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Welcome to the Exceptional Needs Conference 2014.
9.30am SEND in Hertfordshire 2014 and Beyond Overview of Changes to ENF10.00am SEND and Pathfinder Update10.30am Tea/Coffee10.45am Attachment, Trauma and Resilience12.30pm Lunch1.15pm Cluster of Need Training and Moderation2.00pm P Levels, what do they really look like?3.00pm Tea/coffee3.15pm ASD – a Young Person’s Perspective3.45pm Feedback and Next steps4.00pm Close
ENP Conference – Session 1 • SEND –Hertfordshire 2014 and beyond • Richard Haynes – Chair Exceptional Needs Advisory Group
ENP Conference – Session 1 • What Lies Ahead? • Greater local responsibility for meeting the needs • of young people (DSPL and ENF) • Increased funding for schools • Improvements to Exceptional Needs Funding • Outcomes from the SEN Pathfinder • Being confident about your Local Offer
ENP Conference – Session 2 • Changes to Exceptional Needs Funding • Richard Haynes – Chair Exceptional Needs Advisory Group
What Happened in 2013? • We delivered on our 2013 Conference promises: • Consolidated all guidance and produced an updated, • comprehensive SEN Funding Handbook • Provided training for all SENCos, Headteachers and SEN • Governors on the new funding guidance • Met the needs of over 600 young people • Integrated our PVI colleagues into one single process • Implemented the proposed funding arrangement on 1st April • Then...... • The government decided to tell LAs to enforce its optional 2013 funding threshold for 2014. ENP Conference – Session 2
ENP Conference – Session 2 Where are we now? You currently: Still have a £4.6m budget at your disposal Meet the needs of 671 children (538 in 2013) + 58 PVI children Engage with an extensive range of support services Have a comprehensive file on ENF All have some funding to allocate this term! AND…… ENF is recognised as a successful way of meeting the needs of some of our most complex SEND young people
ENP Conference – Session 2 What Happens on 1st April 2014? Exceptional Needs Funding will continue to meet the needs of our most complex young people with SEND BUT
ENP Conference – Session 2 What Happens on 1st April 2014? The Government has stated that schools should have the money to meet a range of SEND in their budgets at the start of the year. Government has stated that this must now be the first £6,000 of provision for a young person with any further provision being ‘topped up’ by the Local Authority.
ENP Conference – Session 2 What Happens on 1st April 2014? Hertfordshire’s Response In 2013 Hertfordshire calculated that the average cost of provision for a High Needs young person in a mainstream school was £4,500. Almost all of this was provided by the LA through ENF. In 2013 Hertfordshire put the equivalent of 600 pupils’ ENF directly into schools budgets at the start of the year. This amounted to £2.2m of new money for mainstream schools. In 2014, the balance of the £6,000 (£1,500) will also be distributed directly into schools budgets. This now means that schools are responsible for funding the first £6,000 of support for a high needs pupil and, through a formula, now have the funding to provide for this. The Exceptional Needs process ‘tops up’ the balance of funding to fully meet a young person’s exceptional needs.
ENP Conference – Session 2 What Happens on 1st April 2014? But Hertfordshire is going further to support its young people for SEND Schools with more than one young person with EN (multiple cases) will receive additional funding Schools who are faced with ‘clusters of need’ will be able to apply for additional funding The current EN budget of £4.6m will not be reduced and will therefore be able to continue to meet a range of complex exceptional needs. The value of the funding given directly to schools is likely to meet around 13 hours of support for a young person. This means we will be able to be more flexible with the threshold for exceptionality and meet the needs of young people who had previously been considered ‘borderline’.
ENP Conference – Session 2 What Happens on 1st April 2014? How will all this happen? All the existing mechanisms will remain in place A review of the Clusters of Need process will take place during the year
ENP Conference – Session 2 What Happens on 1st April 2014? What will this look like for the Summer Term round of ENF? You will continue to apply for ENF in exactly the same way as you do now You will identify the totality of a young person’s needs and the provision required to meet these needs. A formula will calculate the funding a school receives The existing Multiple Cases formula will continue to apply The revised guidance for Clusters of Need will apply
ENP Conference – Session 2 What Happens on 1st April 2014? What about Early Years and the PVI sector? In making changes to the way schools are funded, the government has created a separate block of funding for Early Years. Work in this area is be subject to further consultation and should be in place by the end of this term. The current method of meeting the needs of young people under 5 years will remain in place until any changes/improvements to the system are implemented.
ENP Conference – Session 3 Update on SEND and Pathfinder Sheelagh Sullivan Head of SEN
ENP Conference – Session 4 Attachment, Trauma and Resilience Kate Cairns
ENP Conference – Session 5 Training and Moderation Activity Clusters of Need Richard Haynes, Sue Sheffield, Jeanne Edwards
ENP Conference – Session 5 A Cluster of Need is…..
