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The Concrete Industry’s Vision for a Sustainable Future . Concrete How would we live without it?. #1 man-made material consumed by humanity #2 material consumed by humanity (after water). We’re all on the same boat.
ConcreteHow would we live without it? #1 man-made material consumed by humanity #2 material consumed by humanity (after water)
We’re all on the same boat The image of any one company cannot stay higher than that of its industry segment The image of any one industry segment cannot stay higher than that of the industry as a whole
All sustainability dimensions are important Industry Image Sustainable Development Technical Regulatory Marketing
Sustainable development: Our greatest challenge & opportunity • Industry-wide issue • Important how outside world views us • Today many different faces and messages • Need one ‘face to the world’ and common messages • Pool resources to back-up messages • An unprecedented level of Industry segment collaboration required
ONE sustainable face to the world Sum of the Supply Chain Segments Rock + Cement + Cementitious + Additives + Production + A&E + Construction = Concrete Structures All vertical & horizontal applications and concrete products
Reframe the issue From: CO2 footprint of cement To: Lifecycle Eco-footprint of concrete structures
Agenda is even broader Lifecycle eco-footprint is subset of the social value of concrete structures
“Concrete structures provide great value to society” We believe it …but does the world know?
Shift the talking from ourselves to those outside • Decision makers • Policymakers • Users/public
Why a Concrete Joint Sustainability Initiative? • Develop common Industry identity (One face to the world) • Develop common vision of industry sustainability • Pool resources and minimize duplication • Back-up sustainability messages with facts • Coordinate communication of outside messages
Joint declaration of industry vision for a sustainable future • Constitutes charter document of the Concrete Joint Sustainability Initiative • Contains 9 declarations • Lists 8 social values of concrete structures • 24 industry associations have currently signed, with more to come
Declaration #1: “Concrete structures are the core of our industry identity that include all vertical and horizontal applications and concrete products” • Move away from thinking and acting as fragmented segments • Concrete structures are the visible end-result of our industry supply chain
Declaration #2: “Concrete Structures are at the center of an integrated approach to addressing industry challenges” • Historic fragmentation has led us to overemphasize component thinking as opposed to system thinking • Component-based solutions are sub-optimal compared to system solutions
Declaration #3: “Proactively communicate and continuously enhance the social value of concrete structures” • Due to our long history, we take for granted that society acknowledges the value of what we do • We cannot rest on that assumption • We often neglect or understate our value
Declaration #4: “Our integrated thinking will focus on the following social values provided by concrete structures” • Resource efficiency • Safety/protection • Financial responsibility • Operational continuity • Longevity/durability • Byproducts reduction • Esthetics • Societal connectivity (more on this later)
Declaration #5: “Review priorities and activities, coordinate to align respective programs and projects, and leverage on the particular strengths and expertise of each organization to pursue an integrated focus on concrete structures” • Use our limited Industry resources in the most effective way • Eliminate duplication, cross-purpose and gaps in our actions
Declaration #6: “Persistently drive continuous improvement at component and integrated levels to enhance the social value of concrete structures” • Industry has consistently pursued continuous improvement • Historically this has been evolutionary and component-based • Integrated system improvements will require enhanced segment collaboration
Declaration #7: “Provide advocacy, technical and educational resources to enhance the use and convey the benefits of concrete structures to others” • To benefit from using concrete structures, all stakeholders must be informed • Common messages adapted to every audience
Declaration #8: “Time is of the essence; pursue mechanisms and approaches that may diverge from business-as-usual for expedited results” • This thinking and corresponding action are long overdue • Pressing challenges require we catch-up quickly
Declaration #9: “Maintain open channels to welcome, involve and engage all Industry segments in becoming part of this direction” • Engage and embrace input from all segments to adopt this thinking throughout our Industry • Original 3 organizations quickly grew to 6, and then to 24, with more to come
8 social values of concrete structures • These are the real reasons we exist as an Industry • Our future prosperity depends on delivering, enhancing and communicating these social values • Behind every challenge is opportunity
Value #1: Resource Efficiency • Concrete structures over their lifecycle are efficient users of energy, water, land and other resources • We need to consolidate and develop more supporting facts to back this up, particularly for energy and water
Value #2: Safety / Protection • Concrete structures provide a superior level of user safety, protection and peace of mind • Disaster resistance is commonly accepted but usually understated
Value #3: Financial Responsibility • Concrete structures provide economic advantage both from a total cost of ownership perspective and from greater local content benefit to communities • Economic benefit requires multi-year view
Value #4: Operational Continuity • Concrete structures offer greater disaster resistance, protecting essential community services and business continuity • Commonly accepted but usually understated
Value #5: Longevity/Durability • Concrete structures outlast the useful lives of other structures with minimal maintenance and repair • Commonly accepted but usually understated
Value #6: Byproducts Reduction • Concrete structures over their lifecycle produce a reduced level of byproducts (including CO2), use the byproducts of other activities and can ultimately be recycled themselves • We need to consolidate and develop more supporting facts to back up environmental friendliness
Value #7: Esthetics • Concrete structures can be designed to create aesthetic quality for both users and their surroundings • Beauty is in the eye of the beholder but effective messaging sets a standard
Value #8: Societal Connectivity • Concrete structures provide the essential links (roads, bridges, ports, utility infrastructure etc) that enable society to function safely and efficiently, and prosper financially • Commonly accepted but usually forgotten
Current Concrete Joint Sustainability Initiative actions • Develop and deliver alignment/call-to-action presentation for within our Industry (you’re looking at it!) • Association collaboration to compile and unify industry sustainability messages • Compile/organize supporting facts to back up social values, identify related programs and gaps
Current actions (continued) • ACI to initiate development of 2 sustainable construction publications which could lead to more rapid code evolution • PCA/NRMCA to share industry-wide imaging/ branding survey and recommendations • Communication/engagement with additional Industry associations
Industry Image Concrete Joint Sustainability Initiative Technical ACI Committees RMC Res and Ed Found. PCA Ed Found. Others Regulatory CRSI | NCMA | NRMCA PCA | PCI | Others Marketing CRSI | NCMA | NRMCA PCA | PCI | Others
A new way of thinking and acting • Industry-wide image and critical mass • The sticking power of repeating common messages • Collaboration and resource effectiveness • Outside the circle and box • Fast track • Both near and longer term strategies
Concrete Joint Sustainability Initiative Commitment ‘Each party commits its individual strengths, resources as appropriate and guidance towards this Vision, to pave the way for a sustainable future for those present and those who will follow, in advancing the potential of our Industry for the benefit of society’
The smell of success • Decision makers: Recommend and prefer to specify concrete structures where possible • Policymakers: Adopt policies that recognize the value of concrete structures to society and preserve the vitality of domestic supply chain sources • Users/Public: Like to live and work in and around concrete structures and readily express and act on their preference • All: Have a positive/’feel good’ image of our Industry
Commitment at many levels will drive success • Industry • Association • Company • You!
Thank You American Coal Ash Association American Concrete Institute American Concrete Pipe Association American Shotcrete Association American Society of Concrete Contractors Architectural Precast Association American Segmental Bridge Institute Cast Stone Institute Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute Concrete Sawing & Drilling Association Concrete Foundations Association Expanded Shale, Clay and Slate Institute Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute International Concrete Repair Institute National Concrete Masonry Association National Precast Concrete Association National Ready Mixed Concrete Association Portland Cement Association Post-Tensioning Institute Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute RMC Research and Education Foundation Silica Fume Association Slag Cement Association Tile Roofing Institute Tilt-Up Concrete Association Wire Reinforcement Institute