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Children Rights. BY AILEEN. Children Right’s Article. Perlindungan anak jalanan menjadi kewajiban mendesak pemerintah. Hal ini dikarenakan, anak jalanan merupakan korban penelantaran, eksploitasi dan diskriminasi. Anak jalanan mengalami pelanggaran hak asasi manusia. Children Right’s Article.
Children Rights BY AILEEN
Children Right’s Article • Perlindungan anak jalanan menjadi kewajiban mendesak pemerintah. Hal ini dikarenakan, anak jalanan merupakan korban penelantaran, eksploitasi dan diskriminasi. Anak jalanan mengalami pelanggaran hak asasi manusia.
Children Right’s Article Pernyataan tersebut diutarakan menteri sosial, Salim Segaff Al Jufrie, disela-sela peluncuran dua program unggulan Kementerian Sosial. “Kami terus berupaya menyelamatkan anak bangsa dari berbagai bentuk dan tindakan diskriminatif. Contohnya anak jalanan. Mereka korban pelanggaran HAM,” ujar Salim. Ia menambahkan, upaya penyelamatan tersebut dilakukan melalui program kesejahteraan sosial anak (PKSA). Sementara itu, dirjen Yanrehsos, Makmur Sunusi, Ph.D mengatakan, program PKSA terus disosialisasikan sebagai upaya pemerintah menyelamatkan anak bangsa.
Children Right’s Article • Anak harus terhindar dari situasi buruk di jalanan, eksploitasi ekonomi, kekerasan, penelantaran dan perlakuan diskriminatif. Hak Anak untuk tumbuh kembang, kelangsungan hidup dan partisipasi, sudah selayaknya dipenuhi. Sasaran program tersebut, anak-anak yang memiliki kehidupan tidak layak dan mengalami masalah sosial. Yang dimaksud masalah sosial, seperti kemiskinan, ketelantaran, kecacatan, keterpencilan, ketunaan sosial, penyimpangan perilaku, korban bencana, serta korban tindak kekerasan, eksploitasi dan diskriminasi.
Summary • Children that live in the street got discriminate, exploitation and also they are the victim that got abandoned. They are the victim that got violation of “HakAsasiManusia” and now the government focus t save the children that live in the street. The government said that children need to be protected from dangerous jobs, exploitation and also from abandoning . They have rights to grow healthy, and also they have rights to have their own decision.
My Opinion • I think its cruel because everyone deserve to be treat fairly. Government should protect them and make sure that they are safe. Everyone deserve to live.
From Matthew chapter 22: 37-39 • In Matthew Jesus said that we need to love God and also love your neighbors. • From the article some people discriminate the children that live in the road which that means they didn’t show love to their neighbors.
10 Commandments • Do not kill Treating people cruelly is also a part of killing which we need to respect people if you want people to respect you also.
Social Teaching • Respect Human Life: we need to respect and thankful what God had given to us but we also have to respect other people and be grateful. • Option for the poor and vulnerable: we need to consider about people who are less fortunate which we need to respect them also. • Solidarity: responsible to care for each other.
Solution • Government should provide programs/ association to protect children that are less fortunate. • You can donate money to an organization to help other children that need help. • You can educate others and explain the importance of the safety of children. • Write a letter to your government so your government can realize how important it is.