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CERGE-EI Library Information Education New Remote Access to the library databases Introduction to CERGE -EI Databases ( for internal use only during the library training session on February 3, 2010). CERGE-EI Library 3. 2 . 2010. Training Content
CERGE-EI Library InformationEducation New Remote Access to the library databases Introduction to CERGE-EI Databases (forinternal use onlyduringthelibrarytrainingsession on February 3, 2010) CERGE-EI Library 3. 2. 2010
TrainingContent Introduction to CERGE-EI Remote Acces – Charles University E-resources Portal Introduction to CERGE-EI e-books Introduction to Databases Introduction to CERGE-EI LibrarySearchingTools: E-journalsPortal (searchingforelectronicversionofjournals) Article Search (throughpredefineddatabases)
New Remote Acces to CERGE-EI Databases Onelog ended by November 14, 2009 Newly Charles University E-resources Portal running as a part of University information system http://pez.cuni.cz/ezdroje/index.php?lang=en
Remote access to CERGE-EI electronic resources – how to get it http://www.cerge-ei.cz/library/
Remote access to CERGE-EI electronic resources – how to get a login http://www.cerge-ei.cz/library/services/pez/
Remote access to CERGE-EI electronic resources – how to get a login http://www.cerge-ei.cz/library/services/pez/login.asp
Remote access to CERGE-EI electronic resources – how to get a login https://ldap.cuni.cz/en/index.php?action=changepass/ https://ldap.cuni.cz/en/pwreset.php
If you are foreigner, enter the number that was assigned to you by your Study Department Remote access to CERGE-EI electronic resources – how to get a login https://ldap.cuni.cz/en/pwreset.php
CERGE-EI e-books NetLibrary - textbooks Handbooks in ScienceDirect- handbooks Gale eBooks - encyclopedias http://www.cerge-ei.cz/library/databases/default.asp
jana.koudelkova@cerge-ei.cz NetLibrary http://www.netlibrary.com/
NetLibrary – remote access http://pez.cuni.cz/ezdroje/
CategorizationofElectronic InformationResources Resources by type: online librarycatalogues - OLIB databases – List ofdatabases special (subject) portals – Economists Online Resources by domains: multidomain domain
Databases TypesofDatabases: by accessibility: free databases – RePEc, SSRN licenseddatabases – List ofdatabases by form: bibliographicaldatabases statistical databases fulltext databases citationdatabases
by form: bibliographicaldatabases databasesofbibliographicrecords, contains references to published literature you can search words only in bibl. record Why use a bibliographical database? bibliographic information – author, title, journal, publ. Yearetc. List ofbibliographicaldatabases
by form: fulltext databases contain bibliographic records + complete texts, usually in pdf format you can search words in article’s text, not only in its abstract or title Why use a fulltext database? fulltext ofthearticle List ofbibliographicaldatabases
by form: statistical databases - database used for statistical analysis purposes numeric data Why use a statistical database? specificstatistical data DSI CampusSolution, EIU CountryData, Davidson Data Center & Network List ofstatisticaldatabases
by form: citationdatabases – containsinformationaboutcitations Why use a citation database? Who is citing my research? How my research is influencing newer research? Web ofKnowledge, Scopus List ofcitationdatabases
Fewquestionsyouhave to realizedwhenyousearchingdatabases: WHY I amsearching: cui bono? – I amwritingseminarpaper, I amworking on appliedresearch – itfollows - how much in detail wewant to search WHAT I amsearching: youhave to knowwhatyou are exactlysearchingfor – youhave to knowkeywords, contextbetweenterms, interdisciplinaryconnectionsetc. WHERE I amsearching: fulltext databases, statisticaldatabases, bibilogr. Datab., licenseddatabases, free databasesandportals HOW I amsearching: special searchingstrategy, using special techniques WHAT I will do withselectedrecords: where to saverelevantrecords
Databases EBSCOhost ProQuest 5000 Science Direct
LibraryServices Serial Solutions 360 Search SFX E-journalsPortal
E-journal search • SerialSolutionsallowsyou to search across your library's electronic resources from one simple interface. • Journalsearching • Journalofeconomiceducation , Americaneconomicreview, Economicsofgovernance, Economicsoftransition
Search articles • 360 Search is a federated search engine for searching across your library's electronic resources from one simple interface. • 360 Search allowsyou to search by twomainway– • youmay search specific data – author, titleofanarticleetc • youmay search theme – economictransition • The reaction of asset prices to macroeconomic announcements in new EU markets: Evidence from intraday data • Divestitures, privatization and corporate performance in emerging markets by Hanousek
ThankyouforyourAttention jana.koudelkova@cerge-ei.cz tomas.pavela@cerge-ei.cz
BooleanOperators And combines search terms so that each search result contains all of the terms. For example - travel and Europe -finds articles that contain bothtravel and Europe. Orcombines search terms so that each search result contains at least one of the terms. For example, college or university- finds results that contain either college or university. Not excludes terms so that each search result does not contain any of the terms that follow it. For example, television not cable- finds results that contain television but not cable.
ProximitySearches The proximity operators are composed of a letter (N or W) and a number(to specify the number of words). The proximity operator is placed between the words that are to be searched, as follows: Near Operator (N) - N5 finds the words if they are within five words of one another regardless of the order in which they appear. For example, type tax N5 reform to find results that would match tax reform as well as reform of income tax. Within Operator (W) - In the following example, W8 finds the words if they are within eight words of one another and in the order in which you entered them. For example, type tax W8 reform to find results that would match tax reform but would not match reform of income tax.
Wildcard The wildcard is represented by a question mark ? or a pound sign #. To use the ? wildcard, enter your search terms and replace each unknown character with a ? For example, type ne?t to find all citations containing neat, nest or next. To use the # wildcard, enter your search terms, adding the # in places where an alternate spelling may contain an extra character. For example, type colo#r to find all citations containing color or colour.
Truncation Truncation is represented by an asterisk (*). To use truncation, enter the root of a search term and replace the ending with an *. For example, type comput* to find the words computer or computing. Note: The Truncation symbol (*) may also be used between words to match any word. For example, a midsummer * dream will return results that contain the exact phrase, a midsummer night’s dream. back