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Sustainability TODAY. There are important words in our vocabulary. S u s t a i n a b i l i t y sus-tai-na-bi-li-ty. Sustainable Development. Ecological Sustainability. Ecologically Sustainable Development. Sustainability TODAY. Relating to a lonely planet. Very small, feeling blue.
Sustainability TODAY There are important words in our vocabulary... S u s t a i n a b i l i t y sus-tai-na-bi-li-ty Sustainable Development Ecological Sustainability Ecologically Sustainable Development
Sustainability TODAY Relating to a lonely planet... Very small, feeling blue...
Sustainability TODAY And somewhere between the lava and the stars... …the little blue planet cares for...
Sustainability TODAY a thin smear of life only 20km wide... That’s about the distance from Townsville to Cape Cleveland
Sustainability TODAY for billions of years she got on with life... then along came man
Sustainability TODAY who, from humble beginnings 300 million when Christ was around
Sustainability TODAY started to get out of hand 6 billion+ today
Sustainability TODAY Right out of hand 7.6 billion by 2020
Sustainability TODAY Now human activities alter the atmosphere And this causes changes in the climate
Sustainability TODAY occasional disagreements get out of hand just one atomic bomb can ruin your whole day atomic bomb tests Bikini Atoll
Sustainability TODAY meanwhile, our little brothers... fall by the wayside - 30% of mammals extinct by 2030
Sustainability TODAY nature runs out of places to hide... deforestation is a principle form of habitat destruction
Sustainability TODAY And our little sisters... Yanonami puts on make up: unique cultures and languages are dying out
Sustainability TODAY Yet, we reach for the stars burning holes in the ozone layer for Pay TV and the search for life on other plants
Sustainability TODAY while ignoring the problems at home When disaster strikes, people are left vulnerable
Sustainability TODAY 6 thousand million humans doing their business The human family make their presence known.
Sustainability TODAY 19,542,679 Aussies hard at work Australia’s Contribution to global light pollution
Sustainability TODAY You can even see the Townsvillians! Hi Mum - I left the porch light on!
Sustainability TODAY but the writing is on the wall… we have to change The way we will live in 2032...· Half the world will be short of water· Urbanisation of 70% of land surface· Another 2bn mouths to feed Paul Brown, environment correspondentThursday May 23, 2002The GuardianThe destruction of 70% of the natural world in 30 years, mass extinction of species, and the collapse of human society in many countries is forecast in a bleak report by 1,100 scientists published yesterday. The report paints four possible futures for the world, including the current pattern of free trade and short term profit at the expense of the environment, which leads to disaster. In a second, equally dangerous scenario, security considerations dominate with fear of terror and mass immigration into rich areas. It involves a world split into rich and poor, with freedom of movement and democracy restricted and rich enclaves like Europe and North America with barriers keeping out the poor and desperate. A third offers a strong policy based option where governments try to protect the environment with international treaties with varying degrees of success. The fourth, where all decisions are based on sustainable development rather than short time gain and greed, is the blueprint favoured by the report.
Sustainability TODAY 2003 – we can choose what comes next
Sustainability TODAY There is a simple answer: Think Global Act Local
Sustainability TODAY The world agrees on sustainable development • ‘development which meets the needs of the present • without compromising the ability of future generations • to meet their own needs’. • Bruntland report, 1987
Sustainability TODAY Australia Signs On… National Strategy for Ecologically Sustainable Development Australia, 1992 Core Objectives development that safeguards the welfare of future generations to provide for equity within and between generations to protect biological diversity and maintain essential ecological processes and life-support systems
Sustainability TODAY Some Townsville initatives
Sustainability TODAY Mechanism to invest in efficiency savings
Sustainability TODAY Toyota Prius in the TCC fleet
Sustainability TODAY Sewer mining for South Townsville
Sustainability TODAY Irrigation efficiencies
Sustainability TODAY Oil palms for biodiesel
Sustainability TODAY Windfarm to make $$$ from the wind