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WRC 2007 Results October 22 ~ November 16, 2007 Geneva, Switzerland

WRC 2007 Results October 22 ~ November 16, 2007 Geneva, Switzerland. Masatoshi OHISHI RAFCAP meeting 2008. WRC-07 Agenda Item 1.17.

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WRC 2007 Results October 22 ~ November 16, 2007 Geneva, Switzerland

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  1. WRC 2007 ResultsOctober 22 ~ November 16, 2007Geneva, Switzerland Masatoshi OHISHI RAFCAP meeting 2008

  2. RAFCAP 2008 in Pune

  3. WRC-07 Agenda Item 1.17 • 1.17 to consider the results of ITU-R studies on compatibility between the fixed-satellite service and other services around 1.4 GHz, in accordance with Resolution 745 (WRC‑03); MSS feeder links operating in the bands 1 390-1 392 MHz (Earth-to-space) and 1 430-1 432 MHz (space-to-Earth) WP8D: draft CPM text suggests to suppress these allocations. FCC: the satellite operator disappeared. RAFCAP 2008 in Pune

  4. RAFCAP 2008 in Pune

  5. Results for AI 1.17 Suppression of FN 5.379A and Resolution 745 5.339AAdditional allocation: the band 1 390-1 392 MHz is also allocated to the fixed-satellite service (Earth-to- space) on a secondary basis and the band 1 430-1 432 MHz is also allocated to the fixed-satellite service (space-to- Earth) on a secondary basis. These allocations are limited to use for feeder links for non-geostationary-satellite networks in the mobile-satellite service with service links below 1 GHz, and Resolution 745 (WRC-03) applies. Resolution 745 (WRC-03)Resolves 1 states “shall not be used until the completion of ITU-R studies on all identified compatibility issues” RAFCAP 2008 in Pune

  6. WRC-07 Agenda Item 1.21 • 1.21 to consider the results of studies, regarding the compatibility between the radio astronomy service and the active space services in accordance with Resolution 740 (WRC-03), in order to review and update, if appropriate, the tables of threshold levels used for consultation that appear in the Annex to Resolution 739 (WRC‑03); TG1/9 – Compatibility Studies between RAS and Satellite Services (S-E) GLONASS was the issue, with a lot of NOs from Russia RAFCAP 2008 in Pune

  7. Historical Landmarks 1968 Discovery of OH-IR sources 1979 OH 1612-MHz line given secondary allocation 1982 First GLONASS satellite launched (military) 1983 Coordination of GLONASS begins 1985 Interference identified and published IRAS catalogue published (~104 OH-IR sources) 1991 First IUCAF-GLONASS meeting 1992 Worldwide experiment to test possible cures Radio astronomy band made primary 1993 GLONASS-IUCAF Agreement signed in Moscow 2006 Projected completion of “clean-up” plan RAFCAP 2008 in Pune

  8. GLONASS-IUCAF Agreement Coordination is possible with radio astronomy 1993 onwards, no satellites in channels 16-20 1999 onwards, satellites confined to channels 1-12 New GLONASS frequency plan is needed Filters will be installed on GLONASS-M satellites, sufficient to protect 1660-1670MHz band GLONASS administration will investigate ways to fully protect 1612-MHz band and will communicate their proposed solution at a future meeting IUCAF will coordinate further joint experiments as needed RAFCAP 2008 in Pune

  9. Modifications to FN 5.347A 5.347A In the bands: 137-138 MHz, 387-390 MHz, 400.15-401 MHz, 1 452-1 492 MHz, 1 525-1 559 MHz, 1 559-1 610 MHz, 1 613.8-1 626.5 MHz, 2 655-2 670 MHz, 2 670-2 690 MHz, 21.4-22 GHz, Resolution 739 (Rev.WRC-07) applies. (WRC-07) RAFCAP 2008 in Pune

  10. For GSO stations (in pfd) RAFCAP 2008 in Pune

  11. For Non-GSO stations (in epfd) RAFCAP 2008 in Pune

  12. Registration needed ! Any RAS station that has been registered to the ITU master register earlier than the registration of a satellite will be protected. Resolves 4 of Resolution 739 (WRC-07) that the radio astronomy stations to be taken into account in applying resolves 1, 2 and 3 are those which are operating in the frequency band(s) identified in Annex 1 and which are notified before the date of reception of the advance publication information of the space station or satellite system to which this Resolution applies; RAFCAP 2008 in Pune

  13. WRC-07 Agenda Item 1.7 • 1.7 to consider the results of ITU-R studies regarding sharing between the mobile-satellite service and the space research service (passive) in the band 1 668-1 668.4 MHz, and between the mobile-satellite service and the mobile service in the band 1 668.4-1 675 MHz in accordance with Resolution 744 (WRC‑03); Radioastron and future space-based RAS stations with similar orbital parameters with Radioastron will be appropriately protected. RAFCAP 2008 in Pune

  14. WRC-07 Agenda Item 1.11 • 1.11 to review sharing criteria and regulatory provisions for protection of terrestrial services, in particular terrestrial television broadcasting services, in the band 620-790 MHz from BSS networks and systems, in accordance with Resolution 545 (WRC‑03); Protection from BSS space stations RAS:608-614 MHz will be appropriately protected See AI1.21 RAFCAP 2008 in Pune

  15. WRC-07 Agenda Item 1.8 • 1.8 to consider the results of ITU-R studies on technical sharing and regulatory provisions for the application of high altitude platform stations operating in the bands 27.5-28.35 GHz and 31‑31.3 GHz in response to Resolution 145 (WRC‑03), and for high altitude platform stations operating in the bands 47.2-47.5 GHz and 47.9-48.2 GHz in response to Resolution 122 (Rev.WRC‑03); RAFCAP 2008 in Pune

  16. WRC-07 Agenda Item 1.8 (contd.) Separation distance between a RAS station and the nadir of a HAPS platform was determined to be 50 km in Resolves 5 of Resolution 122 (Rev. WRC-07) RAFCAP 2008 in Pune

  17. WRC Agenda Item 7.2 Discussion of Future Agenda Items for WRC-11 and WRC-15 26 agenda items have been identified for WRC-11, together with several permanent agenda items Detailed will be presented later RAFCAP 2008 in Pune

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