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Nuclear Physics research in Spain. Present: Human resources, infrastructures and coordination Main research topics. Future: Spanish participation in FAIR Other longer-term projects. José Benlliure. Universidad of Santiago de Compostela Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. UCA.
Nuclear Physics research in Spain Present: • Human resources, infrastructures and coordination • Main research topics Future: • Spanish participation in FAIR • Other longer-term projects José Benlliure Universidad of Santiago de Compostela Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
UCA USC-IGFAE UAB UB UPC UAM UCM USAL IEM-CSIC CIEMAT UV UEX IFIC-CSIC UHU USE CNA UGR Human resources • 21 research groups members of the Spanish National Research Network for Nuclear Physics * • - 14 universities, 2 institutes from CSIC** and CIEMAT*** • - 10 groups with experimental activity • - 9 groups with theoretical activity • - 2 groups oriented to applications • 154 researchers, 64 students and 16 technicians **** - in experimental physics 42% - in theoretical physics 46% - in applied physics 12% • 53 Spanish researchers in other countries - 25 doctors and 28 PhD students • * http://www.fnuc.es • ** CSIC: Spanish National Research Council • *** CIEMAT: Research Center for Energy, Environment and Technology • **** NuNET survey on resources in Nuclear Physics in 2007 Encuentros de Física Nuclear ‘06 Spanish Nuclear Physics meeting ’08 José Benlliure, MICINN-IN2P3 meeting Madrid, January 2009
Infrastructures • Equipment for detector R&D • - Huelva, Madrid, Santiago and Valencia • - Silicon detectors, scintillating crystals, Ge detectors and • neutron detectors • Accelerators - 5 MV tandem at Madrid - 3 MV tandem at Sevilla Encuentros de Física Nuclear ‘06 José Benlliure, MICINN-IN2P3 meeting Madrid, January 2009
Nuclear Physics research in numbers • Nuclear structure, reactions and astrophysics • - 9 experimental groups and 3 theoretical groups • Hadron physics - 1 experimental group and 6 theoretical • Scientific production (2006 numbers) - 288 papers - 15 PhDs • Funding (2006 numbers)* - National Program for Particle Physics (MICINN): ~ 2.5 M€ - UE projects: ~ 0.4 ME - regional governments: ~ 0.2 M€ - other fixed term personnel: ~ 2.5 M€ * Permanent staff and infrastructure running costs not included José Benlliure, MICINN-IN2P3 meeting Madrid, January 2009
JYFL CRC GSI GANIL CERN(ISOLDE, NTOF) JLAB LNL Participation in international collaborations • CERN • - Isolde and nTOF • GSI - FRS-RISING, Aladin-Land, Hades • GANIL - MAYA, Tiara, proton emiters, … • ECT* • Others - Louvain-la-Neuve - Legnaro - Jyvaskyla - JLAB José Benlliure, MICINN-IN2P3 meeting Madrid, January 2009
National Institute for Particle, Astro-particle and Nuclear Physics CPAN Particle Physics Astro-particle Physics Nuclear Physics Theory Organization and management Ministry of Science and Innovation National Programs for Basic Research National Program for Particle Physics National Research Network on Nuclear Physics FNUC Coordinator+scientific secretary Coordination committee 21 research groups José Benlliure, MICINN-IN2P3 meeting Madrid, January 2009
Participation in International Bodies and Programs • Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee NuPECC • Nuclear Physics Board (European Physical Society) • ERANET NuPNET • FP5 EU projects - HINDAS, nTOF, R3B • FP6 EU projects - EUROTRANS, EURONS, EURISOL-DS, HadronPhysics • FP7 EU projects - FAIR preparatory phase, Spiral preparatory phase, HadronPhysics2 José Benlliure, MICINN-IN2P3 meeting Madrid, January 2009
Outreach and training activities • Nuclear Physics section at the Spanish Physical Society - outreach and education • Nuclear Physics outrearch material - PANSI, contacts with media, …. • Training activities - Nuclear Physics doctoral school (several universities, quality label) - Euroschool on exotic beams - GSI summer school Nuclear Physics doctoral school ’07 José Benlliure, MICINN-IN2P3 meeting Madrid, January 2009
NUSTAR PANDA Plasma physics 100 m Atomic physics Spanish participation in FAIR • NUSTAR: • - R3B, HISPEC/DESPEC, EXL/ELISe, MATS • - 11 research groups • Hadron physics: PANDA - 1 research group • Atomic and plasma physics - SPARC, HEDgeHOB - 4 research groups - CIEMAT - IEM (CSIC) - IFIC (CSIC) - IMAFF (CSIC) - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid - Universidad de Castilla la Mancha - Universidad Complutense de Madrid - Universidad de Granada - Universidad de Huelva - UNED - Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña • Universidad Politécnica de Valencia • Universidad de Salamanca • - Universidad de Santiago de Compostela • - Universidad de Sevilla • - Universidad de Valencia • Spain officially participates in FAIR with a 2% contribution • All Spanish experimental groups participate in FAIR experiments • We participate only in 7 FAIR experiments (concentration of resources • to increase visibility) José Benlliure, MICINN-IN2P3 meeting Madrid, January 2009
Spanish participation in FAIR: facility • workpackage: superferric multiplets of the Super-FRS (CIEMAT) • - Spain and France will equally contribute to this workpackage (~ 40 M€) • - A consortium with France (CEA/CNRS) is foreseen Superferric magnet prototypes for XFEL José Benlliure, MICINN-IN2P3 meeting Madrid, January 2009
Spanish participation in FAIR: experiments NUSTAR and hadron physics experiments * Final cost of contributions still under discussion José Benlliure, MICINN-IN2P3 meeting Madrid, January 2009
Strategic plan for Nuclear Physics 2008-2012 • Maintain the present scientific programs at existing international collaborations: • - CERN (Isolde, nTOF), GSI (FRS-RISING, Aladin-Land), GANIL, … • R&D and construction of instrumentation for FAIR experiments - R3B, HISPEC/DESPEC, Elise, MATS • Use of the existing small facities in Spain for detector R&D or complementary experiments to the ones performed at large international facilities José Benlliure, MICINN-IN2P3 meeting Madrid, January 2009
Future projects The Spanish Network for Nuclear Physics Research (FNUC) is presently ellaborating a mid-term road-map, some future projects under discussion are: • Spiral 2: • - The Spanish nuclear physics community has expressed a scientific interest • - Synergies on detector R&D between FAIR and Spiral 2 are identified • - Other scientific communities in Spain have technological interests: neutron physics • (ESS-Bilbao), fusion (CIEMAT) • Underground nuclear astrophysics experiment at LSC (Canfranc) - Included in the LSC strategic plan - On-going contacts with INFN and the LUNA collaboration - Workshop on the scientific oportunities for a nuclear-astrophysics experiement at LSC next February at Barcelona • AGATA • …… José Benlliure, MICINN-IN2P3 meeting Madrid, January 2009
Summary • We are a relatively small community with modest resources and few infrastructures, but we are quite active in most of the existing facilities in Europe and our resources are progressively increasing • Our research interests concentrate around NUSTAR physics, with a lack of activity in experimental hadron physics • Our short-term future is dominated by FAIR and probably some smaller projects around national infrastructures • Our mid-term road-map is presently under discussion: Spiral 2, LSC, AGATA, … José Benlliure, MICINN-IN2P3 meeting Madrid, January 2009