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Derwentside Explorer Scouts

Derwentside Explorer Scouts. What are Young Leaders?. Young Leaders are:- Aged 14 to 18 Members of a District Explorer Scout Unit Explorer Scouts who want to help younger sections Working towards the Chief Scout and Queen Scout Awards. What are Young Leaders?. Young Leaders are NOT:-

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Derwentside Explorer Scouts

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  1. Derwentside Explorer Scouts

  2. What are Young Leaders? Young Leaders are:- • Aged 14 to 18 • Members of a District Explorer Scout Unit • Explorer Scouts who want to help younger sections • Working towards the Chief Scout and Queen Scout Awards

  3. What are Young Leaders? Young Leaders are NOT:- • Leaders • Adults • Members of a Group

  4. How does it work? • Explorer Scouting Group Cubs Beavers Group District Scouts Cubs Beavers Explorer Scouts Scouts Unit 1 Unit 2 Young Leader Unit Group Cubs Beavers Scouts

  5. How does it work? The Young Leaders Unit:- • The Young Leaders Unit is a District Explorer Scout Unit run by an Explorer Scout Leader • Anyone aged 14 to 18 who helps at a section MUST be a member of the unit or members of Girl Guiding or part of another youth organisation doing Duke of Edinburgh Award Service (for an agreed fixed period – 3,6 or 12 months depending upon award) • Explorer Scouts can be members of more than one unit (e.g. Young Leader unit and an ordinary unit)

  6. How does it work? The Young Leaders Unit:- • The unit will meet approximately once a quarter • Members of the unit MUST attend at least two Explorer Scout Activities each year in addition to quarterly meetings • Membership fees will be paid by the Explorer Scouts to the Young Leader Unit each quarter (unless the Explorer is a member of another unit)

  7. Young Leader Training • Eleven modules • Module A Prepare for take off! • Module B Taking the lead • Module C That’s the way to do it • Module D Kids behaving badly • Module E Game on! • Module F Special people • Module G Programme plans • Module H Programme plans plus • Module I What did they say? • Module J Awards and badges • Module K First Aid Masterclass These can be done in any order!

  8. Young Leader Training One “mission” to be completed each year • Mission One • Plan and run three indoor meetings, each from a different programme zone • Mission Two • Plan and run three outdoor meetings • Mission Three • Plan and run three meetings of the section forum and take appropriate action • Mission Four • Take responsibility for the organisation and running of part of the section

  9. Young Leaders in Groups • Are the responsibility of the leader in charge of the section • Cannot help in a section that they have just left • Wear Explorer Scout Uniform including Explorer neckerchief • May wear group name tape • MUST NOT be left alone to run an activity or game. A leader must always be present.

  10. Young Leaders in Groups Leader Responsibilities:- • Safety and welfare of the Explorer Scout • Include Explorer Scout in planning • Give them responsibility • Encourage them to participate in Explorer Activities and to work towards Chief Scout and Queen Scout Awards • Help them to complete their annual mission

  11. Young Leaders in Groups Additional Considerations:- • Explorer Scouts cannot be included as Adults when working out Adult / Child ratios for activities • On camps and holidays Explorer Scouts cannot sleep in the same rooms or tents as the leaders or the members of the younger sections • Permission forms are required for all activities they attend

  12. Explorer Scout’s Options • Remain member of Derwentside Explorer Scout Unit and become a member of the Young Leader Unit as well • Leave Derwentside Explorer Scout Unit and only be member of the Young Leader Unit • Do not become a permanent Young Leader and remain a member of Derwentside Explorer Scout Unit. This could be helping a section complete a badge or just to complete the service part of their awards. n.b. Training would still need to be completed and they would be a member of the Young Leader Unit during this time.

  13. What happens now? • Young Leaders will be provisionally allocated to groups and sections requesting their help • The placing of young leaders will be finalised by DC • Once approved by DC Young Leaders can start at sections • The allocation is not permanent and Young Leaders may be moved elsewhere at any time at the discretion of the DC

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