: No • Step 6: The center_marker location parametrics were incorrectly defined for the short cylinders. This occurred during the attach-near operation in Step 1 on page 83. You need to locate the center_marker along the line-of-sight from pnt3_ref to pnt4_ref. • To parameterize the location of the UCA-spindle spherical joint: • Step 3: The markers for the spherical joint were parameterized to the design point. • Step 4: No • Step 5: A warning message would be issued saying that you were breaking a parametric relationship. • To parameterize the orientation of the I marker: • Step 3, page 90: ORI_RELATIVE_TO
ANSWER KEY FOR WORKSHOP 5 • To test the parameterization: • Step 4: Yes • To move the design points to a second configuration: • Step 3: No • To move design points to a third design configuration: • Step 3: No
ANSWER KEY FOR WORKSHOP 6 • To locate a point at an intersection: • Step 3: 4 • Step 4: 3 • Step 5: No • To define a measure to study: • Step 4: Yes • To perform a design study: • Step 6: Trial 1 • Step 7: -25 • To run the design study again: • Step 4: Yes • Step 5: Yes, the range of A1 seems well-bounded when all other variables are held fixed. However, it's possible that using other combinations of design variables may result in unexpected motion or unforeseen linkage configurations. • Step 6: Trials 1,2
ANSWER KEY FOR WORKSHOP 6 (CONT.) • Optional tasks: • Step 1: New analyses will be created: Run_006 through Run_010 and Multi_Run_002. • Step 4: Yes. Analyses can be deleted using the Delete Simulation Results tool or by selecting the Tools menu, pointing to Command Navigator, pointing Analysis, and then selecting Delete. • Step 4: Yes • Step 5: Yes, the list of values was used. Yes, it ignored the list of values. • Step 5: No, you cannot study more than one measure at a time. Yes, you can study more than one objective at a time.
ANSWER KEY FOR WORKSHOP 7 • To get started: • Step 8: No, it hops in place. • To perform a design study: • Step 2: pt4_z, w1 • Step 5, page 148: Trial #5, value=150 • To run a simulation: • Step 3: Straight line, 45o left of path to zone. • To perform a DOE: • Step 6: 15 • Step 7: 0.333, 0.272 • To perform a DOE by direct input: • Step 7: 5 • Step 8: 100.0, -316.51 • Step 13: Right-hooking arc towards zone. • Step 14: Nearly, if not completely. • Step 15: Yes
ANSWER KEY FOR WORKSHOP 8 • To evaluate the constraints: • Step 8: A, B, and C because they’re greater than zero. • To run an optimization: • Step 6: $11.42, 50 - .00833 = 49.99 1o • Step 7: No. 37 calls. • Step 9: Variable L2 was driven to its upper limit; A2 was driven to its upper limit. • To modify the variable range: • Step 4: No. OPT_CONSTRAINT_1 which is defined by the measure FUNCTION_MEA_AZ. This constraint was designed to ensure that it has an inclination angle of 50o when the hood is fully opened. • Step 6: Yes. Looking at the animation, the opened angle appears to be about 50o at the end of the simulation. From the tabular results (opt_results_2.txt), we see that the actual angle is 49.98o. • Step 7: $11.41
ANSWER KEY FOR WORKSHOP 8 (CONT.) • To use a tolerance band: • Step 5: $11.27, 45 - .0039 = 44.996 ≈ 45o • Step 6: Yes, cost savings were gained by loosening the tolerance on the hood angle. • Step 8: No, however they are very close to the desired conditions. As an engineer, you would have to determine if these small errors in tolerance are worth the financial savings of the new design.
