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Sustainable rural development – a precondition for tourism in natural landscapes Christina Pfeiffer, Ministry of Energy, Agriculture, the Environment and Rural Areas, Land of Schleswig-Holstein ). sustainable rural development – a precondition for tourism in natural landscapes.
Sustainable rural development – a precondition for tourism in natural landscapes Christina Pfeiffer, Ministry of Energy, Agriculture, the Environment and Rural Areas, Land of Schleswig-Holstein )
sustainable rural development – a preconditionfortourism in naturallandscapes extension of the topic “sustainable tourism”: development of rural regions affords to take a look at the whole sustainable tourism in rural areas is closely related to the vitality and the resiliency of a region funding policy: aims at improving the living conditions in rural areas • strategy for a sustainable rural development in Schleswig-Holstein photos: Ingo Wandmacher
Challengesfor rural areas Schleswig-Holstein has about 2.9 million inhabitants and is rather sparsely populated (181 inhabitants/km²). 78% of the inhabitants live in rural regions. We have many small villages with less than 1000 inhabitants. Challenges: Many rural areas are facing the problems of remoteness, scarcity of job opportunities and decreasing living conditions. They are confronted with demographic changes - depopulation and ageing of the population. The demographic development differs according to the structure of each subregion. Long-term problems of rural regions are to be found in structural deficits.
objectives for rural development saving and improving the living conditions in rural areas (social and environmental aspects) - there is a great need to secure the infrastructure for education, mobility, basic supply, social services, medical care, etc. providing high-speed internet access in all rural communities, because otherwise they will be cut off from further development. creating new jobs and securing existing ones (economic aspect) stimulating more joint responsibility and joint efforts by private and public actors in the regions Investments, carried out in rural areas should support a sustainable integrated development.
Financial support: EAFRD 2014-2020 Funding:the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD 2014-2020) supports interventions stimulating growth and promoting environmental and socio-economic sustainability of rural areas, • in particular through the development of local infrastructure (including fast broadband, renewable energy and social infrastructure) and local basic services (including leisure, health, culture), • as well as through the renewal of villages and activities aimed at the upgrading of the cultural and natural heritage of villages and rural landscapes.
Instrument: EU-LEADER approach LEADER:acommunityled - integrated - territorial – developmenttool on local levelaimingtocontributetothelongtermsustainabledevelopmentof rural areas
LEADER-Approach in Schleswig-Holstein: 22 ActiveRegions LEADER as an area-based bottom-up tool brings together public and private sector. 22 LEADER “local action groups” – named „ActiveRegions“ have established themselves in Schleswig-Holstein. The size of the regions varies between 50.000-150.000 inhabitants. LEADER-regions in Schleswig-Holstein had to elaborate a rural development strategy for their recognition, integrating fourkey issues (climate change & energy, basic supply, education, growth & innovation). Each ActiveRegionreceives a budget of up to €2,86 million from the EU fund. The ActiveRegions make the decisions on the projects with a minimum share of 51% economic and social partners and other representatives of civil society. A “network of all ActiveRegions” has been established, aiming to provide information, sharing experiences, networking and training.
Impressionsof LEADER-projects photos: Ingo Wandmacher
Impressionsof LEADER-projects photos: Ingo Wandmacher
LEADER ActiveRegions 22 LEADER ActiveRegions By implementing the strategy of “ActiveRegions” our goal is to empower both: the local authorities and the members of civil society. We want to stimulate cooperation between different sectors and between private and public participants. We need new partnerships and networks to find creative innovative solutions for the current and forthcoming challenges.
Additional flagship-projects Additional EU support (EAFRD) is provided for so called “flagship-projects”. They are subject to a land-wide quality competition: maintaining of basic services – with a focus on the local food supply and to secure education(MarktTreff is one of those flagship projects) encouragement of rural tourist activities, development of rural tourism preservation and marketing of the rural cultural heritage (estates, castles, parks, etc.)
