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Guess what …. The most interesting places in Poland. Guess what. … is the name of the longest river in Poland. It is 1047 metres long. It flows through the most beautiful and important cities in Poland such as: Krakow, Warsaw and Toruń, then empties into the Baltic Sea.
Guesswhat… The most interesting places in Poland
Guess what... … is the name of the longest river in Poland. It is 1047 metres long. It flows through the most beautiful and important cities in Poland such as: Krakow, Warsaw and Toruń, then empties into the Baltic Sea. It is the Vistula River.
Guess what... It is Rysy. … is the name of the highest mountain in Poland. It is 2499 metres high. It is a peak in the High Tatra Mountains.
Guess what... … is called the Land of a Thousand Lakes. There is the deepest lake in Poland called Hańcza. It is 108,5 meters deep. There is also the largest lake in Poland called Śniardwy. It is Mazury Lake District.
Guess what... … is the name of the coldest place in Poland. It is a small village near the Lithuanian border, in the north of Suwalski National Park. Winters are very long there and snow stays until April. It is a village called Wiżajny.
Guess what... … is the name of the oldest mountains in Poland. That mountain range is situated in central Poland near Kielce. The highest peak is Łysica. That mountain range is called the Holy Cross Mountains, Góry Świętokrzyskie in Polish.
Guess what... … is the name of the longest village in Poland. It is 20 kilometers long.It is situated in a picturesque valley, close to a mountain massif of Babia Góra. It is a village called Zawoja
Guess what... … is the name of the oldest woodland in Poland. You can meet bizons there. It is Białowieża Forest, Puszcza Białowieska in Polish.
Guess what... It is Błędowska Desert. … is the name of the largest ash sand area in Poland. It is also called the Polish Sahara. It is 10 km long and 4 km wide. It is not a natural desert.
Guess where... It is the point in Raczki Elbląskie. … is the lowest point in Poland. It is 1,8 metres below the sea level.
Guess what... … is the name of the most beautiful cave in Poland. It is situated in the Sudeten Mountains. It has three levels and it is 3000 metres long. It is Bear’s Cave.
Guess what... … are theextreme points of Poland: the points that are farther north, south, east or west than any other location. Those are the extreme points of Poland.
Guess what... … is the name of the largest swamps in Poland. The main attraction of the area is the richness of the wildlife, especially birds. They are the Biebrza Swamps They are Biebrza Swamps.
Internet sources and bibliography… M Więckowski: Polskie naj…, wyd. Publikat Photos: www.zielonewrota.pl http://mapa.targeo.pl http://arbiter.pl/zdjecie http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rysy http://pgi.gov.pl/k/galeria http://wilkasy.w.interia.pl/jeziora.html http://www.bentur.pl www.polskieszlaki.pl www.bialowieza.gmina.pl http://www.gmina-klucze.pl www.emazury.com http://polskajestfajna.wp.pl http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extreme_points_of_Poland
Guess who is the author of the presentation… First name: Dominika Surname: Rachwał Class: V School: Zespół Szkolno-Przedszkolny w Studzienicach ul. K. Szewczyka 74 43-215 Studzienice Tel/fax: 32 211 52 01 E-mail: sp16studzienice@interia.pl