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Paul the Octopus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kX_ogZVo40. <YouTube - Questions>. 1. Where does this story happen? 2. What is Paul good (great) at? 3. Which team did Paul forecast Germany would beat? What was Paul called when he predicted Spain would beat Germany?.
Paul the Octopus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kX_ogZVo40
<YouTube - Questions> 1. Where does this story happen? 2. What is Paul good (great) at? 3. Which team did Paul forecast Germany would beat? • What was Paul called when he predicted Spain would beat Germany?
<YouTube - Questions> 1. Where does this story happen? - At an aquarium in Germany. 2. What is Paul good (great) at? - Picking a winner. 3. Which team did Paul forecast Germany would beat? - England and Argentina. 4. What was Paul called when he predicted Spain would beat Germany? - “Underwater legend.”
<Listening - Questions> 1. What sport do Germans especially love? 2. On June 13, which team did Paul predict Germany would beat? 3. Which team did Germany played against in the quarter-final match? 4. Which team was Germany’s opponent in the semi-final match? • How many times had Paul predicted the winners before the semi-finals? • How many times had he predicted correctly before the semi-finals?
<Listening - Questions> 1. What sport do Germans especially love? - Soccer. 2. On June 13, which team did Paul predict Germany would beat? - Australia. 3. Which team did Germany played against in the quarter-final match? - Argentina. 4. Which team was Germany’s opponent in the semi-final match? - Spain. • How many times had Paul predicted the winners before the semi-finals? - 5 times. • How many times had he predicted correctly before the semi-finals? - 5 times.
Section 1 <New Words> competition final stages predict prediction play-off suspense beat pick A over B remain chose A over B correctly quarter-final make it to ... semi-final 【名】 競技会 <総合2500> 【名】 決勝トーナメント 【動】 予想する <総合3500> 【名】 予想 【名】 決勝トーナメント 【名】 不安(な気持ち) 【動】 に勝つ <総合2500> 【動】 BではなくAを選ぶ 【動】 残る <総合1500> 【動】 BではなくAを選ぶ 【副】 正しく <総合2500> 【名】 準々決勝<総合500> 【動】 なんとか...にたどり着く <総合2000> 【名】 準決勝
Section 1 <Dictation / Grammar / Vocabulary> June, 2010. As the FIFA World Cup competition was reaching its final stages, sports writers tried to predict the winners. Nobody had a better record of predictionthan Paul: he was right 100 percent of the time. Itis well known that Germans love soccer. As the German team moved closer to the play-offs, suspense grew. On June 13, Paul predicted that Germany would beat Australia; Paul was right. On June 18, Paul picked Serbia over Germany; he was right, but it was a group stage game and Germany remained in competition. On June 23, Paul chose Germany over Ghana — right again. Paul had correctly chosen the winner in every match Germany had played. Germany played England on June 27; Paul picked Germany, and he was right. On July 3, Germany played a quarter-final match against Argentina. Again Paul picked the German team and again Paul was right. Germany had made itto the semi-finals and Paul had not made one wrong prediction. The whole world waited for his prediction for the semi-final match between Germany and Spain. (178 words)
Section 1 <Speed-controlled Reading : 170 wpm> June, 2010. As the FIFA World Cup competition was reaching its final stages, sports writers tried to predict the winners. Nobody had a better record of prediction than Paul: he was right 100 percent of the time. It is well known that Germans love soccer. As the German team moved closer to the play-offs, suspense grew. On June 13, Paul predicted that Germany would beat Australia; Paul was right. On June 18, Paul picked Serbia over Germany; he was right, but it was a group stage game and Germany remained in competition. On June 23, Paul chose Germany over Ghana — right again. Paul had correctly chosen the winner in every match Germany had played. Germany played England on June 27; Paul picked Germany, and he was right. On July 3, Germany played a quarter-final match against Argentina. Again Paul picked the German team and again Paul was right. Germany had made it to the semi-finals and Paul had not made one wrong prediction. The whole world waited for his prediction for the semi-final match between Germany and Spain. (178 words)
