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Page Hite Product Manager Tivoli Decision Support for zOS IBM Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

Usage and Accounting Management in z/OS and Distributed Environments IBM Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager Tracking, Reporting and Billing IT Utilization & Costs. Page Hite Product Manager Tivoli Decision Support for zOS IBM Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager.

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  1. Usage and Accounting Managementin z/OS and Distributed EnvironmentsIBM Tivoli Usage and Accounting ManagerTracking, Reporting and Billing IT Utilization & Costs Page Hite Product Manager Tivoli Decision Support for zOS IBM Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  2. IT Organizations Are Under Tremendous Pressure • Change:Market demands, workloads, service levels • Compliance:Regulations, security, audit capabilities • Complexity:Heterogeneous resources, silos, composite applications • Cost:Management and administration “What matters is how satisfied customers are, how costs are being saved on the supplier side, and how to allow for more creativity and added value at all levels of the organization. “ --Erik Brynjolfsson, Director of the Center for eBusiness at MIT Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  3. Dilemma of Simplicity Versus Shared Workloads • Dedicated systems and storage: • Advantage: simple to account for with a spreadsheet - one machine, one workload, and one cost center • Problems - resources are highly under utilized which means: • Paying more for hardware and software • Unnecessarily high energy costs • Using more real estate than required • More assets that are harder to track, manage, and maintain • Inflexible to varying peak in demand • Shared systems and storage: • Advantages are: • Better utilization of existing resources so future investments can be deferred • More cost effective – hardware, software, energy, staff, and floor space • More responsive to differing peak loads • Challenge: • How do I allocate costs • Prove to the users they’re getting what they deserve Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  4. Virtualization needs and challenges amongst those implementing Inhibitors amongst Implementing Motivators * Source: IBM Systems Directions 1Q 2006 Source: IBM Systems Directions 1Q 2006 *‘People worry they might not get enough resources. They believe they will get less than they need.’ (Mgr. IT Germany) ‘It’s a matter of convincing people at the beginning because they won’t have their own hardware. For us, virtualization worked so long as it was on one platform, but then platforms were assigned to different departments and those departments now had to work together.’ (Dir. IT Germany) ‘It involves trying to convince people not to order servers but to allow resources to be pooled into a virtual environment…trying to convince the business stakeholders to do this. The first moment someone has a problem, they will blame the virtualization.’ (VP IT; US) Source: ITS Virtualization Research Feb 2006 Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  5. Better IT - Business alignment Increased flexibility Increased utilization Reduce costs IT Resource Optimization: stages of adoption Business Value Orchestrate: Achieve Policy-based computing Provision: Automate Capacity & Workload Mgt Virtualize: Create logical asset pools Simplify: Consolidate IT assets Know costs Ability to Dynamically Respond Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  6. What are the objectives of an IT Usage and Accounting Management System… • Allocate/Distribute or Charge IT Costs to the Users, Cost Centers, Applications and other organizations that consumed them in a . . . • Fair • Understandable • Auditable/Reproducible, and • Easy to administer manner • Optimize IT costs through… • Costs trend identification • Real time analysis Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  7. What is needed to perform Usage & Accounting?Three variables to the equation Capability Align IT Software Spending with Business Priorities Data collectors for IT infrastructure can review consumption across multiple dimensions Who is consuming which IT resources? Costing engine assigns cost to resource usage What is the cost of those resources, including those that are shared? Costing and reporting engine associates and report usage costs to consumers of IT resources How should IT allocate cost for chargeback, ROI, costing analysis, and reporting/billing? All three questions help align IT spending with business priorities Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  8. An integral part of an organization’s financial reporting systems (Shared Services, Invoicing, Product Profitability, ERP Integration, Cost Allocations, Activity Based Costing, Resource & Cost Trending, etc.) Used across multiple platforms(Including Mainframe, Unix, Linux, Windows, etc.) Supporting multiple sub-systems (DB2, Oracle, SQL