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University of Ljubljana Biotechnical Faculty Chair of Biotechnology, Microbiology and Food Safety. Univerza v Ljubljani Biotehniška fakulteta Katedra za biotehnologijo, mikrobiologijo in varnost živil. 20 Years of Activity at the Chair of Biotechnology, Microbiology and Food Safety
University of Ljubljana Biotechnical Faculty Chair of Biotechnology, Microbiology and Food Safety Univerza v Ljubljani Biotehniška fakulteta Katedra za biotehnologijo, mikrobiologijo in varnost živil 20 Years of Activity at the Chair of Biotechnology, Microbiology and Food Safety 20 LETNICA KATEDRE ZA BIOTEHNOLOGIJO, MIKROBIOLOGIJO IN VARNOST ŽIVIL Biotechnology and microbiology for knowledge and benefit BIOTEHNOLOGIJA IN MIKROBIOLOGIJA ZA ZNANJE IN NAPREDEK Ljubljana, 27.-28. September 2012
Development initiative 2010:Integration of sustainable approach with regards to current challenges in the society Janez Podobnik Director International ECPD Institute forSustainableDevelopment
Introduction Active in thefieldofinternationalrelationsthrough 4 institutions Directorofthe ECPD Institute forSustainableDevelopmentsince 2009 ActingDirector General of ICPE sinceMarch 2012 PresidentoftheSlovenianAssociationofIndustrialistsandEntrepreneurssince 2012 KEN Member – Knowledgeeconomynetwork 20 Years of Activity at the Chair of Biotechnology, Microbiology and Food Safety
Points to bediscussed Describingthemainactivitiesoftheinstitutions as well as howtheywork Relationbetweentheinternationalorganizationsandsustainableapproach in the time ofglobalcrises: - how do theseorganizationsaddressthecurrentissues, finance themselves, theirposition in themedia, local, nationalandglobalenvironment; 20 YearsofActivity at theChairofBiotechnology, MicrobiologyandFoodSafety
ECPD International Institute forSustainableDevelopment, Urban PlanningandEnvironmentalstudies (www.ecpd.si, www.ecpdorg.net) ECPD‘s mission is concernedwithproactiveactivity in thefieldofrebuildingpeaceafterthe post-Helsinki accordsandincreasedevelopment in the SEE region How is ECPD involved in maintainingpeace as a nongovernmentalindependentstructure? Post graduatestudies, annualconferences on peacereconciliation, ECPD Institute->Sustainabledevelopment 20 Years of Activity at the Chair of Biotechnology, Microbiology and Food Safety
International Center forPromotionofEnterprises – ICPE (www.icpe.si) The center wasestablished on the UN Initiative as a developmentalinstitutionfornon-alignedcountries in 1974 New paradigmshiftsmadethe center‘s mission more inclusiveandbroader, withanemphasis on managementofpublicsector Thefutureofthe center evolvesaroundcombiningsustainableapproach in development: greenindustry, wastemanagement, corporate social responsibilityandqualitymanagementof PE 20 YearsofActivity at theChairofBiotechnology, MicrobiologyandFoodSafety
KnowledgeEconomyNetwork – KEN:www.knowledge-economy.net Modern anddynamicnetworkstructure, based in Brusselsandestablishedby prof. dr. Boris Cizelj - Thenetwork‘s vision is to establishtheeconomyofknowledge in theinternationalsphere Financiallyindependentandthuscapableofbeing more objectiveandcritical; Seekingforgoodpractices, whereknowledgefostersaddedvalue 20 Years of Activity at the Chair of Biotechnology, Microbiology and Food Safety
InternationalCongressofIndustrialistsandEntrepreneurs SI A Russianconstellationwhoseaimwas to bringtogetherthebusinesssubjectsandenterprisesfromtheformerSoviet Union Latelythenumberofmembers is growingand not anymorerelatedjust to theEasternEuropearea Uniting some ofthe most influentialcapitalownersand at the same time trying to addressthecurrentissues 20 Years of Activity at the Chair of Biotechnology, Microbiology and Food Safety
Connectingeducationandexpertise In-depthintellectualwork Activecommunicationwiththemediaandthegovernment on alllevels: localauthorities, government, intergovernmentalinstitutions, supranationalinstitutions; Engagingyoungprofessionalsintowork 20 Years of Activity at the Chair of Biotechnology, Microbiology and Food Safety
Conclusion Whenaddressingtheactualchallenges in thesocietywithinaninstitution, manyfactors are ofkeyessence: theinstitutionitself, itsleadership, proactive stance, theirsustainableapproach; Myopinion is thateachofthementionedorganizationscanplay a positive role byinvolvingitself in theregionalandinternationalaffairs 20 Years of Activity at the Chair of Biotechnology, Microbiology and Food Safety
Conclusion Internationalorganizationsshowmuchpotentialforconcretetransformation in thesustainableapproach Theirimportance is evolvingduringtheeconomiccrisis, especiallybecausegovernments are overburdenedwithsavingbanksandtheeconomy, so sustainability is unfortunately not first on the agenda 20 Years of Activity at the Chair of Biotechnology, Microbiology and Food Safety
Thankyouforyourattention! Q&A Janez Podobnik janez.podobnik@ecpd.si 20 Years of Activity at the Chair of Biotechnology, Microbiology and Food Safety