ANSWER KEY FOR WORKSHOP 9 • To verify the model: • Step 4: model verify • Step 6: Yes • To use the command line with history: • Step 5: info empty • To use the command Navigator to turn off the appearance of a marker icon: • Step 10: No • To execute commands in a file: • Step 11: Write the command file more generically so that it’s not model-name dependent. • To turn off the visibility of geometry: • Step 3: Link, Cylinder, Extrusion, Ellipsoid • Step 6: CsgSolid (and/or plate)
ANSWER KEY FOR WORKSHOP 9 (CONT.) • To modify the command file: • Step 4: Yes • Task 1: • Step 3: Yes • Task 3: • Step 3: Yes
ANSWER KEY FOR WORKSHOP 10 • To write a FOR loop: • Step 6: Yes • Step 8: No • Step 9: The commands are being executed properly, but the screen isn’t being updated. • To copy DISK_0: • Step 3: Yes • To move the copies: • Step 3: Yes • To use conditional logic: • Step 5: Yes • Step 6: Yes • To use the ALERT function for decisions: • Step 3: 0
ANSWER KEY FOR WORKSHOP 11 • To save a recorded macro: • Step 4: All of the above. • To record another macro: • Step 3: No, probably not. • Step 5: Yes • Step 6: Yes. Recording the new one didn’t overwrite the one you renamed to .my_zoomed_view. You may have more than one macro in the database at a time, however each must have a unique name. • Step 7: F, T, T • To write a parameterless macro: • Step 2: C (.MACRO_1)
ANSWER KEY FOR WORKSHOP 13 • To restore the menu: • Step 3: No • Quiz: • 1-Reload, 2-Export, 3-Import, 4-Apply, 5-Exit, 6-Load. • To modify the main menu bar: • Step 2: variable sweep • Step 5: Choice #3 • To review menu hierarchy: • Step 5: F, T, F, T, T • To add a push button: • Step 8: interface menubar read menubar=.my_cust.arc_toolkit.mbar file="arc_toolkit.mnu” • To remove a push button: • Step 7: Yes
ANSWER KEY FOR WORKSHOP 14 • To determine the location: • Step 6: .gui.modify_locations • Step 7: No • To use the Dialog Box Builder: • Step 3: Dialog-Box Builder: Modifying “modify_locations_dbox” • Step 4: Dialog Box “modify_locations_dbox” • Step 5: Layout, Appearance, Commands, Help
ANSWER KEY FOR WORKSHOP 14 (CONT.) • To work with attributes: • Step 1: Left=738, Top=22, Width=404, Height=203 Note: Answers may vary. • Step 4: Left=1093, Top=50, Width=275, Height=203 • Step 10: int fie set fie=$_self.f_p1_x str=”-68.4” • Step 11: It always sets the field values to the constant default value of –68.4. This is the value specified for the p1_x parameter in the macro that auto generated the dialog box. • Step 12: interface field set Field_name=… Strings=… Action=… Execute=… • Step 13: No • Step 14: No • Step 17: $_value, $_self, $_parent, $_topgui, $f_pl_x, $f_pl_y • Step 18: $_value=error, $_self=.my_cust.modify_locations_dbox, $_parent=.my_cust, $_topgui=.my_cust.modify_locations_dbox, $f_pl_x=-68.4, $f_pl_y=53.7
ANSWER KEY FOR WORKSHOP 14 (CONT.) • To determine the name of the label whose appearance text is P1 X: • Step 2: Dialog-Box Builder: Modifying “modify_location_dbox” • Step 3: Dialog Box “modify_locations_dbox” • Step 5: Label “l_p1_x” • Step 6: Layout, Appearance, Resizing, Help • Step 7: .my_cust.modify_locations_dbox.l_p1_x • Working with fields: • Step 1: f_p1_x, f_p1_y, f_p2_x, f_p2_y, f_p4_x, f_p4_y • Step 2: Layout, Appearance, Resizing, Value, Commands, Help • Step 3: String, Object, Numeric, File
ANSWER KEY FOR WORKSHOP 14 (CONT.) • Module review: • Step 1: .gui, .colors, .icons, .MDI, .materials, .plot_1 • Step 2: Single-clicking simply selects an object. To rename it, reshape it, or change its attributes, you would have to click Edit => Rename/Reshape/Attributes in the Dialog Box Builder. Double-clicking not only selects the object, but also puts it directly in the mode where you can reshape the object or change its attributes without clicking the Edit menu. • Step 3: No. Every time a macro was modified that would change the appearance of the auto generated macro, the dialog box needs to be deleted and recreated by clicking on the user-entered command in the Command Navigator. • Step 4: Yes
ANSWER KEY FOR WORKSHOP 15 • To copy and cut the buttons: • Step 4: Dialog-Box Builder: Modifying “cont_p1” • Step 5: Container “cont_p1” • Step 8: No • Module Review: • Step 1: real, integer, string • Step 2: First scenario: • $_value=none • $_self=.my_cust.design_layout • $_parent=.my_cust • $_topgui=.my_cust.design_layout Second scenario: • $_value=-68.4 (by default, but will vary) • $_self=.my_cust.design_layout.cont_p1.field_x • $_parent=.my_cust.design_layout.cont_p1 • $_topgui=.my_cust.design_layout
ANSWER KEY FOR WORKSHOP 16 • Module review: • Step 1: No; yes. • Step 2: Macro read macro_name=… file_name=… user_entered_command=…