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Explore the impact of the SIB-R scale on housing & life skills outcomes for students with intellectual disabilities in a support program. Analyze residential housing data, assess daily living skills improvements, and discuss strategies for enhancing independence.
Using the SIB-R to Assess Housing and Independent Living Skills Outcomes for Postsecondary Students with Intellectual Disabilities November 2013 Jugnu Agrawal, Ph.D. Catherine Creighton Thompson,Ph.D. Candidate David A. Lojkovic, Ph.D. Candidate Michael Frye, Ph.D. Candidate Heidi J. Graff, Ph.D.
Four-year transition and post secondary, non-degreed program, educating students with Intellectual and developmental disabilities and Definition Supportive apprenticeship for students who are majoring in human service studies which provides practical experience learning from, and working with, individuals with disabilities
Components Academic Residential Employment Exploration Research
Support Staff = 42 Students (N = 42),2012-2013 First Years-15 Second Years-9 Third Years- 11 Fourth Years-7
Residential HousingResidential Housing The residential component continues to build upon the foundation fostered in the independent living and community access classes taught in the academic program.
Residential Housing, 2012-2013 • Number of units: 7 • On campus and off campus townhouses • Number of students: 23 • Support Staff:7 Overnight and 13 Day
Characteristics “Impairments in adaptive functioning such as communication and social skills are prevalent across the population of ASD and ID.” -Matson, Rivet, Fodstad, Dempsey, & Boisjoli (2009) "intellectual disability (ID) is a disability characterized by significant limitations both in intellectual functioning and in adaptive behavior, which covers many everyday social and practical skills.” -AAIDD (2010) Individuals with ID and DD exhibit deficits across multiple domains. -Belva & Matson (2013)
Daily Living Skills “The improvement in daily living skills for individuals with ASD into the late 20s likewise suggests that it may be possible for daily living skills to be gained at later points in development, even as skills in other areas plateau.” -Smith, Maenner, & Seltzer (2012) “Daily Living scores were lowest.” -Howlin, Elison, Udwin, & Stinton (2010)
Independent Living Greater levels of independence correlate to higher levels of life satisfaction. -Gooden-Ledbetter, Cole, Maher, & Condeluci(2007) Supports maybe necessary for persons with disabilites to live as independently as possible. -Deguara, Jelassi, Micallef, & Callus (2012) “The goal of adults with ID is the same as it is with any adult - to lead as independent and productive a life as possible.” -Bowman, & Plourde(2012)
Task Completion For adults, a greater emphasis on activities that they can do/complete acknowledges what they can do versus completing tasks ‘normally.’ -Maenner, Smith, Hong, Makuch, Greenberg, & Mailick(2012)
Employment Social skills and communication deficits have negative impacts on transition and future employment. -Chiang, Cheung, Li, & Tsai(2013) Adaptive behaviorskillscorrelatetohigherlevelofemployment. -Carter, Austin, & Trainor(2012)
SIB-R Scales of Independent Behavior-Revised (SIB-R) was used to assess student independent living skills. The scale includes 14 subscales and 8 behavior questions. There are a total of 63 subscale questions and 8 behavior questions.
Norming Sample of SIB-R 2,182 individuals in 15 states and 60 communities Three age groups –Early childhood (N=670) –Childhood (N=758) –Adolescent-Adult (N=754) Up to age 90
Survey Implementation • Residential Overnight Support staff independently complete the scale • Fall of 2011 • Spring of 2012 • Fall of 2012 • Spring of 2013
Reliability Check Data input: 30% of the data were randomly selected. Data entered in SPSS were checked against the original scale score sheets. Data analysis: 100% of the data were independently analyzed by two of the researchers. Their analyses were in 100% agreement.
Data Analysis Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression analyses were run to look at the difference between students living on campus and commuting students. OLS regression equation: Y = ß0 + ß1X1 + ß2X2 + ß3D + ê
Results for students with data from Fall 2012 and Spring 2013 (n=38)
Conclusion • Continue to see growth over time • Residential students outperformingcommuter students • Social; Meals • Grooming; Dressing • Personal Care; Domestic • Time
Implications for Practice • More progress being made for Residential Housing students versus commuter students • Intensify Independent Living • Additional section for commuter students
Future Research Comparison with on and off campus Residential Housing Comparison based upon gender Comparison based upon disability area
References American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (2010). Definition of intellectual disability. Retrieved from http://www.aaidd.org. Belva, B., & Matson, J. (2013). An examination of specific daily living skills deficits in adults with profound intellectual disabilities. Research In Developmental Disabilities, 34(1), 596-604. Bowman, S., & Plourde, L. (2012). Andragogy for teen and young adult learners with intellectual disabilities: Learning, independence, and best practices. Education, 132(4), 789-798. Bruininks, R., Woodcock, R. W., Weatherman, R. F., & Hill, B. K. (1996). Scales of Independent Behavior–Revised (SIB-R). Chicago: Riverside. Carter, E., Austin, D., & Trainor, A. (2012). Predictors of Postschool Employment Outcomes for Young Adults With Severe Disabilities. Journal Of Disability Policy Studies, 23(1), 50-63. Chiang, H., Cheung, Y., Li, H., & Tsai, L. (2013). Factors Associated with Participation in Employment for High School Leavers with Autism. Journal Of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 43(8), 1832-1842. Deguara, M., Jelassi, O., Micallef, B., & Callus, A. (2012). How we like to live when we have the chance. British Journal Of Learning Disabilities, 40(2), 123-127. doi:10.1111/j.1468-3156.2012.00743.x
References, continued Gooden-Ledbetter, M. J., Cole, M. T., Maher, J. K., & Condeluci, A. (2007). Self-efficacy and interdependence as predictors of life satisfaction for people with disabilities: Implications for independent living programs. Journal Of Vocational Rehabilitation, 27(3), 153-161. Howlin, P., Elison, S., Udwin, O., & Stinton, C. (2010). Cognitive, Linguistic and Adaptive Functioning in Williams Syndrome: Trajectories from Early to Middle Adulthood. Journal Of Applied Research In Intellectual Disabilities, 23(4), 322-336. Maenner, M. J., Smith, L. E., Hong, J., Makuch, R., Greenberg, J. S., & Mailick, M. R. (2012). Evaluation of an activities of daily living scale for adolescents and adults with developmental disabilities. Disability and health journal. Matson, J. L., Rivet, T. T., Fodstad, J. C., Dempsey, T., & Boisjoli, J. A. (2009). Examination of adaptive behavior differences in adults with autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disability. Research In Developmental Disabilities, 30(6), 1317-1325. Smith, L.E., Maenner, M.J., & Seltzer, M. (2012). Developmental trajectories in adolescents and adults with autism: The case of daily living skills. Journal Of The American Academy Of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 51(6), 622-631. Walton, K., & Ingersoll, B. (2013). Improving Social Skills in Adolescents and Adults with Autism and Severe to Profound Intellectual Disability: A Review of the Literature. Journal Of Autism & De