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Improving Access to Environmental Information in Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia

This report discusses the strategies and tools for improving access to environmental information in Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia, with a focus on supporting policy-makers and informing the public about environmental conditions. It highlights the importance of sharing environmental indicators, enhancing data presentation, and utilizing modern technologies for information dissemination.

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Improving Access to Environmental Information in Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia

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  1. Improving access to environmental information in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia Aarhus Convention Task Force on Access to Information Second meeting Geneva, 16–17 December 2013 Lukasz Wyrowski ECE Environment Division

  2. Background: Environmental Information at UNECE Monitoring and Assessment Programme Forums • Joint Task Force on Environmental Indicators (JTF) • Working Group on Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (WGEMA)

  3. Background: Environmental Information at UNECE Monitoring and Assessment Programme Objectives • To serve the policy-makers in improving environmental governance • To serve the public to be well informed about the environmental conditions

  4. Background: Environmental Information at UNECE Monitoring and Assessment Programme Focus • Supporting the production and sharing of environmental indicators • Enhancing the capacities for preparation of indicator-based State of the Environment (SoE) reports • Enhancing the capacities for preparation of other assessments • Supporting the use of modern technologies for environmental information presentation

  5. Background: Environmental Information at UNECE Monitoring and Assessment Programme Tools • Guidelines • Networks to exchange good practice • Hands-on training

  6. JTF: Public access to environmental information in EECCA countries ECE Core Set of Indicators: A1. Emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air C10. BOD and concentration of ammonium in rivers A2. Ambient air quality in urban areas C11. Nutrients in freshwater A3. Consumption of ozone-depleting substances D1. Protected areas B3. Greenhouse gas emissions. I1. Waste generation

  7. WGEMA: Improvements in data presentation since Oct. 2012

  8. WGEMA: Data presentation in EECCA countries RussianFederation: Data on air quality in Sochi region (www.pogodasochi.ru) Belarus: Data on the atmospheric air, radiation control, and surface water (http://rad.org.by ) Georgia: Interactivemap on protected areas (www.apa.gov.ge)

  9. Prioritiesfor further improvement to data presentation in EECCA countries • Production and sharing of data (indicators) in common formats • Strengthening the visibility of SoEreports on agencies’ websites (easy access to pdf files, interactive presentation of SoE reports directly on the webpages) • Improvements to descriptive parts of SoE reports (to be better policy-makers oriented and more understandable to the public) • brief indicator analysis • application of the Driving forces, Pressures, States, Impacts and Responses (DPSIR) framework • inclusion of countries comparative analysis • application of SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) • Increasingvisual material (incl. GIS or satellite imaging)

  10. Thank you for your attention

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