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FLO Forum Overview May 16, 2006 floforum

FLO Forum Overview May 16, 2006 http://www.floforum.org. Take-home Messages. FLO Forum … professionally managed non-profit corporation … rapidly growing international organization … membership spans the wireless value chain … promotes global standardization of FLO technology

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FLO Forum Overview May 16, 2006 floforum

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  1. FLO Forum Overview May 16, 2006 http://www.floforum.org

  2. Take-home Messages • FLO Forum • … professionally managed non-profit corporation • … rapidly growing international organization • … membership spans the wireless value chain • … promotes global standardization of FLO technology • … enables FLO technology based product certification and testing • … submitted an Air Interface Specification (AIS) for standardization • … ratified Device and Transmitter Performance Specifications • … wave of additional technical specifications under review • FLO technology now significantly open via standardization

  3. Agenda • What is the FLO Forum mission? • Who is the FLO Forum? • What has the FLO Forum accomplished? • How is the FLO Forum organized? • What is the FLO Forum doing now? next?

  4. What is the FLO Forum Mission? • Create a global wireless value chain framework to: • Promote FLO technology standardization globally • Support efforts for acquisition and clearing of spectrum globally to support FLO deployments • Promote the development and certification of FLO products and services • Resulting in the delivery of FLO-based advanced multimedia services 

  5. Who is the FLO Forum? • 43 Member Companies; 10+ Pending envio networks

  6. Who is the FLO Forum? (cont’d) • By link in wireless value chain • Semiconductor (3) • Devices (10) • Infrastructure (24) • Content Owners (1) • FLO Service Providers (1) • Wireless (3G) Service Providers (4) • By geography • USA (16) • China (4) • Korea (12) • Japan (4) • Europe (7)

  7. What has the FLO Forum Accomplished? • Launched at San Francisco meeting with 15 members – July 2005 • Facilitated creation of TIA TR47 Engineering Committee – August, 2005 • Inaugural Asia Region meeting – November, 2005 • Ratified Air Interface Specification – December, 2005 • Submitted Air Interface Specification to TIA TR-47.1 – January, 2006 • Joint workshop with Berlin-based bmcoForum – January, 2006 • Ratified Minimum Performance Specifications – February, 2006 • Membership Milestone 33 Members – March 2006 • Inaugural Europe Region meeting – May, 2006

  8. How is the FLOTM Forum Organized? Board of Directors Regulatory Committee Office of the Secretariat Membership Committee Technical Committee Services and Content Committee Test and Certification Committee External Communications • Standards Strategy and Submission development • Finalization of Technical Specifications • General Technical Issues • Content Preparation • Use Case Development • Business Model Development • Advertising • Development of Test & Conformance Strategy • Test Plan Generation • Certification Recommendations • Marketing and PR • Web Site • Publications • Member communication

  9. What is the FLO Forum Doing Now? • Standardization of the FLO Air Interface Specification • Submitted to TIA TR47.1, January, 2006 • TIA Official Project Assigned: PN 3-0239 – Currently in BALLOT • Forward Link Only Air Interface Specification for Terrestrial Mobile Multimedia Multicast – (TIA-1099) • Standardization of the Minimum Performance Specifications (MPS) • To be submitted to TIA TR47.1, May, 2006 • TIA Official Projects Assigned • PN 3-0244 (TIA-1102). MPS for FLO Devices • PN 3-0245 (TIA-1103). MPS for FLO Transmitters • PN 3-0246 (TIA-1104). FLO Test Application Protocol.

  10. What is the FLO Forum Doing Now? (cont’d) • FLO Protocol Stack • Technical and certification specifications for additional layers and components above the radio interface • System Information • Codecs • Transport layer • Conditional Access • FLO Services & Content Initiatives • Define user-level and service requirements specifications

  11. What is the FLO Forum Doing Next? • Articulate an overall design and architectural vision • Unify features to build robust service platform for all partners • Define interfaces for maximum interoperability and best service delivery • Support compliance activities to foster growth for all partners • Liaison activities in support of global standardization • bmcoForum – a Europe-based mobile broadcast forum • TIA – FLO Forum is an active, voting member of TR47, TR47.1, 2 • ITU – for standardization, regulatory matters • Others to be announced • Evaluate additional deployment architectures and topologies • Outreach and education

  12. Take-home Messages • FLO Forum • … professionally managed non-profit corporation • … rapidly growing international organization • … membership spans the wireless value chain • … promotes global standardization of FLO technology • … enables FLO technology based product certification and testing • … submitted an Air Interface Specification (AIS) for standardization • … ratified Device and Transmitter Performance Specifications • … wave of additional technical specifications under review • FLO technology now significantly open via standardization

  13. Thank You

  14. Appendix – Committee Detailed Information

  15. How is the FLO Forum structured? (cont’d) • Technical Committee • Areas of focus • Generation of FLO Technical Specifications for all areas of a FLO System • FLO Air Interface Specifications • System Information (aka Services Guide) • FLO Codec • Coordinating liaison relationships with standards organizations • Deliverables • FLO Air Interface Specification • Submitted to TIA TR47.1 • Roadmap and timelines for additional FLO standardization

  16. How is the FLO Forum structured? (cont’d) • Services and Content Committee • Areas of focus • Analysis of related standard body initiatives to determine opportunities for collaboration • Use Case Analysis • Operator Requirements Determination • Content Provider Requirements Determination • Advertising, Privacy & Censorship Requirements Determination • Deliverables • FLO Specific Service and Content Requirements Documents

  17. How is the FLO Forum structured? (cont’d) • Test & Certification Committee • Areas of focus • Minimum Performance Specifications • FLO Transmitters • FLO Devices • FLO Testing Application Protocol Interface • Certification Guidelines for 3rd party testing • Deliverables • Submission-ready FLO Minimum Performance and Test Specifications • Approved by FLO Forum Board of Directors, February 2006 • Pending submission to standards development organizations

  18. How is the FLO Forum structured? (cont’d) • Regulatory Committee • Areas of focus • Tracking of worldwide mobile broadcast spectrum environment • Liaison activities with global regulatory/spectrum organizations • Support member company regulatory/spectrum activities • Deliverables • Spectrum Requirements documents to be delivered to the Technical Committee • Submissions to specific regulatory bodies related to spectrum issues

  19. Thank You

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