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European Job Search and Academic Certification Guide

Prepare for job opportunities in European countries with economic data, CV models, academic certifications, and labor market insight. Access helpful questionnaires, web pages, and resources for self-assessment and improving job prospects abroad.

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European Job Search and Academic Certification Guide

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  1. Work field • Academic field • Social field

  2. OBJECTIVES • Self-knowledge of attitudes, skills and capabilities. • To be able to look for a job in other European countries. • How to prepare the necessary files to apply for a job. • European academic certifications according to the labour experience.

  3. CONTENTS • Economic and labour market information. • Examples of questionnaires about self-knowledge related to attitudes, skills and capabilities. • Web pages (official and private) to look for a job. • Models of European CV’s, covering letters… • Tables and other information tools concerning the academic certifications of labour experience in another European country.

  4. Information about economic and labour market • Economic data to be known previously about the situation of each country in the European Union • Statistical information concerning economic and labour data in Spain is available on the INE web site or on consulting companies web pages. http://www.ine.es/FichasWeb/Welcome.do http://www.currantessinfronteras.com/datos/paises-por-paro/

  5. Economic and labour market information • On Eures web site we can find information related to labour market features and characteristics about the way of life in each country: - Access to relevant workers mobility information (for example, if you click on "Search for a job" you can find job vacancies in 31 European countries) - You can create your CV and make it available for registered employers. • On accessing the section on "Living and Working", you are prepared and well-informed about the employment situation and living and working conditions. • On clicking on "Contact a EURES adviser" you can get advice on many practical, legal and administrative issues involved in finding and accepting a job abroad. • If you want to consult the checklists posted in the web page "Are you a graduate?". You will find useful information from job searches to facts regarding settling in a foreign country. EURES

  6. Economic and labour market information LABOUR RIGHTS Working As nationalfroman EU member country, you do notneed a workpermittowork in another EU country and you can livethereforthatpurpose - subjecttocertainconditions. Croatiannationalsstillfacetemporaryrestrictionsonworking in the EU. Exception - More on: Temporary EU workingrestrictions Self-employedworkers do notrequire a workpermitwithinthe EU. Ifyoustart a new business, youshouldbeawarethattheformalitiesstillvarywidelywithinthe EU. Equaltreatment and benefits As EU nationals, you and yourfamily are entitledtobetreated as nationalsfromthat country. Thismeansyou are entitledtothesamebenefits as nativeworkers. In Spain you can read this information on the Trade Union s web sites: - Sindicato CCOO: http://www.ccoo.es/microsites/menu.do?Guia_del_Trabajador • Sindicato UGT: http://www.ugt.es/DatoBasico/estatutodelostrabajadoresactualizado.pdf

  7. Example of a questionnaire about attitudes, skills and capabilities We drew up a questionnaire in order to know the attitudes, skills and capabilities of those students who would wish to work in another country in the E.U. http://www.epalalcora.com/ORIENTATION-TEST-EN.zip Main paragraphs on this questionnaire: - Personal data, studies, labour experience, the level in foreign languages and knowledges about ICT. - Countries where the student would live and main reason (labour reason or training reason). -Knowledge about resources and institutions which can be of assistance in the reception country. - Training and labour preferences to be developed in the future. - Knowledge about mechanisms and strategies in order to look for a job, adpatation of the CV to the reception country or to engage in a job interview in English. • The results of this questionnaire will be mentioned in anoter document.

  8. WEB PAGES TO SEARCH FOR A JOB IN EUROPE On thesepages, you can look for information to work in European countries.

  9. WEB PAGES TO SEARCH FOR A JOB IN SPAIN On resorting to these webs, you can look for a job in Spain.

  10. MODELS OF EUROPEAN CVs The labour history is essential when looking for a job. Here you can find information about how to do different CV.



  13. Academic certifications of labour experience PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Recognition of professional qualifications: Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and Council. http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2005:255:0022:0142:en:PDF You can use the regulated professions database if you want to find out if this one is regulated in another EU country: http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/qualifications/regprof/index.cfm?fuseaction=regProf.index If you don't find your profession in the database, you can contact the national contact points for professional qualifications in the country where you want to work. In Spain you may contact Subdirección General de Títulos y Reconocimiento de CualificacionesTel: +34 91 506 5636 Fax: +34 91 506 5706 E-mail:gloria.nistal@mecd.es Website: http://www.mecd.gob.es/portada-mecd/

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