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Minnesota State Colleges and Universities

Minnesota State Colleges and Universities. Developmental Education Innovation MnSCU Student Affairs and Diversity Conference May 30, 2014. It is simple economics…. We are becoming more diverse. Triad or Pair Share.

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Minnesota State Colleges and Universities

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  1. Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Developmental Education Innovation MnSCU Student Affairs and Diversity Conference May 30, 2014

  2. It is simple economics…

  3. We are becoming more diverse

  4. Triad or Pair Share What strategies would you suggest our colleges and universities consider to increase the success of developmental learners in our system?

  5. Clarifying financial aid regulations • Federal regulations state that courses offering lower than high school level (9th-12th grade) of instruction are not eligible for financial aid. • Levels of instruction are defined in state standards by Minnesota State Academic Standards in English and Math. • In early May, the system office received information indicating that corrective action for certain developmental courses may be needed immediately. • Update process and results to date.

  6. Triads and Pairs • In light of the recent request for corrective action, how is your college or university approaching this review? What institutional processes have you put in place? What documentation are you providing?

  7. Connections to Charting the Future • Dramatically increase the success of all learners, especially those in diverse populations traditionally underserved by higher education. • Develop a collaborative and coordinated academic planning process that advances affordability, transferability, and access to our programs and services across the state. • Certify student competencies and capabilities, expand pathways to accelerate degree completion through credit for prior learning, and foster the award of competency-based credit and degrees.

  8. Minnesota’s legislative approach to alignment • Align assessment in secondary education/ABE to college and career readiness standards • Expand opportunities for students who are college ready in high school to access early college credit venues • If students are not on track to being college ready in high school, work with local districts on providing targeted remediation in high school or ABE to waive developmental in higher education • Offer robust career and post-secondary education planning beginning no later than grade 9

  9. Assessment Shifts • Significant changes in secondary assessment- required EXPLORE, PLAN, COMPASS diagnostic, and ACT • ABE required to take college placement diagnostic exam • MnSCU changes- -Adoption of ACT Benchmarks -Weighted measures -RFP 2014-2015 for system endorsed instrument

  10. Shared learner outcome content groups • Fall 2014 • Committee charge - develop shared learner outcomes -provide recommendations on transfer for developmental education across the system -identify targeted interventions that could happen in K-12 or ABE • Updates on reports and next steps

  11. Minnesota’s emerging practices in developmental education and student success • Co-requisite models • Mainstreaming with academic support • Learning communities • Tutors linked to classes/ Supplemental Instruction • First year experience programs • Contextualized developmental • Intrusive developmental advising • Statways/Quantways

  12. MnSCU examples of local partnerships leading to targeted interventions • Saint Paul College- Direct Student Placement Pilot • MSTATE- Ready or Not Writing, Reading and Math • RCTC- partnerships with Adult Basic Education • FastTRAC • MCTC- Jump Start to College • Inver Hills- Inver Prep

  13. Triad or Pair/Share What types of partnerships or programmatic elements have you seen or your campus participated in that have impacted student success with developmental learners?

  14. Next steps on the horizon • Targeted interventions with K-12, ABE • Regional summits of professional development on developmental education • Implementation CTF team for Improving Student Success • Possible additional legislative changes

  15. Each of us play a part in solving this puzzle

  16. Questions Taiyon Coleman, PhD English Faculty and English Shared Learner Outcome Chair 612-659- Taiyon.Coleman@minneapolis.edu Jessica Espinosa Coordinator of College Transitions 651-201-1651 Jessica.Espinosa@so.mnscu.edu Karen Hynick, Ed.D System Director of P-20 and College Readiness 651-201-1760 Karen.Hynick@so.mnscu.edu

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