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The Human Body's Muscular and Skeletal Systems

Learn about the 10 systems that work together to help the human body function. Discover the importance of the muscular system for movement and the skeletal system for support and protection. Find out ways to keep your muscles healthy and strong.

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The Human Body's Muscular and Skeletal Systems

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  1. The Human Body The human body has 10 systems that all work together to help the body function from day to day!

  2. The Muscular System Helps my body MOVE!!!!!.

  3. My muscles are important because they… • Works with skeletal system to hold my organs in place and moves • Pumps my blood through the heart muscle • Works with your digestive system to move food and wastes through your body! • 650 muscles in your body

  4. Why do I need tendons? Tendons attach my muscles to my bone helping my body move. Feel your tendon right above your heel in the back of your leg. This is the thickest tendon in your body. Try This...

  5. Muscles can be Voluntary Muscles • Voluntary musclesare the ones you can control. You can tell them when to move. Most voluntary muscles are attached to the bone and are the skeletal muscles. • Example: running • Involuntary muscles, like those of the heart, are muscles that move without your having to think about them or they move on their own. • Example: Your eyelids are also involuntary muscles because you cannot stop yourself from blinking, even though at times you can make yourself blink.

  6. Muscles can be Involuntary Muscles • There are even tiny involuntary muscles in your skin that give you goose bumps when you are cold.

  7. 3 Types of Muscles-each type looks different. • Smooth Muscles – are long and thin and pointed at each end. They are involuntary muscles and are found in the stomach. • Cardiac Muscles- branch out and weave together and make up the heart. • Skeletal Muscles- are long and shaped like cylinders or straws. They are voluntary and are found in the tongue, lips, biceps, and triceps in your arm.

  8. Another way to keep strong muscles… • Exercise every day. What are some things you can do every day to help keep your muscular system healthy?

  9. One way to keep my muscles strong… • Eat foods from the meat group every day. They are high in protein which helps to build strong muscles. Name some foods that are high in protein.

  10. Muscular System Songs and Videos • Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6u0u_59UDc • Song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvBWnQJHGBs Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loNCO_nWqOY

  11. Skeletal System

  12. As you review the bones listed on this diagram, point them out on your body to a friend. Cranium Mandible Clavicle Click on the name of the bone that you would like to learn more about. Scapula Sternum Ribs Humerus Spine Radius Ulna Pelvis Carpals Metacarpals Phalanges Femur Patella Tibia Fibula Metatarsals Tarsals Phalanges

  13. Overview of the Human Skeletal System What function do bones have? Support Protection Body Movement Production of Blood Cells Mineral Storage

  14. Overview of the Human Skeletal System Osteology is the science that deals with the study of bones. Each bone is an organ that plays a part in how the skeletal system functions. The skeletal system of an adult human is made up of 206 bones. This number of bones can very depending on a person’s age. For example, at birth, our bodies consist of about 270 bones. Over the first three to five years of our life the number of bones actually increases to around 300. At your age, the number of bones actually decreases because some of them fuse (connect) together. How many bones are there?

  15. Overview of the Human Skeletal System Support One function of the skeletal system is to provide support for your body. The skeleton forms the base to which muscles and other soft tissues attach. Without the support of bones, like your vertebral column (backbone), you would not be able to stand up. You would simply be like a puddle on the floor. Did you know that humans and giraffes have the same number of bones in their necks?

  16. Overview of the Human Skeletal System Protection A second function of the skeletal system is to provide protection for the soft, delicate parts of your body. For example, your cranium (skull) and spine protect your central nervous system while your rib cage protects your heart, lungs, and other internal organs. The skeletal system protects all the systems of the body. Did you know that your jawbone is the hardest bone in your body.

  17. Overview of the Human Skeletal System Body Movement The third function of the skeletal system deals with body movement. In order to move, muscles need to pull on bones. When muscles contract, the bones to which they are attached act as levers and cause different body parts to move. The movement takes place at the connection between bones which is called a joint. There are different kinds of joints in the body. A hinged joint, like the one in your knee, allows you to move your leg back and forth just like a door hinge. A fixed joint, such as in the skull, has very little movement at all. Finally, the ball-and-socket joint, like the one in your shoulder or leg, enable you to move your arm or leg 360 degrees like a shower head. Did you know that the longest bone in our body is the femur (thigh bone).