Section 1 <Japanese Translation> 2010年、6月。FIFA(国際サッカー連盟)ワールドカップがその最終局面を迎えつつあるとき、スポーツ担当の記者たちは勝者を予測しようとしていた。だれもパウルに勝る予測の記録を残せるものはいなかった。彼は常に正しかったのだ。 ドイツ人はサッカーが好きだということはよく知られている。ドイツ代表チームが決勝トーナメントに近づくにつれて、緊張が増した。6月13日、パウルはドイツがオーストラリアに勝つと予測した。パウルは正しかった。6月18日、パウルはドイツではなくセルビアを選んだ。彼は正しかったのだが、予選リーグであり、ドイツは大会に残った。6月23日、パウルはガーナではなくドイツを選んだ─また正しかった。ドイツが戦った全ての試合で、パウルは正確に勝者を選んだのだった。 6月27日にドイツはイングランドと試合をした。パウルはドイツを選び、彼は正しかった。7月3日、ドイツは準々決勝でアルゼンチンと対戦した。再びパウルはドイツチームを選び、そして再びパウルは正しかった。 ドイツは準決勝に進出し、パウルは誤った予測をひとつもしていなかった。世界中がドイツ対スペインの準決勝戦のパウルの予測を待っていた。
Section 2 <Listening - Questions> 1. Why did German fans get furious at Paul? 2. On the contrary, how did Spanish fans feel about Paul’s prediction? 3. What did the Spanish prime minister do when he heard Paul was under death threats? 4. How did the final match turn out? • How accurate was Paul’s record of predictions during the World Cup?
Section 2 <Listening - Questions> 1. Why did German fans get furious at Paul? - Because he picked Spain (over Germany) for the semi-final match. 2. On the contrary, how did Spanish fans feel about Paul’s prediction? - They were delighted. 3. What did the Spanish prime minister do when he heard Paul was under death threats? - He offered Paul a safe haven in Spain. 4. How did the final match turn out? - Spain won. Spain beat Germany. 5. How accurate was Paul’s record of predictions during the World Cup? - It was perfect [100 percent correct] (for eight straight games).
Section 2 <New Words> furious threat delighted prime minister offer haven six out of six times clairvoyance third-place play-off eight straight games accurate 【形】 激怒した 【名】 脅迫、脅し <総合3000> 【形】 とても喜んで <総合2500> 【名】 首相 <総合2500> 【動】 を提供する <総合1500> 【名】 避難場所 【副】 6回のうち6回 【名】 透視力 【名】 3位決定戦 【副】 8連続試合 <総合2000> 【形】 正しい <総合2500>
Section 2 <Dictation / Grammar / Vocabulary> Germany had fallen in love with Paul. But German fans would soon be shocked. For the semi-final match with Spain, Paul picked Spain. The fans were furious. Paul received death threats. Some people even wanted to cut him up like sashimi and eat him for dinner. Of course, Spain was delighted. When José Zapatero, the Spanish prime minister, heard about the death threats, he offered Paul a safe haven in Spain. Germany vs. Spain was played on July 7. Paul was right again. Spain won. He had been right six out of six times. German fans were sad that their team had lost, but they had even greater respect for Paul’s clairvoyance. Paul was right again when he picked Germany over Uruguay in the third-place play-off. And Paul was right with his last prediction that Spain would beat the Netherlands in the final match of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Paul had a perfect, 100 percent correct, record of predictions for eight straight games. Who was this Paul? And how could he make such accurate predictions? (178 words)
Section 2 <Speed-controlled Reading : 170 wpm> Germany had fallen in love with Paul. But German fans would soon be shocked. For the semi-final match with Spain, Paul picked Spain. The fans were furious. Paul received death threats. Some people even wanted to cut him up like sashimi and eat him for dinner. Of course, Spain was delighted. When José Zapatero, the Spanish prime minister, heard about the death threats, he offered Paul a safe haven in Spain. Germany vs. Spain was played on July 7. Paul was right again. Spain won. He had been right six out of six times. German fans were sad that their team had lost, but they had even greater respect for Paul’s clairvoyance. Paul was right again when he picked Germany over Uruguay in the third-place play-off. And Paul was right with his last prediction that Spain would beat the Netherlands in the final match of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Paul had a perfect, 100 percent correct, record of predictions for eightstraight games. Who was this Paul? And how could he make such accurate predictions? (178 words)
