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IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Operational Reporting Walk-Through Tivoli Storage Architecture

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Operational Reporting Walk-Through Tivoli Storage Architecture. Last updated: July 8, 2003 for Driver 7 Send comments to: emcollin@us.ibm.com. Tivoli Storage Architecture Updated: February 28, 2003 emcollin@us.ibm.com. Agenda – TSM Operational Reporting. Overview

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IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Operational Reporting Walk-Through Tivoli Storage Architecture

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  1. IBM Tivoli Storage ManagerOperational Reporting Walk-ThroughTivoli Storage Architecture Last updated: July 8, 2003 for Driver 7 Send comments to: emcollin@us.ibm.com Tivoli Storage Architecture Updated: February 28, 2003 emcollin@us.ibm.com

  2. Agenda – TSM Operational Reporting • Overview • Pre-Install • Setup • Post-Install • Configuration • Summary

  3. Overview – TSM Operational Reporting • Helps minimize the amount of time needed to administer TSM • A daily report can be sent to you via e-mail • The report provides you with a summary of operational activity • The subject indicates if the server is running smoothly or if it needs attention • If server needs attention issues are identified and recommendations are provided • Reports and monitors are color coded to quickly identify warnings and errors • A monitor can notify you of issues via e-mail or via a message to your desktop • Easy to use • Runs on Windows and supports all TSM server platforms and versions • Integrated with the TSM management console • Small number of settings with simple interface to access them • Defaults are provided out of the box • Reports and monitors can be viewed interactively, from a web site, or in e-mail • Reports and monitors can be customized and extended • Custom report and monitor templates can be shared with others • Can automatically notify clients of missed or failed schedules via e-mail

  4. Pre-Installation – Upgrade Preparation If this is a: • First time driver 7 install • No preparation is needed • Upgrade from driver 4a, driver 5, or driver 6 • No preparation is needed • Upgrade from driver 4 • Copy *.rep, *.mon, *.rcp, *.msc to a temporary location (these files will be restored after installation – ref. slide 14) • Upgrade from driver 3 or earlier • Copy *.rep, *.mon, *.rcp, *.msc to a temporary location (these files will be restored after installation – ref. slide 14) • Using Add/Remove programs, remove the old driver

  5. Package - Run • Download and run TsmreptTechPrevDriver7.exe • Click Next when the packaging wizard appears

  6. Package – Review and Agree to License • Select the I accept the terms of the license agreement • Click Next The Next button will remain grayed out until you Select I accept the terms in the license agreement. Click Cancel if you don’t agree.

  7. Package – Temporary Setup File Location • If needed, update the path where temp files are to be placed • Click Next Type in the name of the path to unpack the temporary installation files to.

  8. Package – Extract Setup Files • This page extracts the files needed to run the setup wizard • The setup wizard will be launched when this page completes

  9. Setup - Introduction • This is the first page of the Setup Wizard • Click Next to continue Click Next to continue

  10. Setup – Choose Destination • Specify the path where operational reporting will be installed • Select Everyone • Click Next

  11. Setup – Confirm Installation • Click Next to begin installation Click Next to begin installation. Or click Back to make any changes.

  12. Setup - Progress • You may see a Windows command prompt or two here asthe MMC snapin registration is being automatically performed The setup program automatically installs and configuresthe Windows service for TSM operational reporting.

  13. Setup – Installation Complete • Operational reporting is now installed and is ready to run Click Close to complete the installation.

  14. Post-Installation - Upgrade Completion If this is a: • First time install using driver 7 or an upgrade from driver 4a, 5 or 6 • Operational reporting is ready to run • Upgrade from driver 4 or earlier • Copy *.rep, *.mon, *.rcp, *.msc from the temporary location you used earlier (slide 4) into “c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\console_reporting” (update path as needed) • Operational reporting is ready to run To run operational reporting click the following icon onyour desktop:

  15. MMC – Main TSM Management Console Step 1: Click Organize TSM Computers to add TSM computers to the console

  16. MMC – Add TSM Network Resources • Click New to add a new TSM computer

  17. MMC – Add a TSM Computer • Specify the computer’s name • Select the operating system • Select Include Report Features • Select TSM Web Client (optional) • Select TSM Web Administrator • Specify TSM Server information • Server name • TCP/IP Address • TCP/IP Port • HTTP Port • One TSM server instance per machine is typical but you can add additional instances as required.

  18. MMC – After network resources added • Click OK after you have added TSM computers

  19. MMC – Main view after resources added Step 2: Click on TSM Operational Reporting

  20. MMC – Operational Report List • Select a computer and server instance • Click Add to add a new operational Report

  21. MMC – Add Report -- Details • Type in the report name • Select checkboxes of the sectionsyou want to include in the report • Specify timing info • Web versions refers to the number ofcopies of this report you want to appearin a summary web page • Select a report section and click Settings… to customize it • Select Add to extend the set of sectionsusing a custom SQL select statement

  22. MMC – Add Report -- Recipients • Exporting your recipient list will make it easy to use the same list in other reports • Format can be Text, HTML, • or URL. URL will send an e-mail link to the web summary page

  23. MMC – Add Report – Missed Schedules • Operational reporting can automatically send clients an e-mail message when their schedule has been missed or failed. • Click Query • Select Failed/Missed checkboxes • Click Node Update • Click Nodes Update to send all changes back to the TSM server. Information is stored in the node contact field. • Click Failed or Missed to customize the message to be sent • Tip: The Scheduled nodes only checkbox will cause the Nodes Query button to return only nodes that are associated with a schedule • Tip: To activate automatic notification you need to select the corresponding report sections in the Report Details tab.