  18. Overview of the Human Skeletal System Production of Blood Cells Bones are also important in the production of blood cells. It is in the hollow center of many bones that bone marrow makes new red and white blood cells. The red blood cells ensure that oxygen is distributed to all parts of your body. The white blood cells are responsible for fighting off germs and disease.

  19. Overview of the Human Skeletal System Mineral Storage Bones are storage sites for many minerals. These minerals give bone its rigidity (hardness) and much of its weight. Bones contain a lot of calcium (an element found in milk, broccoli, and other foods). Calcium is important for bone growth and development. It is also important for muscle contractions.

  20. Other parts of the skeletal system • There are parts of the body that are supported and shaped not by the bone but instead by another component of the skeleton called cartilages. • Cartilage is flexible, not hard, but it is tough and is found in your ears and nose and its used to keep bones from rubbing into each other, it acts like a cushion and is in between your bones. • Ligaments- attach bones to other bones.

  21. Essential Questions: • What is the skeletal system? • What are some of the major bones in the skeletal system? • How do bones connect to each other?

  22. Skeletal System • Skeletal System Song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vya4wpS2fgk Skeletal System Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUP-D4dKp14 Skeletal System Rap http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRXv3qOl8-4

  23. Your stomach and some other organs make up the digestive system. THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM

  24. The path food takes • In your Mouth-your teeth chop and grind the food and your saliva begins breaking down the food. • In your Esophagus- the chewed food moves down this muscular tube to the stomach • In your Stomach- temporarily stores the food for up to 6 hrs.. It mixes with juices that begin breaking food down. • Next, It travels to the Small intestine- this is where broken down food particles leave stomach and arrive here • Finally, in Large intestine-All of the left over water and undigested food (waste) is stored here and eventually exits the body!!!

  25. What are the important organs in the digestive system and what is their function? • How does the digestive system help the body? • How does food travel through the digestive system?

  26. Digestive System Songs and Websites • Short video of digestive system http://www.neok12.com/php/watch.php?v=zX4559475700465170435873&t=Digestive-System • United Streaming Video/Song On Digestive System”The Inside Story with Slim Goodbody, Fown, Down, Down” http://app.discoveryeducation.com/search?Ntt=digestive+system+video#selItemsPerPage=40&intCurrentPage=0&No=0&N=18341&Ne=18339&Ntt=digestive%2Bsystem%2Bvideo&Ns=&Nr=&browseFilter=&indexVersion=&Ntk=All&Ntx=mode%252Bmatchallpartial • Digestive song R& B http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyVcyT-fOao • Digestive Song, Call me Maybe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0O8wrhEzDtI • Great animation of the digestive system: http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072495855/student_view0/chapter26/animation__organs_of_digestion.html

  27. Circulatory and Cardiovascular System • Blood carries nutrients through the body. • Provides oxygen through the body • Provides transportation for cell necessities using the blood stream • Transports waste • Includes veins, arteries, and capillaries. • 6. Works with cardiovascular system and respiratory system to provide oxygen.

  28. What is the circulatory system? • The circulatory system carries blood and dissolved substances to and from different places in the body. • The Heart has the job of pumping these things around the body. This is known as the cardiovascular system. • The Heart pumps blood and substances around the body in tubes called blood vessels. • The Heart and blood vessels together make up the Circulatory System.

  29. The Heart This is a vein. It brings blood from the body, except the lungs. These are arteries. They carry blood away from the heart. 2 atria Coronary arteries, the hearts own blood supply 2 ventricles The heart has four chambers now lets look inside the heart

  30. Lungs Body cells Our circulatory system is a double circulatory system. This means it has two parts parts. the right side of the system deals with deoxygenated blood. the left side of the system deals with oxygenated blood.

  31. The ARTERY Arteries carry blood away from the heart. the elastic fibres allow the artery to stretch under pressure thick muscle and elastic fibres the thick muscle can contract to push the blood along.

  32. The VEIN Veins carry blood towards from the heart. veins have valves which act to stop the blood from going in the wrong direction. thin muscle and elastic fibres body muscles surround the veins so that when they contract to move the body, they also squeeze the veins and push the blood along the vessel.

  33. Capillaries Capillaries are extremely small vessels located within the tissues of the body that transport blood from the arteries to the veins.

  34. Blood Cells and its Parts: • Blood is made up of 45% cells and 55% plasma. • Plasma- is the liquid part of the blood. It carries nutrients and water to the cells. • Red Blood Cells- carry oxygen and carbon dioxide to and from the lungs. • White Blood Cells- destroy bacteria and help fight diseases or when you’re sick. • Blood Platelets- help blood in clotting which helps stop bleeding and heals cuts.

