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advenio , advenire , adveni , adventus /a/um (ad + venio ) to arrive. aedificium , aedificii ( aedifici ), n. building. aeger , aegra , aegrum sick, ill. alter, altera , alterum. the other, the second. canto, cantare , cantavi , cantatus /a/um. to sing.
advenio, advenire, adveni, adventus/a/um (ad + venio) to arrive
alter, altera, alterum the other, the second
ceter, cetera, ceterum the other, the rest (pl.)
custos, custodis, m. guard
decido, decidere, decidi (de + cado) to fall down
excito, excitare, excitavi, excitatus/a/um to arouse, wake up
fessus/a/um tired horreum, -i, n. barn, granary
interficio, interficere, interfeci, interfectus/a/um to kill
itavero yes
nolo, nolle, nolui to not want, refuse
novus/a/um new
nullus/a/um (gen. nullius; dat. nulli) not any, no
possum, posse, potui to be able
retineo, retinere, retinui, retentus/a/um (re + teneo) to keep
ruo, ruere, rui, rutus/a/um to rush
--, sui, sibi, se, se himself, herself, itself, themselves
vita, -ae, f. life
volo, velle, volui to want