Section 2 <Japanese Translation> ドイツ中の人はパウルが大好きになった。しかし、ドイツのファンはすぐにショックを受けることとなる。スペインとの準決勝戦について、パウルはスペインを選んだのだ。 ファンは激怒した。パウルは殺害するとの脅迫を受け取った。パウルを刺身のように切り刻んでディナーに食べてしまいたいという人さえもいた。 もちろん、スペインは喜んだ。スペインの首相のホセ・サパテロは殺害の脅迫のことを聞くと、パウルにスペインに避難するように提案した。 ドイツ対スペインの試合は7月7日におこなわれた。パウルはまた正しかった。スペインが勝ったのだ。パウルは6回中で6回正しかった。ドイツのファンは自分たちのチームが敗れて悲しく思ったが、パウルの洞察力に対してさらに大きな敬意を抱いたのだった。 3位決定戦においてウルグアイではなくドイツを選んだとき、パウルはまた正しかった。そして2010年FIFAワールドカップの決勝戦でスペインがオランダを破るという最後の予測についても、パウルは正しかった。 パウルは連続8試合について完璧で100%正確な予測の記録を残した。このパウルとはだれなのだろう。そしてどのようにしてパウルは、このような正確な予測をすることができたのだろう。
Section 3 <Listening - Questions> 1. When and where was Paul born? 2. What was Paul for children who visited the aquarium? 3. How did Paul surprise the aquarium workers? • What did each box have?
Section 3 <Listening - Questions> 1. When and where was Paul born? - He was born in 2008 in England. 2. What was Paul for children who visited the aquarium? - He was a great favorite of children. 3. How did Paul surprise the aquarium workers? - He learned to open glass bottles. 4. What did each box have? - Mussels and the national flag of a team.
Section 3 <New Words> probably octopus favorite intelligent vertebrate aquarium learn to do intelligence have nothing to do with ... success in ... process simply mussel analyst odds a good chance remarkable 【副】 たぶん <総合1500> 【名】 たこ 【名】 人気者 <総合500> 【形】 知能の高い <総合2500> 【名】 脊椎動物 【名】 水族館 <総合500> 【動】 ~するようになる <総合2000> 【名】 知能 <総合3000> 【動】 ...と関係がない <総合2000> 【名】 ...での成功 <総合1500> 【名】 過程 <総合2500> 【副】 ただ単に <総合2000> 【名】 (ムラサキ)イガイ 【名】 分析専門家 【名】 確率 【名】 十分な見込み 【形】 注目に値する <総合2500>
Section 3 <Dictation / Grammar / Vocabulary> You probably already know who Paul was because he became famous: the world’s most famous octopus. Yes, Paul was a common octopus, born in 2008 in England and moved to the Sea Life Center in Germany, where he became a great favorite of children. Octopuses are as intelligentas some vertebrates. Paul was especially intelligent. He surprised the aquarium workers by learning to open glass bottles. Intelligence, however, had nothing to do with Paul’s success in choosing winners. The prediction process was simply chance. Paul was given two boxes in which there were mussels, his favorite food. Each box had the national flag of a team. The first box from which Paul ate the mussels was taken to be a prediction of the winner of the game. What are the odds for making eight straight correct predictions? José Mérida, a data analyst, explains the odds using a coin tossing model. There is a good chance that one person out of 178 will predict all the winners from a series of eight matches. Since millions of fans predicted World Cup games, there could have been thousands who made eight correct predictions. Paul was remarkable, but he was not unique. (202 words)
Section 3 <Dictation / Grammar / Vocabulary> You probably already know who Paul was because he became famous: the world’s most famous octopus. Yes, Paul was a common octopus, born in 2008 in England and moved to the Sea Life Center in Germany, where he became a great favorite of children. Octopuses are as intelligent as some vertebrates. Paul was especially intelligent. He surprised the aquarium workers by learning to open glass bottles. Intelligence, however, had nothing to do with Paul’s success in choosing winners. The prediction process was simply chance. Paul was given two boxes inwhich there were mussels, his favorite food. Each box had the national flag of a team. The first box from which Paul ate the mussels was taken to be a prediction of the winner of the game. What are the odds for making eight straight correct predictions? José Mérida, a data analyst, explains the odds using a coin tossing model. There is a good chance that one person outof 178 will predict all the winners from a series of eight matches. Since millions of fans predicted World Cup games, there could havebeen thousands who made eight correct predictions. Paul was remarkable, but he was not unique. (202 words)