  24. MMC – After reports have been defined • Note that you can add multiple reports per server

  25. MMC – Operational Monitor List • Reports and monitors are both configured in the same way • Click on Add to add a new operational monitor

  26. MMC – Add Monitor - Details • Type in the monitor name • Specify timing information • Specify the number of versions of the monitor results to display if using the web summary page • Select Settings… to customize the monitor • Timing info can help optimize queries • Use extensions – an extension will only be executed if a notification rule is triggered in the custom summary

  27. MMC – Add Monitor -- Recipients • Click Import… to retrieve e-mail information exported earlier. • Format can be Text, HTML, • or URL. URL will send an e-mail link to the web summary page

  28. MMC – Add Monitor – Desktop Notify • Operational monitoring can send a message to your desktop to alert you of any issues.

  29. MMC – Configure Reporting Service • Set the Windows service details • You can start/stop the reporting service • You can update the service startup type • You can enable and review log and trace information

  30. MMC – Configure E-Mail account • The reporting servicewill use this mail account to send e-mail. • The SMTP server TCP/IP addressshould be the fully qualified TCP/IP address. • You can send a test message to verify that the SMTP server settings are correct. You can send a test e-mail message to verify your settings.

  31. MMC – Configure Web Summary • When enabled, operational reporting will produce a web page with links to reports • The Web Versions parameter on the report’s property sheet determines how many versions to display • WebSphere (IBM Web HTTP server) and IIS use different default pages • You can create a log file for use by a Tivoli TEC log file adapter which can send events to TEC You can send a test e-mail message to verify your settings.

  32. MMC – Custom Summary Section • If you don’t want to use the defaults you can completely tailor your custom summary section. • The custom summary is available for reports and monitors • Select Custom Summary and click Settings… • The custom summary section is where you can define rules that will alert you to various conditions • Note: a monitor differs from a report in that it only includes custom summary, timing, and extension sections. It only runs extensions and notifies you if there are issues. Monitors typically run quick and frequently.

  33. MMC – Report – Templates • Settings are saved in a custom XML template file. • You can share template files between reports and with others.

  34. MMC – Report – Statements • This dialog will appear when you insert or edit a line in the custom summary section • Specify a unique SQL variable, report label, and a SQL select statement • You can test Select statements • Click Edit Rule… if you want to define a rule that will trigger a notification when a value matches the criteria you set.

  35. MMC – Report – Rules • Create a notification rule • When the rule is triggered in a report you will get an entry in the Issues and Recommendations section • When the rule is triggered in a monitor you will be notified of the situation through e-mail and/or with a message to your desktop

  36. Notification Options • No longer necessary to be near a computer to be notified of TSM issues • Phone services make it easy to get notified any time, any place

  37. MMC – Report – Extensions using SQL Selects • Click Add to extend the set of sections • Click Settings to edit an extension • Click Advanced to build an SQL select statement • Add once, use in any report • Share extensions with others (*.ext files) • A section is dynamically formatted based on the results of the SQL select • Extensions can be deleted • Select checkbox to include new section in report

  38. MMC – Select Statement Builder • Advanced feature helps you to build SQLselect statements • Select table columns • Type over Alias toupdate column header • Cut,Copy,Paste,Del,Select, multi-level Undo,Redo, Drag/Dropbetween workspace &actual select statement • Per server platform,version, language,table caching for fastinteraction • Test before saving Example table cache file: tableinfo_eng_AIX-RS_6000_5.2.0.0.dat

  39. MMC – Interactive Reports • Expand the tree • Right-click on report • Choose Refresh • Can send as e-mail • Click on server nameto start web admin • Note: On manualrefresh e-mail is notsent to recipients butmissed and failednotifications are sent

  40. You can interactively send e-mail using the e-mail icon on the toolbar • You can include reports and other attachments • You can click Query Node to lookup the addresses used to notify end users of missed schedules • You can click Import to lookup addresses used to send reports to admins • Click Feedback to send feedback to TSM development. MMC – Interactive E-mail

  41. MMC – Interactive Views • There are a number of interactive views • If you right click on a view you can set properties such as the automatic refresh interval

  42. MMC – Interactive Command Line • You can generate operational reports from the command line • To get usage information issue: tsmrept /?

  43. MMC – Interactive Command Line • Using the quick-edit feature of windows command prompts you can • Type: tsmrept • Copy and paste a line from the output of tsmrept –type=list • Press Enter to start the report • Or you can just type in the information • Command line reports can be useful in a script or to help diagnose problems. • Note: currently there is a problem if there is more than one space between parameters. If you see a message about an invalid parameter ensure there are no multiple spaces in the command

  44. TSM Management Console – Embedded System Tools

  45. TSM Management Console – Embedded ITSRM

  46. TSM Management Console – Embedded Web Admin

  47. TSM Management Console – Wizards

  48. TSM Management Console – Embedded Web Client

  49. Summary • TSM operational reporting can help you keep your TSMservers running smoothly and can help reduce the amountof time and effort needed to administer TSM. • Your input will help Tivoli to improve storage managementsolutions to help you reach your storage management goals. • Please send questions and feedback to: emcollin@us.ibm.com

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