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The Talented Mr. Ripley

The Talented Mr. Ripley. 二樂第五組. About The Author. Patricia Highsmith was born in Fort Worth, Texas, but grew up in New York City. She decided at the age of sixteen to become a writer, and at Bernard College she was editor of the college magazine. Her first novel, Strangers on a train , was

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The Talented Mr. Ripley

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  1. The Talented Mr. Ripley 二樂第五組

  2. AboutTheAuthor Patricia Highsmith was born in Fort Worth, Texas, but grew up in New York City. She decided at the age of sixteen to become a writer, and at Bernard College she was editor of the college magazine. Her first novel, Strangers on a train, was made into the famous movie by Alfred Hitchcock in 1951. The The talented Mr. Ripley won a prize from the Mystery Writers of America and in 1999 became a popular movie starring Matt Damon, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jude Law. She died in 1995.

  3. The Main Idea Of The Story

  4. Tom Ripley was asked by Mr. Greenleaf to go to Italy to persuade whose son, Dickie, who lived with his girlfriend, Marge and a large of party friends, and made a living as a painter. Tom accepted and took it as a chance to turn his life over. Then Tom made a friend with Dickie. The longer he got along with Dickie, the more he loved Dickie. He loved Dickie’s lifestyle, free and passionate. He liked Dickie’s character, confident and homelike.

  5. Then he wanted to be Dickie. Therefore, he killed him. He took everything Dickie had and lived. as him. After that, Dickie’s friends and Marge felt strange about Dickie’s disappearance. They asked police for help. But Tom was so good at pretending that even the police couldn't find the clues. This is the story about Tom deceiving the truth from everyone’s eyes.

  6. Role Introduction

  7. Tom Ripley He is a shy and smart person ,but he is dangerous,too.He will do anything to get what he want. He could be murderer. Because he is good at hiding, no one will find out what he’s doing or thinking. He can let everyone under his control as a toy.

  8. Dickie Greenleaf He is an rich inheritor, but his character is too active. No matter how hard his father tried to call him back, to persuade, even vow severely, didn't care them at all. He lived freely, worrying about nothing, and he considered everyone lived as comfortable as him. He is so charming, passionate and romantic that the girls who were together with him can’t help but loved him so much. When you make him feel eye fresh , he will regard you as the only one.

  9. Marge Sherwood She is a tender, kind-hearted, nice girl. And she is not suspicious.After meeting Dickie in Paris, she went to Italy with him. She loved Dickie and she thought Dickie loved her, too. But she didn't get what she should have and Tom told that Dickie broke up with her. She didn't believe him at all. When they couldn't find Dickie, she discovered that Dickie’s package, at that time, she came to a conclusion that Tom was a murderer.

  10. Freddie Miles Freddie Miles wasan American, who had red hair, large red brown eyes that shook in his head. He was also very heavy. Freddie washonest, careful, and observant. He got to the root of the matter. Also, he had a sense of honor. However, he gave way to his feeling so that he could not think highly of his safety. His life ended off by the killer.

  11. Herbert Greenleaf He was an ordinary American father. Because of worrying about his wife’s senior sick, he wanted his son, Dickie, come back from Italy. In order to do this, he found many people of Dickie’s friends. Hoping them persuade Dickie back to American. In the end of the story, he didn't find out that his son was already died and gave all the Dickie’s money to Tom Ripley.

  12. Conclusion In this story, Ripley killed Dickie. But in fact, it is that Ripley identify with Dickie let him expelled the truth Ripley. Every time when he was on the fork by the true and the false, he always chooses to lie. Every evidence proves that Tom is the murderer, but no one detect it. Envy and greed can let people do something illegal. Although he got every thing he wanted, he couldn't leave from the shadow.

  13. About the book The author Patricia Highsmith Retold by Kevin Hinkle Series editors Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter The number of pages 84

  14. Name Question Writing Remark 01 王曰慈 15~20 上台報告,投影片製作 04 江昱欣 12~14 26 書面資料總整理 18 張惠茹 5~6 23 上台報告 23 陳郁蓉 7~8 24 內容大綱 31 劉冠筠 9~11 25 上台報告 32 蔡詩涵 1~2 21 內容摘要 35 簡淑芬 3~4 22 心得感想

  15. The End

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