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Explore a collaborative effort to consolidate DoDAF 2.0 and FEA into a single UGEAF for government, aiming for a shared approach. Workshops, whitepaper creation, and development of structured plans form key milestones.
Unified Government Enterprise Architecture Framework- UGEAF Pronounced – “You GiveF” Not “UG IF” Presented by Mike Tiemann Senior Faculty and Program Director FEAC Institute EA-SIG Past Chair at Architecture Plus Seminar Series Sept 22, 2010
A third something produced by the union of two different things – or the collision of two opposing forces.” Hopefully the former…not the latter! “Tertium Quid”
Background & Concept FEA Principles
Enterprise Architecture Shared Interest Group (EA-SIG) REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE No. 2010-01 The ACT/IAC rules regarding what is appropriate for our members governs what SIGs do in support of the Government. The EA-SIG has implemented this Request for Assistance (RfA) to be used by the leadership team to identify and document specific requests for assistance (and what activities, tasks or projects its is committing to support, by when and how). This is not a contract and because all of the work is voluntary, it is specifically not enforceable. It is, however, a record of the commitment made and will be used to track and to some extent measure the SIGs Government engagements, involvements and accomplishments. For further guidance on what the SIG can and should support, see the SIGs SOP. Please complete all information, as follows: Name for Request: Unified Government Enterprise Architecture Framework (UGEAF) Sponsoring and/or Requesting Organization: AIC and DoD Short description of the support activity or Tasking:Based on the attached Snip-It (EASIG 10-1) establish a working group that will investigate, analyze and research the drivers for, considerations of, pieces and parts included in, support and resources required , a structured plan and timeframe for a collaborative effort to consolidate, combine, redefine and reissue a single Unified Government Enterprise Architecture Framework (UGEAF) for the US Federal Government (and potentially other governmental entities, as well). Expected deliverables: Organized workshop(s) between government EA and LoB leaders, industry participants and stakeholders, to collaborate, ideate, create and develop a whitepaper for a draft conceptual approach, program plans and presentation on a set of recommendations as to how UGEAF can be created and evolved into the single Government EA Framework, merging the DoDAF 2.0 and the FEA (including the Practice Guide, Reference Models, FSAM and other aspects) into a single approach advocated and used throughout the government. Targeted Milestones/ Completion Date: Quarter 4 (FY 2010) – Establish team, project plan, develop target list of components and parts to be fitted into the new Framework, determine initial set of issues. Quarter 1 (FY 2011) - Plan and hold workshops, and interviews to discuss issues, best practices and develop focused recommendations for UGEAF and establish collaborative writing project teams to revised, consolidate and integrate the various components of the UGEAF into a consolidated set of guidance. Quarter 3 (FY 2011) – Draft and process comments and release approvals for UGEAF Guidance. Quarter 4 develop communications plan and issue instructional training aids. Sponsor POC and contact information: Walt Okon (DoD) and Diane Reeves (and OMB FEAPMO) Other supporting information or documentation (Please attach or give web reference): CEOG, EA Practice Guide, DoDAF 2.O, FEA Reference Models, FSAM, GAO EAMMF V 2.0 – all available on the web. TBD EA-SIG Use Only Date Request was received: SIG Generated_8/19/2010_ LT Member _M.Tiemann__________ Advisory Panel Review Y or N Date ___________________ Date approved by LT: _________________________ Assigned to: TBD__________________ Agreed Date to be Completed: October 2011 _____________ Date Completed:__________________________ Deliverables Produced:: Y or N Posted to Web: Y or N Form 001 IAC-EA-SIG/ rev. 08/10 MAT
Attachment to RFA 2010-1 EA Snip-IT 10-01 Unified Government Enterprise Architecture Framework With the publication and release of DoDAF 2.0 and its concept of fit for purpose, and the FSAM Methodology and FEA segment approach, Government EA has enter a new period of reassessment regarding how it is used to support and achieve the governments citizen enabled open government transformation. For almost 15 years the U.S. Federal government has been evolving and revising its EA approach and guidance and has been doing so on the civilian and DoD sides mostly separately, in parallel. Other pockets of related EA approaches have been contributed by various other entities (DNI and NIEM, for examples) and now are parts of the uncoordinated and non-integrated whole sets of seemingly disparate EA frameworks, approaches and constructs used in the development of EA’s in the government. It has been discussed that a consolidated, combined and fully rationalized single Unified Government EA Framework would be beneficial to many of the governments transformational and collaborative sharing activities. For architecture-driven modernization and transformation to happen efficiently and effectively all facets of governmental planning from process enablement utilizing newer technologies to, services and capabilities sharing, to collaborative communities of interest and a variety of other facets (further described in the CEOG Paper), a new paradigm for the FEA and its use must happen. It must be both increasingly robust and commonly and consistently used at the same time, so that communications and understanding of the purposes and plans can be achieved. This is made difficult by the rapidly expanding role of government and its increasingly complex and complicated responsibilities to its citizens and the public. Give us your feedback . We want you to help. Do you have suggestions? Contact- Michael Dunham, Chair, mdunham@wbbinc.com or Phil Cooke, EA SIG Communications at pcooke@telesispartners.com Draft Approved – Sept 2010___ Sponsor Approved - ______ Final -________
Unresolved facets: • LEADERSHIP – Who all want the opportunity to provide • the IAC EA-SIG Leadership and to coordinate the Overall Effort? • GOVERNANCE and SPONSORSHIP – FEAPMO, AIC, and Sub-Committee Oversight/Involvement • Working Group Planning, Structure and Support • Virtual and Physical Work/ Meeting Space and Management • MEMBERSHIP/PARTICIPATION
The Challenge UGEAF Note: Use of the Elephant in this cartoon has no real nor implied relationship to any political entity nor to any aspects of religion, creed or other affiliations, including sacred animals or endangered species.
IAC-EA SIG Quarterly Meeting at CSC – Fairview Park October 7th – Forming the Working Group and Team Announcing the Initial Mechanisms for Communication Discussing Focus and Initial Steps as related to Sub Group Formation- Scope, Business Case, so forth Draft Schedule for Initial Planning Meetings and UGEAF - Phase One Establish Working Rules and Principles Next Events