Section 3 <Speed-controlled Reading (1): 170 wpm> You probably already know who Paul was because he became famous: the world’s most famous octopus. Yes, Paul was a common octopus, born in 2008 in England and moved to the Sea Life Center in Germany, where he became a great favorite of children. Octopuses are as intelligent as some vertebrates. Paul was especially intelligent. He surprised the aquarium workers by learning to open glass bottles. Intelligence, however, had nothing to do with Paul’s success in choosing winners. (78 words)
Section 3 <Speed-controlled Reading (2): 170 wpm> The prediction process was simply chance. Paul was given two boxes in which there were mussels, his favorite food. Each box had the national flag of a team. The first box from which Paul ate the mussels was taken to be a prediction of the winner of the game. What are the odds for making eight straight correct predictions? José Mérida, a data analyst, explains the odds using a coin tossing model. There is a good chance that one person out of 178 will predict all the winners from a series of eight matches. Since millions of fans predicted World Cup games, there could have been thousands who made eight correct predictions. Paul was remarkable, but he was not unique. (120 words)
Section 3 <Sight Translation(1)> You probably already know who Paul was because he became famous: the world’s most famous octopus. Yes, Paul was a common octopus, born in 2008 in England and moved to the Sea Life Center in Germany,where he became a great favorite of children. Octopuses are as intelligent as some vertebrates. Paul was especially intelligent. He surprised the aquarium workers by learning to open glass bottles. Intelligence, however, had nothing to do with Paul’s success in choosing winners. ①(あなたは)たぶんすでにわかるだろうパウルがだれだったかなぜなら彼は有名になったので世界で最も有名なタコだ ②そう、パウルはマダコだった 2008年にイングランドで生まれたそしてシーライフセンターに移されたドイツの(そこで)彼は...になった子どもたちの大変な人気者 ③タコは...と同じくらい高い知能がある何種かの脊椎動物 ④パウルはとりわけ知能が高かった ⑤パウルは水族館の職員を驚かせたガラスの瓶を開けることを覚えて ⑥しかしながら知能は、パウルの成功とは関係がなかった勝者を選ぶことにおける
Section 3 <Sight Translation(2)> The prediction process was simply chance. Paul was given two boxes in which there were mussels, his favorite food. Each box had the national flag of a team. The first box from which Paul ate the mussels was taken to be a prediction of the winner of the game. What are the odds for making eight straight correct predictions? José Mérida, a data analyst, explains the odds using a coin tossing model. ⑦予測の過程は単に偶然によるものだった ⑧パウルはふたつの箱を与えられた(その中には)イガイが入っていた彼のお気に入りの食べ物 ⑨それぞれの箱にはチームの国旗がついていた ⑩最初の箱がパウルが(その箱から)イガイを食べた予測と理解された試合の勝者の ⑪確率はどれくらいだろう 8回連続で正確に予測をする ⑫ホセ・メリダは、データ分析専門家だが、その確率を説明するコイン投げのモデルを使って
Section 3 <Sight Translation(3)> There is a good chance that one person out of 178 will predict all the winners from a series of eight matches. Since millions of fans predicted World Cup games, there could have been thousands who made eight correct predictions. Paul was remarkable, but he was not unique. ⑬見込みがある 178人のうちの1人がすべての勝者を予測できるだろう連続8試合から ⑭何百万ものファンが...を予測したのでワールドカップの試合何千人もいたかもしれない 8回の正確な予測をした(人が) ⑮パウルはすばらしかったしかし彼はほかに類を見ないというわけではなかった
Section 3 <Japanese Translation> 有名になったので、たぶんすでにパウルがだれなのかおわかりだろう。世界で最も有名なタコだ。そう、パウルはマダコで、2008年にイングランドで生まれドイツのシーライフセンターに移され、そこで子どもたちの大変な人気者になった。 タコは何種かの脊椎動物と同じくらい知能がある。パウルはとりわけ知能が高かった。パウルはガラスの瓶を開けられるようになって、水族館の職員を驚かせた。しかしながら知能は、パウルが勝者をうまく選べたこととは関係がない。 予測の過程は単に偶然によるものだ。パウルはお気に入りの食べ物のイガイが入っている2つの箱を与えられた。それぞれの箱にはチームの国旗がついていた。パウルが先にイガイを食べた方の箱が試合の勝者の予測とされた。 8回連続で正しい予測をする確率はどれくらいだろう。データ分析を専門とするホセ・メリダは、コイン投げのモデルを用いてその確率を説明する。178人のうちのひとりが、連続8試合の勝者すべてを予測できる可能性がおおいにあるとのことだ。何百万ものファンがワールドカップの試合を予測したので、8回正確な予測をした人が何千人もいたのかもしれない。 パウルはすばらしかったのだが、しかしほかに類を見ないというわけでもなかったのだ。
Section 4 <Listening - Questions> 1. How did people in ancient China try to see the future? 2. In the Greek temple at Delphi, what was the prophet? 3. How did the Romans try to see the future? 4. Why have scientists studied changes in the behavior of birds and fish? 5. What did the aquarium workers build to mark Paul’s grave?
