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Explore the assignment problem, its LP formulation, and reduction to the transshipment problem with a focus on optimizing cost through dynamic programming. Study optimal scheduling algorithms for job processing on single machines. Understand Monge arrays and their applications in solving assignment problems efficiently.
The Assignment Problem G = (V1∪V2 , V1×V2), n m An Assignment is given by a one-to-one mapping : V1→V2 . cij – cost of arc (i, j) 5 The assignment problem is to find such that is minimized. 3 2 3 |V2 | = m |V1 | = n 4 4
The Assignment Problem G = (V1∪V2 , V1×V2), n m An Assignment is given by a one-to-one mapping : V1→V2 . cij – cost of arc (i, j) 5 The assignment problem is to find such that is minimized. 3 2 3 |V2 | = m |V1 | = n cost = 12 4 cost = 10 4
Reduction the Assignment Problemto the Transshipment Problem lij= 0; uij= 1 5 3 0 0 2 n -n 3 V2 t s |V1| = n O(n2m) steps 4 4
1|ri; pi= 1|Σfi • Given are n jobs J1 ,..., Jnwith unit processing times to be processed on a single machine, release dates ri and monotone (nondecreasing) functions fi of the finish times Ci of jobs i = 1,..., n. • Task: Find a schedule that minimizes the total sum of cost functions.
Jobs and Time Slots • Because the functions fi are monotone nondecreasing, the jobs should be scheduled as early as possible. The n earliest time slots ti for scheduling n jobs may be calculated using the following algorithm, in which we assume that the jobs are enumerated in such a way that r1 r2 ... rn. Algorithm Time Slots • t1:= r1 • FOR i := 2 TO n DO ti:= max { ri , ti–1+1 }
Algorithm Time Slots • r1= r2= 0, r3= 3, r4= 4, r5= 7. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time slots • Lemma 3.1 There exists an optimal schedule which occupies all of the time slots ti, i = 1,…, n.
Proof • Consider an optimal schedule σ which occupies time slots t1,…, tj where j < n is maximal. • According to the construction of the ti-values, tj+1 is the next time slot in which a job can be scheduled. • If time slot tj+1 in σ is empty, a job scheduled later in σ can be moved to tj+1 without increasing the objective value. • Thus, the new schedule is optimal, too, and we have a contradiction to the maximality of j.
r1= r2= 0, r3= 3, r4= 4 • f1 = t, f2 = 3t – 2, f3 = 2t, f4 = t 1 1 [0,1] 2 3 4 1 4 2 [1,2] 7 10 [3,4] 3 16 32 [4,5] 5 4
Special Assignment Problem • Let V1 = {v1,..., vn} and V2 = {v1,..., vm} and consider the correspondent complete bipartite graph G = (V1∪V2, V1×V2). Then the correspondent assignment problem is completely specified by a n×m array C = (cij). • C is called a Monge array if cik + cjl cil + cjk for all i < j and k < l. (2.11)
Monge arrays cik cil cjk cjl cik + cjl cil + cjk
Monge Array Theorem 3.2
Proof • Let y = (yij) be an optimal solution of the assignment problem with yuu = 1 for u = 1, … , i where i is as large as possible. • Assume that i < n (if i = n we have finished). • Because yi+1, i+1= 0, there exists an index l > i+1 with yi+1, l = 1. • Now we consider two cases.
Monge Array (2) • Corollary 3.3
Monge Array (3) • Corollary 3.4
P||ΣCj • Given are n jobs J1 ,..., Jn to be processed on m identical parallel machines M0,..., Mm-1. • Task: Find a schedule that minimizes the sum of completion times of jobs.
Structure of Schedule • A schedule σis given by a partition of the set of jobs into m disjoints sets I0 ,..., Im-1and for each Ij, a sequence of the jobs in Ij. Assume that Ij contains nj elements and that j(i) (i = 1,..., n) is the job to be scheduled in position nj – i + 1on machine Mj . We assume that the jobs in Ij are scheduled on Mj starting at time zero without idle times. Then the value of the objective function is
Assignment Problem • Now consider the assignment problem with cik= aibkwhere ai = pi for i = 1,..., n and bk = k / m for k = 1,..., n. A schedule σ corresponds with an assignment with the objective value • In this schedulejob i is assigned to the bk -last position on a machine if i is assigned to k.
