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Many foreign entrepreneurs recognize virtual assistants <br>from the Philippines as essential factors to their business’ <br>success. Hardworking Filipino virtual assistants have proven their <br>ability to perform a multitude of tasks, ranging from the most simple <br>such as data entry to the most complex, such as industry research and analysis.
Before you hire virtual assistants from the Philippines, read and apply the following tips for a happy and effective partnership: 1. Have a clear understanding why you are hiring virtual assistants from the Philippines in the first place. Knowing what your Filipino virtual assistants must do for you and why helps you become a more effective employer by effectively monitoring their performance and spotting areas for improvement.
2. Educate yourself about the Filipino culture and the Philippines. A basic understanding of the Filipino people, their cultural practices and quirks make it easier for you to establish rapport with your virtual assistants which contribute to a better working relationship. 3. Consider looking into multiple sources of Filipino virtual assistants. Freelance websites and outsourcing companies both provide access to Filipino VAs. Broaden your search for the right people by looking at many platforms instead of limiting yourself to just one.
4. Conduct a thorough interview of your selected candidates. Hold the interview as if they are candidates for the COO position of your business. It would be ideal if you interview them through Skype or video chat so you can see how they communicate in person. 5. Ask for their virtual assistant experience and recommendations, if any. Previous VA experience is desirable but it’s best if someone else can vouch for their services.
6. Hire them based primarily on the level of their skills that you need. At the end of the day, you must hire someone ideal for the VA role who is capable of the tasks you will require of him or her. 7. Consider also their personality and work style. Skills are important but do not ignore their work personality and values altogether. Remember you will be dealing with this person on a daily basis, so it would be better if your work styles complement each other.
8. Test their professional capabilities by requesting for a sample test job. Ask them to complete a task to better assess their skills before you hire them. Steer clear of VA candidates who are not willing to perform a test job. 9. Set your expectations before you officially begin working together. Start off on the right foot by clearly communicating what you expect of your VA for the duration of your agreement.
10. Always check that you are on the same page. While most Filipinos have impeccable English communication and comprehension skills, always check with your virtual assistants that your instructions have been understood completely. 11. Put everything on record. A written document clearly stipulating your virtual assistants’ responsibilities, fees, deadlines, duration of the service agreement and everything in between is SOP even for outsourced staff.
12. Remember the time zone difference your country and the Philippines have. This is especially useful for tasks with strict deadlines. 13. Communicate your personal preferences and work style clearly. Inform them about your management style and company standards so they know what to expect from you and how to best perform their tasks.
14. Make it easy for your virtual assistants to reach you. Provide them your contact details and hours you can be reached for updates and questions. 15. Remember that virtual assistants are not robots. Talented as they are, virtual assistants from the Philippines need enough time to rest so they can perform the tasks you require of them better.
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