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Interactive Emotional Learning Unit for Students

Enhance language proficiency & emotional intelligence through interactive activities & reading comprehension. Includes pre-assessment, role-play, self-assessment, & reading strategies.

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Interactive Emotional Learning Unit for Students

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  1. Pobre Ana Ch. 2 Unit 1: En Casa Con MiFamilia

  2. HazloAhora Calendario Knowledge You Should Bring to Class You should be able to ask a friend or an adult about their feelings and emotions. Translate the following: How are you? (informal) How are you? (formal) How do you feel? (informal) How do you feel? (formal) Pre-Assessment of Today’s Lesson Look at the emotions below and try telling how you feel: • Quédíaes hoy? • ¿Cuáles la fecha de hoy? • ¿Enquéestaciónestamos? • ¿Quétiempohace?

  3. Student Learning Objectives At the end of this lesson, students will be able to: • Describe others & make comparisons • Identify immediate & extended family members • Identify emotions & make • Exchange basic personal information • Identify main idea and key details • Sequence events in a story • Identify cause & effect Student Self- Assessment Before, during, and after this lesson, I will be asked to assess my progress of the learned objectives.

  4. Student Learning Agenda • HazloAhora • Warm-Up w/Family Members • Emotion Introduction & Practice • Pre-Reading Activity (Pobre Ana, Ch.1 Review) • Listen & Read – Teachers’ College Post its • Reading Comprehension Assessment - Sequencing • Determine Reading Levels • Emoticon & Texting Activity • Tiered Review – Main Idea

  5. Estoypreocupado/a Estoysoprendido/a Warm-up:IMAGINE Estoyenfermo/a Estoycontento/a You are talking with your mom, Marisol You are speaking with Sra. Vila ------------------------------------------------------- Role-play with a partner & take turns asking about how each person is feeling & why. Use some of the emoticons to the right to help spark some ideas for how each person might be feeling today. Speak using your highest level of language proficiency. REMEMBER to show RESPECT to SRA. VILA by using USTED! Estoytriste Tengomiedo Estoynervioso/a Estoycansado/a Estoyenamorado/a Estoyenojado/a

  6. CHALLENGE YOURSELF • -con un/a compañero/a • During Ch. 1 of Pobre Ana, Ana feels two other emotions not mentioned today.Below are the emotions she felt. Can you determine why? Give specific evidence from the book. • Ana estáceleosaporque… • Ana estáfrustradaporque…

  7. BienvenidosLectores… MIENTRAS LEER (WHILE READING)... While you are reading this chapter, use the following reading strategies: THINK (TH), WONDER (W), PREDICT (P), or QUESTION (Q) to gain a deeper understanding of the material. Remember that it is important to connect your thoughts and ideas to what you are reading. Be sure to include a page number so that you can refer back to your thoughts & support it with appropriate evidence. • Use one of these sentence starters to record complete & thoughtful responses. • I think…because… / Yopienso…porque… • I wonder…because… / Me pregunto…porque… • I predict…because… / Mipredicciónesque… • Create a QUESTION that you hope will be answered by the end of the novel. Then PREDICT what you think the answer will be.

  8. Determining Reading Level Answers to Sequencing Determining Reading Comprehension Level Reading Group Amarillo Reading Group Azul

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