Server, CICS, Virtualization, Web, E-Mail, Networks, Storage, Print Servers, etc.) Internet enabled (Web-Based Reporting & Drill-Down and multiple outputs) IBM Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager is … http://www-306.ibm.com/software/tivoli/products/usage-accounting/ http://www-306.ibm.com/software/tivoli/products/usage-accounting-zos/ Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  9. What problem does TUAM solve?Inability to allocate IT costs, usage, and value Unix / Linux / Windows IT Departments contain many different platforms, environments, sub-systems, and users Mainframes • Costly to own, maintain, and operate • With unique record formats and metrics Storage & many other systems Databases & Networks Internet & E-Mail Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  10. Increase Client (Business Units) Satisfaction Real Usage = Accurate Billing Accountability = Improved services Alignment between Business and IT costs Lower Infrastructure Cost Reduced server sprawl Higher utilization Rationalization of resources Continued Infrastructure Improvement Understanding costs can lead to managing costs Usage comparisons can lead to more effective investments Usage and accounting capabilities can help realize immediate benefits When running a business, nothing matters more than knowing how much something costs. You can’t manage what you don’t measure! Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  11. Know what it costs – The TUAM funnel Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  12. Costing Methods Supported -as described by Professor Brant Allen of the Colgate Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia. • No Charge Back • IT Department is overhead. • Overhead Allocation • Based on head count, assets, revenue, floor space, and so forth (not usage). • Memo Record Billing • We don't do this, but if we did.... • Classic Chargeback • End of Year Budget Charge...Zero Cost. • Break Even (Year End Adjustment) • Same as Classic except budgets are charged monthly... Zero Cost. • Budgeted Rates • See Rates for Year, Quarter, etc. • Standard Rates and Negotiated Prices • Similar to other inter-divisional accounting practices. Cost and price are two different things. The IT Department is run like a business. • Functional Pricing • Instead of CPU time, or disk usage, users are charged for functional items such as orders entered, claims processed, and checks written. Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  13. IBM Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager (TUAM)Enables Sophisticated Chargeback Methodologies TUAM: End-to-end scalability & flexibility enables business units and IT to establish appropriate chargeback methodologies for specific IT services. SBP Service based pricing NFR Negotiated flat rate TFR Tiered flat rate MRU Measured resource usage DC Direct cost TUAM Data Collectors Tivoli Decision Support for z/OS LLA Low-level allocation HLA High-level allocation Unix, Linux, Oracle, Storage, Middleware, third party hardware, Windows, Exchange, Notes, SQL Server, MS Disk Storage, Middleware and Applications Batch, TSO, Transaction Processing, VM, AS400, Database and Storage “Selecting a Chargeback Method Depends on the Business Unit and IT Service” -Gartner Research 2005 Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  14. IBM Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager (TUAM)Enables Sophisticated Chargeback Methodologies So how do we get from usage DATA to usage INFORMATION? SPB Service based pricing NFR Negotiated flat rate TFR Tiered flat rate MRU Measured resource usage DC Direct cost TUAM Data Collectors Tivoli Decision Support for z/OS LLA Low-level allocation HLA High-level allocation Unix, Linux, Oracle, Storage, Middleware, third party hardware, Windows, Exchange, Notes, SQL Server, MS Disk Storage, Middleware and Applications Batch, TSO, Transaction Processing, VM, AS400, Database and Storage “Selecting a Chargeback Method Depends on the Business Unit and IT Service” -Gartner Research 2005 Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  15. Chargeback & Accounting- Cost Recovery Performance Tivoli Decision Support for z/OS – A Quick Review Tivoli Decision Support for z/OS collects log data from various sources and provides a central repository for easy access to the historical enterprise-wide IT utilization information and statistics valuable for use in providing performance reporting, data for service level management and usage accounting. Service Level Reporting http://www-3.ibm.com/software/tivoli/products/tds-390/ Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  16. Graphics Tabular Data Spreadsheets Tivoli Decision Support for z/OS – A Quick Review Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  17. Graphics Tabular Data Spreadsheets System Performance* AS/400 CICS IMS Distributed Systems Network Accounting & Chargeback Tivoli Decision Support for z/OS – A Quick Review Over 800 canned reports are included with the base and features Show Me More Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  18. IBM Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager (TUAM)Enables Sophisticated Chargeback Methodologies So how do we get from usage DATA to usage INFORMATION? SPB Service based pricing NFR Negotiated flat rate TFR Tiered flat rate MRU Measured resource usage DC Direct cost TUAM Data Collectors Tivoli Decision Support for z/OS LLA Low-level allocation HLA High-level allocation Unix, Linux, Oracle, Storage, Middleware, third party hardware, Windows, Exchange, Notes, SQL Server, MS Disk Storage, Middleware and Applications Batch, TSO, Transaction Processing, VM, AS400, Database and Storage “Selecting a Chargeback Method Depends on the Business Unit and IT Service” -Gartner Research 2005 Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  19. IBM Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager (TUAM)Enables Sophisticated Chargeback Methodologies So how do we get from usage DATA to usage INFORMATION? SPB Service based pricing NFR Negotiated flat rate TFR Tiered flat rate MRU Measured resource usage DC Direct cost ITUAM Data Collectors Tivoli Decision Support for z/OS LLA Low-level allocation HLA High-level allocation Unix, Linux, Oracle, Storage, Middleware, third party hardware, Windows, Exchange, Notes, SQL Server, MS Disk Storage, Middleware and Applications Batch, TSO, Transaction Processing, VM, AS400, Database and Storage “Selecting a Chargeback Method Depends on the Business Unit and IT Service” -Gartner Research 2005 Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  20. IBM Tivoli Usage and Accounting ManagerComponents & Flow • Controls scheduled batch TUAM Server processes for resource accounting and costing plus email status notification. • Account code conversion • Cost extension • Data conversion • ODBC Compliant Database: • SQL Server, Oracle, DB2 Read raw metering data & create TUAM Server Resource Records Job Runner RDBMS Processing Engine TUAM Data Collectors Resource Records TDSz (host) Unix/Linux/Windows Operating Systems Database E-Mail Storage Internet Networks Print Other Crystal Reports SQL Server Reporting Services Reporting Interface ITUAM Server Administrator Web Access GUI to administer table maintenance, reporting security, parameters for processing, and perform TUAM Server processes online as opposed to batch processing with Job Runner, etc. Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  21. IDENTIFICATION CODES User ID’s  Job Names  Account Codes  Transaction ID’s Network ID’s  Project Codes  DSN’s  Email Addresses Security ID’s  Extensions  Folder Names Authorization ID’s  IP Addresses Server ID’s Etc. Account Code Conversion Business Unit A BB Line Of Business Cost Center CC Application DD User, Etc. XX IBM Tivoli Usage and Accounting ManagerApply Business Rules Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  22. IBM Tivoli Usage and Accounting ManagerFeature List (partial) • Miscellaneous and Recurring Transactions • Multiple CPU's of Differing Speeds Supported (Normalization) • Multiple Rate Tables by Acct. • Multiple Reporting Levels with drilldown • Paper & Form Chargeback • Proration • Rate Modeling • Sales Tax • Security Authentication/LDAP • Server Based Reporting System • Server Based Stand-Alone System • Shift, Class, Priority Surcharge • Tiered Pricing • Usage Discovery • Web Enabled & Automatic HTML Creation • Work Shift Reporting • Year To Date Reporting • Zero Based Budget Support • Account Code Editing • Account Code Validation • Automatic E-Mail Reporting • Automatic Web Reporting • Billing Equation • Budget / Actual Reporting • Business Rules Engine • Contract Pricing • Conversion Engine • Cost & Resource Analysis Reports • Creates GL Transactions • Disk Space Accounting • Discounts • Efficient Daily Processing • Efficient EOM Processing • External Billing • Flexible Account Code Generation • Flexible Account Code Reporting • Full Time Administrator Not Required • Integrated Rate Table/Service Catalogue Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  23. z/OS data • Jobs Processed • Steps Processed • CPU Time • Equation Time • Service Units • TSO CPU Time • TSO I/O • TSO Time • Elapsed Time • CPU Time • Transactions • Input Messages • Output Messages • Total Messages • File Access Count Mainframe CICS • CPU Time • Elapsed Time • # of DB2 Records • # of Get Pages • # of Entry/Exit Events • Accumulated CPU Time • Accumulated Elapsed Time Partial List Goal: ANY usage file from ANY system! DB2 • Space Allocated • Space Used • Space Wasted • Migrated Datasets • Backup Datasets • Disk I/O • Disk Datasets • Tape I/O • Tape Mounts • Tape Storage • Lines Printed • Pages Printed • Paper & Forms • Laser Printers • Color/B&W • Simplex/Duplex • RDMS Systems Storage Print Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  24. Microsoft Windows • Print Submitted KB • Printed KB • Pages Submitted • Pages Printed • Number of Copies • Simplex, Duplex • Color or B&W • Landscape or Portrait • Forms & Paper • Etc. • Elapsed Time • CPU Time • Kernal CPU Time • User CPU Time • # of Read Requests • KB’s Read • # of Write Requests • KB’s Written • Etc. • Disk Space by MB, GB, etc. • Disk Space by Folder Name, File Name, etc. • CD/DVD Drives and Tape Juke Boxes • Other Storage Monitors • Etc. Print Windows Server Storage Partial List Goal: ANY usage file from ANY system! • Elapsed Time • SQL Server CPU • SQL Server Reads • SQL Server Writes • SQL Server DBMS Size • Etc. • Oracle • DB2/UDB • Sybase • SQL Server • Informix • Etc. SQL Server Other DBMS Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  25. Unix/Linux data • CPU – ucpu, scpu • Connect Time • Seat Time • Window Time • Disk & Character I/O • Images Activated • Software Packages • Disk Storage Space • Oracle Resource Usage • AIX, HP/UX, and Solaris • Linux, RedHat and Novell SUSE - ALL IBM Systems • AIX Advanced Accounting Unix/Linux Partial List Goal: ANY usage file from ANY system! • Logins • Connect Time • UGA Memory • PGA Memory • Recursive CPU • Session CPU • User Commits • Physical Reads and Writes • Writer Requests • Disk Sorts • Messages • Logins • Connect Time • System CPU • User CPU • I/O Activity • Table Activity • Sort Work • Buffer Pool Activity • Locks & Deadlocks • SQL Activity • UOW Log Space ORACLE DB2 Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  26. eMail, network & printing, and Internet data Partial List Goal: ANY usage file from ANY system! Partial List Goal: ANY usage file from ANY system! • Windows Print • Veritas Netbackup • Cisco Netflow • UNIX/LINUX ftp transfer usage • Apache • Microsoft IIS • Microsoft Proxy Server • Netscape Proxy Server • Microsoft ISA Server • Microsoft Exchange • Lotus Notes • Sendmail Network and Printing Internet E-Mail Systems Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  27. What people have done with the Data Collector Toolkit • Netscout • RMON2 • SNA Server/Host Integration Server • Network Decisions • Radius • NetworkVantage • Novell Web, Etc. • SAP • PeopleSoft • Oracle Financials • Hyperion • JD Edwards • Lawson • BAAN • Walker • Etc. • IBM WebSphere • BEA WebLogic • 3COM Routers • Firewalls • Switches/Lines • PBX Systems • RMON2 • WebTrends • Etc. Network Partial List Goal: ANY usage file from ANY system! Internet / Telecom ERP Systems • Personnel Time • Help Desk Time • Equipment Rental • Software • Communications • Networks • Telecom Charges • IMAC’s / Desktop Support • Recurring & Misc. Charges External Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  28. What people have done with the Data Collector Toolkit • IMS • IDMS • ADABAS • MS Access • Focus • Datacom • Supra, M204 • Universal • Etc. • z/VM • z/VSE • i5OS* • Unisys • Netware • VMware* • Citrix* • MS Virtual PC • MS Virtual Server • Etc. • Actuate • Business Objects • MS Reporting Svcs. • Oracle Reports • Mainframe RDMS • CA/Dispatch • SAR/Express • Etc. • Print Servers • Etc. Databases Operating Systems Output Partial List Goal: ANY usage file from ANY system! • WSG Empire Time • ChangePoint • Kronos • TimeSlips • MS Project • Help Desks • Consultants • Etc. • BMC Patrol Suite • HP Openview • ASG TMON • CA Unicenter • Net IQ • CRM Products • Etc. • SANS • Backup Systems • Storage Monitors • Storage Managers • Tape Systems • Robots • DVD/CD • TSM / TPC • Etc. Human Resources 3rd Party Systems Storage * Supported by ITUAM Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  29. Internet Infrastr. Collector: Apache IIS IBM Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager Data Import Entitlement (2) Unix/Linux - Storage. AIX Advanced Accounting Collector Sample and Creation Tool Database Collector: DB2, Sybase, SQL Server Oracle e-Mail Collector: Exchange Notes, Sendmail i5OS, VMware/ Windows & Storage Network & Printing Collector: Printing File Transfer ITUAM for z/OS Rate Table IBM TUAM ClientFile Web-basedInvoices Web-basedReports Costed Data Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  30. Data collectors included in TUAM v6.1 Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  31. IBM Tivoli Usage and Accounting v6.1 Collector Packs Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  32. IBM Tivoli Usage and Accounting ManagerReport Chart (partial list of categories) • Budget Analysis Reports • Database Reports • E-Mail Reports • Hog Reports • Internet Reports • Invoices • Network Reports • Operating System Reports • Print Reports • Resource Usage Reports • Storage Reports • Top 10 Consumers • YTD Reports Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  33. Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  34. Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  35. Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  36. Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  37. Show Me More Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  38. Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  39. Summary Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager Will Ensure You Reach These Goals • Moreeasily introduce new applications and systems • IBM Usage and Accounting Manager provides insights to current costs and usages • IBM Usage and Accounting Manager easily facilitates IT’s usage tracking and cost allocation of new applications and systems • Better integrate business processes with IT • IBM Usage and Accounting Manager provides the ability to report usage and service in business versus technical terms • Users can see services delivered and costs by line of business • Improve IT systems utilization and productivity • Top 10 reporting quickly identifies heaviest uses and potential abuses • IT can focus on service delivery and intelligent tuning versus data gathering and reporting • Enable betteraccess to information • IT Financial Management, operations, and user have easy and flexible access to the resource usage they need when and where they want it • Reduce or mitigate business operations risk • Disparate usage data turned into valuable decision-making information Know What IT Costs! Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  40. QUESTIONS? Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  41. Page HiteProduct ManagerTivoli Decision Support for zOSIBM Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager+1-703-229-4377tie-line 930-7077pagehite@us.ibm.comPage L Hite/Bethesda/IBM@IBMUS http://www-306.ibm.com/software/tivoli/products/usage-accounting/ http://www-306.ibm.com/software/tivoli/products/usage-accounting-zos/ http://www-306.ibm.com/software/tivoli/products/tds-390/ Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  42. Thai Traditional Chinese Gracias Thank You Russian Spanish Obrigado English Brazilian Portuguese Arabic Danke German Grazie Merci Italian Simplified Chinese French Japanese Korean Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  43. Trademarks The following are trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. AIX* AIX 5L* BladeCenter Chipkill DB2 DB2 Universal Database Domino Enterprise Storage Server* e-business logo* GDPS* Geographically Dispersed Parallel Sysplex S/390 ServerProven* Tivoli* TotalStorage* TotalStorage Proven Virtualization Engine X-Architecture xSeries* z/OS* z/VM* zSeries* System z9* HiperSockets IBM* IBM eServer IBM logo* iSeries Lotus* OnForever* Parallel Sysplex* POWER POWER5 Predictive Failure Analysis* pSeries* * Registered trademarks of IBM Corporation The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of other companies. Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation in the United States, other countries or both. Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc., in the United States and other countries Linux is a registered trademark of Linux Torvalds in the United States other countries, or both. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. Microsoft, Windows and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. * All other products may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Notes: Performance is in Internal Throughput Rate (ITR) ratio based on measurements and projections using standard IBM benchmarks in a controlled environment. The actual throughput that any user will experience will vary depending upon considerations such as the amount of multiprogramming in the user's job stream, the I/O configuration, the storage configuration, and the workload processed. Therefore, no assurance can be given that an individual user will achieve throughput improvements equivalent to the performance ratios stated here. IBM hardware products are manufactured from new parts, or new and serviceable used parts. Regardless, our warranty terms apply. All customer examples cited or described in this presentation are presented as illustrations of the manner in which some customers have used IBM products and the results they may have achieved. Actual environmental costs and performance characteristics will vary depending on individual customer configurations and conditions. This publication was produced in the United States. IBM may not offer the products, services or features discussed in this document in other countries, and the information may be subject to change without notice. Consult your local IBM business contact for information on the product or services available in your area. All statements regarding IBM's future direction and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice, and represent goals and objectives only. Information about non-IBM products is obtained from the manufacturers of those products or their published announcements. IBM has not tested those products and cannot confirm the performance, compatibility, or any other claims related to non-IBM products. Questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products should be addressed to the suppliers of those products. Prices subject to change without notice. Contact your IBM representative or Business Partner for the most current pricing in your geography. Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

  44. APPENDIX / Hidden Charts Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager

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