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Holistic Information Governance: Secure, Discoverable, Reliable

This regulatory overview discusses the importance of information governance (IG) in creating, storing, and managing information. It highlights key recommendations, such as capturing key corporate documents, integrating email and network drives, and training staff on information management. The article emphasizes the need for a holistic view of information and process re-engineering with Information Champions.

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Holistic Information Governance: Secure, Discoverable, Reliable

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Regulatory overview Definitions - Information Governance (IG) Create Store • Information should be; • Secure • Discoverable • Classified • Confidential • Reliable • Authentic • Useable • Integral PEOPLE Dispose Information Lifecycle Organise Archive TECHNOLOGY PROCESS Use Source: ISO15489 (2001) Source: Leavitt (1965) Source: Atherton (1985)

  2. Information maturity

  3. Where is the information? Where should the information be?

  4. Key recommendations • Not all have TRIM loaded • Emails • Researchers • Funding agreements/milestones • Mail • Training PEOPLE • What saved by whom, where and when • Mail/HR/Credit cards • Hardcopy versus electronic • Drag & drop • Holistic information management/IT investment decisions • Only key corporate final documents be captured into TRIM • Policy & Procedure framework for information governance • Email and network drive integration • Systems administration • Citrix • Endnote to web research output display • Mail box and network drive sizes • Research Data • Quickbooks TECHNOLOGY PROCESS

  5. Way forward Information Governance • Endorse recommendations • Holistic view of information • Changing desktop integrations and process re engineering with Information Champions (Russell, Kelly, Charity, Jane, Fran, Karina, Mark) – starting today with system administrators • Communications to all staff regarding process/TRIM use changes • Getting key documents into TRIM with help of information champions

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