flagshipprojects localbasicsupply (incl. education) preservingofculturalheritage infrastructurerural tourism photos: Ingo Wandmacher
More taskfieldsof rural development providingbroadbandinfrastructure in rural regions€20 millionEAFRD modernisationof rural roads€8 millionEAFRD
Flagshipproject: Hof Viehbrook • The project: • rural culture, education and adventure center • restoration, extension of a heritage-protected farmhouse with restaurant and a traditional blacksmith’sworkshop • protectionofolddomesticanimals • holiday flats, seminar rooms and a room for marriageceremonies • farmyardkindergartenand “Noah’sark” • out-of-school educationalfacility • local supply of products by providing a MarktTreff • aims: • revitalizationofthefarm • economic revival of the village • www.hof-viehbrook.de revivalofan oldfarmhouse
EFF-Project: rowingboatlandingplacesin Maasholm • The project: • preservation of historical, local rowing boat landing places in the fishing village of Maasholm • restoration of a working harbour in line with the • preservation of sites of historic interest • aims: • support of a small fishing community • integration into the tourism infrastructure of Maasholm (walking tour of the Maasholm Peninsula) • presentation of information about rowing boat fishing in Maasholm • www.ostseefjordschlei.de a future forourfishingheritage
Points ofartisticinterest • The project: • creation of a cross-border art and culture brochure for the region from Husum to the south of Denmark as well as an art banner to help position the studios and the artists’ workshops • in addition, setting-up an internetplatform • aims: • increasing awareness for art and craftsmanship in the cross-border region on both sides of the German-Danishborder • establishing a cross-border touristic offering • networkingofartists • www.nordfrieslandtourismus.de art withoutborders
Flagshipproject: Circus Ubuntu School • The project: • Ubuntu Circus School: mentoring children and young peoplewithspecialneeds • Youth Circus Ubuntu: a circus show with props designed and created by young people, club members and parents for the annual summer tour • aims: • to provide an alternative to a children’s home • to support and consolidate Ubuntu by providing performers, artists and manual work • to put together a four week tour program every year • www.ubuntu.de thecircus ring iscalling
residentialcommunityforpeoplewithdementia • Flagshipproject: • establishing the residential complex Lichthof with twelve housing units, communal kitchen, terrace and sensory garden in the village centreofHürup • currently all units are occupied and there is a longwaitinglist • aims: • creation of a residential project in a rural area with outpatient care and socially acceptable rental prices • helping to ensure as high a level of independence as possible whilst providing an appropriate level of support • voluntary work in the household community and in the association • www.hglichthof.de making life worth living with dementia
Flagshipproject: MarktTreff MarktTreffs: multifunctional service-centers www.markttreff-sh.de
MarktTreff – theconcept • MarktTreff: multifunctionalservicecenter • foodstore • regional products • gastronomy / café • health / medical care • touristinformation • internet / online services • socialservices • postal / financialservices • municipaladministration • collectionpoint • services: • corebusiness: • meetingpoint / engagementofcitizens • sharedresponsibility • operator/ manager • municipality • citizens
MarktTreff - locations • 37 MarktTreffs • 13 centersin preparation • greatvarietyofoffersadaptedtothelocation
Flagshipproject: Outdoor Academy Aschberg • The project: • establishing an outdoor academy with restaurant and affiliatedhotel • support for measures with public interest: improvement of localpublicinfrastructure, an observationtower, publictoilets, • outdoor facilities, tribune, camping site, sports ground and climbingwall • aims: • careful revitalisation of the Aschberg in accordance withnature • making the area more interesting for tourists and establishing a vehicle for advertising the Hüttener Berge Nature Park • networking the existing tourism infrastructure • safeguarding continued public access to the Aschberg • www.globetrotter.de at onewith nature
LEADER ActiveRegions The aim of “ActiveRegions” is to encourage people to take over more responsibility and to mobilise creative forces through new partnerships. establishment of permanent regional networks comprising citizens, associations, companies and municipalities regional managements instruction and further training of citizens as part of the development strategies The aim of “ActiveRegions” is to encourage new partnerships for better employment and to improve quality of life in rural regions.
Final conclusions sustainable rural developmentis a preconditionfortourism in naturallandscapes: weneedhealthyresilientregionstocreatesustainabletourism weneedintegrated regional strategiestounfoldtheendogenouspotentialsof rural regions – thebottom-approach LEADER isonegoodtool weneedmultifunctionalsolutions, based on cooperation, innovationandflexibiliy - MarktTreffis a flagshipmodel weneedsharedresponsibilitytomasterthechallengesofthepresentandthefuture: networkingandcooperation at all levelsarekeycompetences weneedmotivatedandqualifiedpublicand private actors.