Section 4 <Listening - Questions> 1. How did people in ancient China try to see the future? - By studying turtle shells. 2. In the Greek temple at Delphi, what was the prophet? - A mouse. 3. How did the Romans try to see the future? - They tried to see it in the flight of birds. 4. Why have scientists studied changes in the behavior of birds and fish? - To see if they can predict an earthquake. 5. What did the aquarium workers build to mark Paul’s grave? - They built a little shrine.
Section 4 <New Words> unusual turtle shell Greek temple prophet flight reward retire from ... forecast live a ~ life for ... peacefully shrine mark grave 【形】 珍しい <総合2000> 【名】 カメ 【名】 甲羅 【形】 ギリシアの 【名】 神殿 <総合1000> 【名】 預言者 【名】 飛び方 <総合1000> 【名】 報酬 <総合2500> 【動】 ...から引退する <総合2000> 【動】 を予想する <総合3000> 【動】 ~な生活を送る <総合3000> 【前】 ...の割には <総合2000> 【副】 安らかに <総合3000> 【名】 聖堂、神殿、神社 <総合1000> 【動】 を示す <総合1500> 【名】 墓 <総合1500>
Section 4 <Dictation / Grammar / Vocabulary> It may seem strange that people would study animals to try to predict the future, but it is not at all unusual. In ancient China, people studied turtle shells. In the Greektemple at Delphi there was a mouse prophet. The Romans believed that you could see the future in the flight of birds. In recent times, an American horse named Lady Wonder answered people’s questions about the future. Scientists have studied changes in the behavior of birds and fish to see if they can predict an earthquake. Paul is not the first animal people have asked to predict the future. When the World Cup was over, Paul was given a rewardfor his predictions: a little World Cup and his favorite food — mussels. Then the aquarium announced that Paul was retiring from sports forecasting: “Paul will get back to his real job — making children laugh.” Octopuses usually live only about two years. Paul lived a nice long life (for an octopus) and died peacefully at the aquarium on October 26, 2010. They have built a little shrine to mark his grave. Football fans will remember Paul for a long time. (193 words)
Section 4 <Dictation / Grammar / Vocabulary> It may seem strange that people would study animals to try to predict the future, but it is not at all unusual. In ancient China, people studied turtle shells. In the Greektemple at Delphi there was a mouse prophet. The Romans believed that you could see the future in the flight of birds. In recent times, an American horse named Lady Wonder answered people’s questions about the future. Scientists have studied changes in the behavior of birds and fish to see if they can predict an earthquake. Paul is not the first animal people have asked to predict the future. When the World Cup was over, Paul was given a reward for his predictions: a little World Cup and his favorite food — mussels. Then the aquarium announced that Paul was retiring from sports forecasting: “Paul will get back to his real job — making children laugh.” Octopuses usually live only about two years. Paul lived a nice long life (for an octopus) and died peacefully at the aquarium on October 26, 2010. They have built a little shrine to mark his grave. Football fans will remember Paul for a longtime. (193 words)