  35. SUMMARY Arteries take blood ______ from the heart. The walls of an artery are made up of thick _________ walls and elastic fibres. Veins carry blood ________ the heart and also have valves. The _________ link arteries and veins, and have a one cell thick wall. Blood is made up of four main things ______, the liquid part of the blood; Red Blood Cells to carry ______; White Blood cells to protect the body from disease and _________ to help blood clot. away muscular towards capillaries plasma oxygen platelets

  36. Cardiovascular System The cardiovascular system is very close to the circulatory system. The cardiovascular system is when the blood is pumped from the heart to the lungs to get oxygen. Once the blood gets oxygenated it returns to the heart to be pumped to the body. This is where the circulatory system takes over.

  37. Better Understanding the cardiovascular system… The blood returns to the heart from a fun trip around your body. It has been giving oxygen to the trillion of cells in your body. But as we know it has been collecting carbon dioxide as it got rid of oxygen. So the blood travels back to the heart. The heart pumps that blood (poor in oxygen) to the lungs to get oxygen. Once that blood has been oxygenated it goes back to the heart and is pumped to the rest of the body. Then the process continues.

  38. How does the cardiovascular system help the body? How does blood travel through your body? What does blood deliver to and take away from individual cells in the body?

  39. Circulatory and Cardiovascular System Songs and Videos • Song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v97buu-W-JU Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_q6o_7CT_U Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fSaKZe3TPg

  40. Respiratory System 1. epiglottis

  41. 1. Your respiratory system is made up of the organs in your body that help you to breathe. 2. Works with circulatory and cardiovascular system to deliver oxygen to the body and to takes away carbon dioxide. 3. Controls breathing and gas exchange.

  42. Parts of the Respiratory System • The lungs are the main organs of the respiratory system. In the lungs oxygen is taken into the body and carbon dioxide is breathed out. The red blood cells are responsible for picking up the oxygen in the lungs and carrying the oxygen to all the body cells that need it. The red blood cells drop off the oxygen to the body cells, then pick up the carbon dioxide which is a waste gas product produced by our cells. The red blood cells transport the carbon dioxide back to the lungs and we breathe it out when we exhale. • Trachea(TRAY-kee-uh} is sometimes called the windpipe. The trachea filters the air we breathe and branches into the bronchi. • Bronchi the bronchi (BRAHN-ky) are two air tubes that branch off of the trachea and carry air directly into the lungs. • DiaphragmBreathing starts with a dome-shaped muscle at the bottom of the lungs called the diaphragm (DY-uh-fram). When you breathe in, the diaphragm contracts. When it contracts it flattens out and pulls downward. This movement enlarges the space that the lungs are in. This larger space pulls air into the lungs. When you breathe out, the diaphragm expands reducing the amount of space for the lungs and forcing air out. The diaphragm is the main muscle used in breathing

  43. Transport System It is important to remember that the circulatory, respiratory, and cardiovascular system are known as a TRANSPORT SYSTEM. This is because they are transporting (moving) oxygen to all your cells. They work together for you to get energy!

  44. How does air travel? • Air enters your body through the nose and mouth. The air travels through the trachea, a tube in your neck ad chest. The trachea divides into two tubes called bronchi. The bronchi continues to divide into smaller and smaller tubes that end in air sacs of the lungs. The diaphragm muscle sits under the lung. When it expands, the lungs expand and take in air. When it contracts, the lung contracts and air is forced out.

  45. Songs and Videos • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4zOXOM6wgE

  46. The Nervous System

  47. JOBS of nervous system • Sends messages from the brain to the rest of the body along nerve cells (neurons) • You taste, hear, and smell with your brain • Sensory nerve cells in your body send signals to your brain • Your brain sorts these messages and tells you what you are seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, or feeling

  48. Parts of the Nervous System

  49. the Brain • THE BRAIN is the center of the nervous system and is made of many nerve cells. These brain cells receive information about what is happening inside the body. They also receive information about what is happening outside the body through your senses. The brain sends signals to your body through the spinal cord and nerves.

  50. There are 3 parts to the brain:1. The cerebellum : controls coordination and complex movements, like playing sports.2. the Cerebrum: is the largest part of the brain and it controls your ability to think, learn, and remember.3. The Brain Stem: it controls important life process that take place in your body (attention, consciousness, etc). All information passes through this part of • DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE BRAIN CONTROL DIFFERENT THINGS

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