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Investigation of GUS activity in Arabidopsis seedlings expressing EUL promoters reveals insights into gene regulation. Images from stages 1-5 show distinct expression patterns in leaf, stem, and root. Study conducted at Ghent University.
a Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 b Leaf Root Stem Supplementary Fig. 2 Histochemicalanalysis of GUS activity in Arabidopsis seedlings. No GUS staining was detected for Arabidopsis plants habouring the OrysaEULS2 promoter. Non-treated and stress-treated plant tissues did not show any GUS activity. Some representative pictures are shown for each plant stage (a). GUS staining was absent in the leaf, stem and root samples analyzed for developmental stages 4 and 5 of Arabidopsis plants expressing each of the EUL promoter constructs.. Some representative pictures are shown for Arabidopsis plants haboring the OrysaEULD1A promoter at developmental stage 5 (b). Images were taken using a Nikon eclipse TE2000-e epi-fluorescence Microscope (Nikon Benelux, Brussels, Belgium) and a Leica microscope (Leica, Nussloch, Germany) Title: Promoter analysis for three types of EUL-related rice lectins in transgenic Arabidopsis Journal: Plant Molecular Biology Reporter Authors: Bassam Al Atalah, ElkeFouquaert and Els J.M. Van Damme Affiliation: Ghent University, Dept. Molecular Biotechnology, Lab of Biochemistry and Glycobiology, CoupureLinks 653, 9000 Ghent, Belgium Corresponding author: Prof drEls J.M. Van Damme. Phone: +32 9 264 60 86; Fax: +32 9 264 62 19 E-mail address: ElsJM.VanDamme@UGent.be