Section 4 <Speed-controlled Reading (1): 170 wpm> It may seem strange that people would study animals to try to predict the future, but it is not at all unusual. In ancient China, people studied turtle shells. In the Greektemple at Delphi there was a mouse prophet. The Romans believed that you could see the future in the flight of birds. In recent times, an American horse named Lady Wonder answered people’s questions about the future. Scientists have studied changes in the behavior of birds and fish to see if they can predict an earthquake. Paul is not the first animal people have asked to predict the future. (101 words)
Section 4 <Speed-controlled Reading (2): 170 wpm> When the World Cup was over, Paul was given a reward for his predictions: a little World Cup and his favorite food — mussels. Then the aquarium announced that Paul was retiring from sports forecasting: “Paul will get back to his real job — making children laugh.” Octopuses usually live only about two years. Paul lived a nice long life (for an octopus) and died peacefully at the aquarium on October 26, 2010. They have built a little shrine to mark his grave. Football fans will remember Paul for a long time. (90 words)
Section 4 <Sight Translation(1)> It may seem strange that people would study animals to try to predict the future, but it is not at all unusual. In ancient China, people studied turtle shells. In the Greek temple at Delphi there was a mouse prophet. The Romans believed that you could see the future in the flight of birds. In recent times, an American horse named Lady Wonder answered people’s questions about the future. Scientists have studied changes in the behavior of birds and fish to see if they can predict an earthquake. Paul is not the first animal people have asked to predict the future. ①それは奇妙に思えるかもしれない人々が動物を観察すること未来を予測しようとするためにしかしそれは少しも珍しくない ②古代中国では人々は亀の甲を観察した ③デルファイのギリシャの神殿にはネズミの予言者がいた ④古代ローマ人は信じていた(あなたは)未来がわかると鳥の飛び方で ⑤ここ最近ではレディ・ワンダーという名のアメリカの馬が人々の質問に答えた未来についての ⑥科学者たちは変化を研究してきている鳥や魚の行動におけるそれらが地震を予知できるかどうか確かめるために ⑦パウルは最初の動物ではない人々が未来を予測するように聞いた
Section 4 <Sight Translation(1)> When the World Cup was over, Paul was given a reward for his predictions: a little World Cup and his favorite food — mussels. Then the aquarium announced that Paul was retiring from sports forecasting: “Paul will get back to his real job — making children laugh.” Octopuses usually live only about two years. Paul lived a nice long life (for an octopus) and died peacefully at the aquarium on October 26, 2010. They have built a little shrine to mark his grave. Football fans will remember Paul for a long time. ⑧ワールドカップが終わったときパウルは褒美を与えられた彼の予測に対する小さなワールドカップそして彼の好物の食べ物 - イガイだ ⑨そして水族館は発表したパウルが引退するだろうことをからスポーツの予測 ⑩パウルは彼の本当の仕事にもどるだろう子どもたちを笑わせること ⑪タコはふつう生きないおよそ2年間しか ⑫パウルは十分に長い生涯を過ごした(タコとしては)そして水族館で安らかに死んだ 2010年10月26日に ⑬(彼らは)小さな聖堂を作った彼の墓の印にするために ⑭サッカーファンはパウルを覚えているだろう長い間
Section 4 <Japanese Translation> 人々が未来を予測するために動物を観察するというのは奇妙に思えるかもしれないが、少しも珍しいわけではない。 古代中国においては、亀の甲を観察した。デルファイのギリシャの神殿には占うためのネズミがいた。古代ローマ人は、鳥の飛び方で未来がわかると信じていた。最近では、レディ・ワンダーという名のアメリカの馬が、未来についての人々の質問に答えた。科学者たちは、地震を予知できるかどうか確かめるために鳥や魚の行動の変化を研究した。パウルは、人々が未来を予測することを求めた最初の動物ではない。 ワールドカップが終了したとき、パウルは彼の予測に対してご褒美が与えられた。小さなワールドカップと好物の食べ物─イガイだ。そして、水族館はパウルがスポーツの予測から引退することを発表した。「パウルは本職にもどることになります─子どもたちを笑わせることです」 タコはふつう大体2年間ほどしか生きない。パウルは、(タコとしては)十分に長い生涯を過ごし、そして、2010年10月26日に水族館で安らかに亡くなった。パウルの墓の印にするために、小さな聖堂が作られた。 サッカーファンは、パウルのことを長く記憶にとどめることだろう。