ENP Conference – Session 5 ‘a significant and unusual level of need over and above what might normally be expected and provided for in the school’s budget share’
ENP Conference – Session 5 What sort of pupils would you expect to find in a Cluster of Need?
ENP Conference – Session 5 ‘those who fall just below the threshold for consideration for individual ENF’
ENP Conference – Session 5 What other features might a Cluster of Need have?
ENP Conference – Session 5 ‘Schools might normally be expected to identify a group of children either by key stage or year group’ ‘there can be single type of need or several’
ENP Conference – Session 5 Existing Guidance for Assessing Applications The spread of need The concentration of need Whether any pupils already have ENF Any sudden change in need in the cohort How long the children in the cluster have been at the school Whether there has been an influx of new pupils with high levels of SEND The impact of the cluster of need as a group The impact of the cluster on the cohort/class The impact of the behaviour of the cluster The regularity of the support given to the cluster and its impact The external support already in place
ENP Conference – Session 5 Existing Guidance for Assessing Applications (2) What specifically has been requested Why this provision has been requested How the provision requested is different from the current provision Is the financial request appropriate to: The school’s notional budget for SEND Other applications for SEND Individual values for ENF
ENP Conference – Session 5 Existing Guidance for Assessing Applications (3) Do you need to allocate any of your funding in this round of applications? Is the level of support requested unusual within your ENP area? Why are you saying ‘yes’ to this particular application? Why are you saying ‘no’ to this particular application? Are any individuals in this application likely to receive funding from another source? Is support requested available from any other HCC service/resource? Are any supporting documents helpful in arriving at a decision?
ENP Conference – Session 5 Additional Draft Guidance for Assessing Applications 1. Identify the amount of funding available to your ENP 2. Be aware of the intended focus of Cluster of Need funding 3. Identify how your total amount of funding for Clusters of Need might be best allocated in your area: Eg. If you have £50k to allocate you could consider: • What the primary/secondary split might be • Should you allocate the funding annually/termly • Divide the pot into approximately 10 amounts of £5k • Divide the pot into approximately 5 amounts of £10k
ENP Conference – Session 5 Additional Draft Guidance for Assessing Applications 4. Assess applications based on: a. Level of Need b. Expected Impact of Funding Level of Need • What are the needs? • How close are the needs to the thresholds of exceptionality? • How tightly are the young people clustered? • How is the need impacting on the school’s/settings existing resources? • What pressures are the needs placing on this particular school/setting? Impact of Funding • What impact would one year’s funding have on: o The young people individually o The cohort(s) o The cluster o The school/setting • Would this funding resolve the SEND issue to a level that could be met from the school’s own resources?
ENP Conference – Session 5 Completing an Application Form (revised guidance) Section 1 This section contains factual information only Section 2 2a) The number of children in each cluster will vary however it should be noted that the guidance refers to children ‘just below the threshold for individual ENF’ so this is not likely to be a significant number. 2b) This clearly refers to class, year group or key stage. It is very unlikely that a cluster will cover the whole school. 2c) The guidance should be followed closely with particular reference to describing a child’s needs in relation to the thresholds for ENF. The impact of their needs on their learning is key.
ENP Conference – Session 5 Completing an Application Form (revised guidance) Section 3 In this section you should refer to each child from section 2 in terms of provision, adjustment and differentiation. These children will have significant needs and are likely to have had input from a range of professionals. You should state this input and its impact. You should state individual interventions and impact as well as collective interventions and impact
ENP Conference – Session 5 Completing an Application Form (revised guidance) Section 4 In this section you should identify the provision to meet both the individual and collective needs of the children. You should clearly state the expected impact and outcomes for these children. You should use your school’s local offer to outline the provision showing how the quantity, frequency and level of provision is greater than that normally provided from your school’s budget share. It is expected that this provision will move these children forward and that further funding will not be required. Your local offer must be submitted with your application. In this section you should state: What is required Why it is required How it will be used The quantity of support to address each identified need expressed in terms of cost The expected impact
ENP Conference – Session 5 Moderating a Case Section 2 Is this an appropriate number of children for a Cluster of Need? According to the definition of a ‘Cluster’ is this cohort a ‘Cluster’? Do each of these children have needs just below the threshold for exceptionality? Are the impact of their needs clear?
ENP Conference – Session 5 Moderating a Case Section 3 Is the current provision for each child clearly set out? How is the learning environment adjusted for each child? How is the learning differentiated to meet the learning needs for each child? What collective provision, adjustment, differentiation has been made for the Cluster? What evidence is there of professional involvement for each child? Does any child have existing ENF?
ENP Conference – Session 5 Moderating a Case Section 4 Has the provision been clearly stated to meet the needs of the children either individually or collectively? Can the impact of the provision clearly be identified? Will the impact lead to positive and sustainable outcomes for the children? Has the provision clearly been linked to the school’s Local Offer? Does the provision, through the Local offer, exceed what is normally provided through the school’s budget share?
ENP Conference – Session 8 Feedback and Next Steps Richard Haynes Chair – Exceptional Needs Advisory Group