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UBC Intern Research Preceptor Orientation

UBC Intern Research Preceptor Orientation. August 21, 2012. Learning Objectives. Describe the three guiding principles of the dietetic internship research module Describe the role of the intern research team members (preceptor, interns, internship coordinator, research advisory committee, DEC)

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UBC Intern Research Preceptor Orientation

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  1. UBC Intern Research Preceptor Orientation August 21, 2012

  2. Learning Objectives • Describe the three guiding principles of the dietetic internship research module • Describe the role of the intern research team members (preceptor, interns, internship coordinator, research advisory committee, DEC) • Explain why the “most desirable project types” provide a positive learning environment • Identify solutions for common challenges with the dietetic intern research experience

  3. Introduction • Who are you? (name please!) • What is your experience with the research module? • What do you want to learn today? (e.g. how often to be in contact with my students, how I help the students complete their ethics applications if I have never done this myself, how I get involved with the research module if I am not part of a core site)

  4. Guiding Principles • Research Module Page 1

  5. Who does what?

  6. Most Desirable Project Type • Retrospective chart review • Describe characteristics of a group • Describe RD involvement with accessible pop’n • Quant. analysis of adherence to a practice std • Survey using validated tool & accessible pop’n • A quantitative analysis of secondary anonymized or de-identified data

  7. May be Acceptable… Preceptor has the experience: • Small project • Qualitative study • Survey design • Prospective study

  8. Not Workable… • Hypothesis testing • Surveys of large scope • Projects requiring full ethics review

  9. Research Flow Chart (Appendix 5 of Research Module) Submit RP to DEC for RAC feedback Revise RP & re-submit to RAC if requested Complete RISe for review by DEC Address issues identified by DEC; inform DEC when ready for submission Address UBC provisos Forward approval certificate to local ethics board & CSIC

  10. Research Flow Chart Continued… Submit RP to DEC for RAC feedback Revise RP & re-submit to RAC if requested Complete local ethics application for review by preceptor Finalize & submit to local ethics for approval Address any local provisos Post approval certificate on RISe

  11. Research Flow Chart Continued… Conduct research Analyze results Submit abstract to DC & DEC Submit final research report to preceptor, CSIC & DEC Submit abstract & slides for UBC dietetic intern research symposium Document & disseminate findings Close-out project with UBC & local ethics; complete Appendix 6 & submit to CSIC

  12. Case Study Qs • 1. What is the project type (pg 4 RM)? • 2. Is the population and data easily accessible? • 3. Can the data be collected in 3 days or less? • 4. Is the project eligible for expedited review? ------- • 5. If you answer NO to any of these questions, what ideas do you have to modify the project so you can answer YES to all of the above?

  13. Case study 1: Identifying the nutrition-related care issues for patients with gastrointestinal (GI) cancerswho were referred to a BCCA dietitian in 2009. • Retrospective review of GI Ca patients’ charts seen by an RD in 2009 • 290 electronic charts to review • Inter-rater reliability: interns, PI and one co-investigator will all trial data collection procedures from the same 20 charts. Data collection discrepancies will be noted, the technique reviewed and retested with 20 new charts. • 2 interns will work on this project

  14. Case study 2: Nutritional Adequacy of Vulnerable Adolescents in Prince George Licensed Youth Residential Care Homes (RCH) • Survey of teenagers living in RCHs in PG • 60 youth live in 15 RCHs • 50% response rate expected • Validated, self-administered dietary assessment tool to determine macronutrient intakes • Surveys will be left in the RCH for youth to pick up, complete, and put into a sealed box somewhere inside the home • Interns will pick up the box to analyze data one week later • 2 interns will work on this project

  15. Common challenge: Staying on track

  16. Common challenge #2: Completing ethics/RISe forms • Solutions?

  17. Common challenge #3: Data collection isn’t going well! • Solutions?

  18. Common challenge #4: Data analysis? • Solutions?

  19. Common challenge #5: ? • Solutions?

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