Optimal Schedule • Now if we assume that p1≥ p2≥ ... ≥ pn then we get an optimal assignment if we assign ai = pi to bi (i = 1,..., n). • This assignment corresponds with a schedule in which job i is scheduled on machine (i– 1)mod(m). Furthermore, on each machine the jobs are scheduled according to nondecreasing processing times.
1||Σwj Uj • Givenn jobs J1 ,..., Jn with processing times pi and due dates di. • Task: Find a sequence these jobs such that the weighted number of late jobs is minimized where wj≥ 0 for i = 1,..., n.
Structure of Optimal Schedule Assume that the jobs are enumerated according to nondecreasing due dates: d1 d2 ... dn. Then the exist an optimal schedule given by a sequence of the form i1,i2, ... ,is, is+1,..., in where jobs with indices i1<i2< ... <is are on-time and jobs with indices is+1,..., in are late. J1 J3 J4 J7 J8 J2 J5 J6 0
Dynamic Programming • To solve the problem, we calculate recursively for t = 0, 1,..., T and j = 1,..., n the minimum criterion value Fj(t) for the first j jobs, subject to the constraint that the total processing time of the on-time jobs is at most t. If 0 t dj and job Jjis on-time in a schedule which corresponds with Fj(t) then Fj(t) = Fj–1(t – pj). Otherwise Fj(t) = Fj–1(t) + wj. If t > dj then Fj(t) = Fj(dj) because all jobs J1 , J2 ,..., Jj finishing later than dj≥ ... ≥d1 are late.
Algorithm 1||Σwj Uj • fort :=–pmaxto –1 do • for j := 0 to n do Fj(t) = ∞; • for t :=0 to Tdo F0(t) = 0; • for j := 1 to n do begin • for t :=0 to djdo • if Fj–1(t) + wj < Fj–1(t – pj) then Fj(t) = Fj–1(t) + wj else Fj(t) = Fj–1(t – pj); • fort :=dj + 1 to Tdo Fj(t) = Fj(dj) end
Algorithm Backward Calculation • t :=dn ; L := • for j := n down to 1 do begin t := min{t, di}; if Fj(t) = Fj–1(t) + wj then L := L∪{Jj} else t := t – pi end
P||Σwj Cj • Given:n jobs J1 ,..., Jn are to be processed on m identical parallel machines. Each job Ji has processing time pi and weight wi. • Task: Find a sequence these jobs such that the sum of the weighted completion times is minimized. All wj≥ 0 are assumed to be positive.
Optimal Solution of 1||Σwj Cj An optimal solution of this one machine problem is obtained if we sequence the jobs according nondecreasing ratios pi/wi .
Interchange Argument Let j be a job which is scheduled immediately before job i. If we interchange i and j, the objective function changed by wipi+ wj(pi+ pj) – wjpj – wi(pi+ pj) = wjpi – wi pj which is nonpositive if and only ifpi/wipj/wj. Thus, the objective function does not increase if i and j are interchanged.
Structure of Optimal Schedule of P||Σwj Cj • A consequence of this result is that in an optimal solution of problem P||Σwj Cj , jobs to be processed on the same machine must be processed in order of nondecreasing ratios pi/wi. • Therefore we assume that all jobs are indexed such that p1/w1p2/w2 ... pn/wn.
Exercises • Prove Corollary 3.2 and Corollary 3.3. • Suppose f is strictly increasing, positive function. That is, f(x) > 0 for all x > 0 and f(x) > f(y) whenever x > y. Show that SPT (short processing time first) gives an optimal schedule for the problem 1||ΣCj2.
Exercise 2.1 • Find an optimal schedule for the following instance of O|pmtn|Cmax problem.
Exercise 2.2 • Find an optimal schedule for the following instance of 1|ri; pi= 1|Σfiproblem.
Exercise 2.3 • Find an optimal schedule for the following instance of P3||ΣCiproblem.