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Group #5: Ahmed Osman , Min Suk Kim, Miranda Ortiz, Moises Coronado, Paul Kim, Rhonda Nassar , Bong Su Jang, and Will Drevno. Asbestos and Preventive Measures Database Project. Overview. Client Background Client Needs EER Diagram Relationship Schema Access Database
Group #5: Ahmed Osman, Min Suk Kim, Miranda Ortiz, Moises Coronado, Paul Kim, Rhonda Nassar, Bong Su Jang, and Will Drevno Asbestos and Preventive Measures Database Project
Overview • Client Background • Client Needs • EER Diagram • Relationship Schema • Access Database • Normalization Analysis • Queries • Q/A
Client Description • Maintains service facilities for all buildings on the UC Berkeley campus • Tests buildings for asbestos and lead • Provides maintenance for: • Electrical power distribution system • Cogeneration plant • Asbestos abatement • Fire drills • Paint
Project Summary • Part 1: Asbestos • Record results of asbestos and lead samples • Keep track of locations previously visited • Show locations with the highest concentrations of asbestos • Provide tool for analysis of inspection reports • Part 2: Preventative Maintenance • Keep track of work orders • Ensure that preventative measures management is not performed more frequently than necessary • Calculate percentage of work orders completed within required date • Monitor equipment and inventory
Benefits • Increased safety and improved health due to quicker realization of hazardous material contamination • Decreased response time to work-orders • Ease in performing analysis of asbestos data • Reduce costs • Prevent equipment from breaking down • SAVE LIVES!
Relational Schema • CLIENT(CID, FNAME, MI, LNAME, ADDRESS, PHONE, E-MAIL) • CLIENT_WORK_ORDER(CWID, Submitted_by_CID1, Sent_to_MID6a, For_Room13 , For_Building13, Date_Submitted) • EXTERNAL_AUDITOR(EAID, Fname, Lname, Organization, Contact_Number, E-mail, Address) • LAB (LAB_ID, Lab_Name, Address, Contact_Person, Phone_Number, E-mail) • SAMPLE(SID, Quantity, Collected_by_FID6b, Required_by_Audit_Record_ID11, Room13, Building13,Area_of_Room, Direction, Description, Image) • EMPLOYEE(EID, Supervised_by_EID6, Fname, MI, Lname, E-mail, Phone_Number, D.O.B.) a. MANAGER(MID6, Salary) b. FIELDWORKER(FID6, Wage) c. MECHANIC (MECHID6, Wage) • BUILDING(BNAME, Address, Number_of_Floors, Number_of_Rooms, Floor_Plan, Safety) • PM_WORK_ORDER(PMWID, Sent_to_Manager6a, Worked_by_MECHID6c, Equip_Inv18, Equip_ID18, Issue_Date, Generation_Time, Status, Task, Asset, Equipment_Note, Remark, Condition) • ORDER(OID, Placed_by_MID6a, Sent_to_Sup_ID10) • SUPPLIER(SUP_ID, Company_Name, Contact_Person, E-mail, Address, Phone_Number • AUDIT_RECORD(ARID, CWID2, Audited_By3, Sampled_by4, Received_by_CID1, Requested_by_Manager_ID6a, Date, Time, No_Samples, Turnaround, ROOM13, Floor, Area, Location, Material)
Relational Schema 12. SAMPLE_RESULT(SRID, SID5, TurnAround (ASAP/24 Hours), Provided_by_Lab_ID4, Description, Asb_Type, Asb_TypeA, Asb_Type2, Asb_TypeB, Other_Fibers, NonFibrous, Analysis Date) 13. ROOM(NUMBER, BNAME7, Size, Floor, Max_Capacity) 14. NOTE(NID, MECHID6c, PMWID8, Written_by_MECHID6c, Date, Equip_Inv_ID18, Equip_ID18, Action_Taken) 15. SAMPLE_ANALYSIS_TYPE(SID5, Analysis_Type) 16. CHILD_TAG_WO(CT_ID, Submitted_by_CID1, Sent_to6a, Equip_Inv_ID18,Equip_ID18, Date, Description) 17. EQUIPMENT(EQ_ID, Type, Manufacturer, Equipment_Function, Model) 18. EQUIPMENT_INVENTORY(EISN, EQ_ID17, Installed, Room13,Building13, Warehouse, Supplied_by10, Condition, Service_Expiration_Date, Warranty_Expiration_Date) 19. MATERIAL(MAT_ID, Type, Manufacturer, Model, Fixed_Cost, Cost) 20. MATERIAL_INVENTORY(MISN, MAT_ID19, Supplied_by10) a. PERMANENT(PM_ID20, Used_by_Mechanic6c) b. TEMPORARY(TM_ID20, Rented_by_Mechanic6c, Last_Date_In, Last_Date_Out) 21. TIME_SLOT(TSID, Start_time, End_time, Day, Month, Year, Worked_by_Mechanic6c, Referring_to_Client_WO2, Referring_to_PM_WO8) 22. MATERIAL_EQUIPMENT(MAT_ID19, EQ_ID17) 23. ORDER_MATERIAL(OID9, MAT_ID19, Quantity, Price, Month, Year) 24. ORDER_EQUIPMENT(OID9, EQ_ID17, Quantity, Price, Month, Year)
Query #1 • Finding the fastest mechanic for a specific job • For urgent fixes, the most efficient mechanic can be allocated to the job. • Query finds the mechanic with the lowest average time spent on fixing specified equipment. • IEOR Method: The productivity metric to rank the mechanics based on their efficiency.
Query #1 SELECT s.Worked_By as EID, e.first_name as First_Name, e.last_name as Last_Name, avg(s.total_time) as Average_Time FROM Efficiency_STEP1 s, employee e where e.eid=s.Worked_By group by s.Worked_By, e.first_name, e.last_name order by avg(s.total_time); Select t.Referring_To_PMWO, sum(DateDiff("n",t.Start_Time, t.End_Time)) as Total_Time, t.Worked_By From PM_WORK_ORDER p, Time_Slot t, equipment eq Where eq.type=INPUT AND EQ.EQ_ID=P.EQUIP_ID AND t.Referring_To_PMWO=p.PMWID Group by t.Referring_To_PMWO, t.Worked_By;
Query #2 • Mean Time Between Failure • Mean time between failure for each equipment • Help managers determine which equipment fails the most and which equipment fails the least • Allows the user to determine the reliability of each type of inventory
Query #2 SELECTChild_Tag.Equip_ID, Avg(Child_Tag.TTF) AS TTF_of_Avg FROM ( SELECTEquip_ID, Equip_Inv_ID, DATEDIFF("d",( SELECT TOP 1 tmp.Date_Submitted FROM CHILD_TAG_WO AS tmp WHEREtmp.Equip_Inv_ID = wo.Equip_Inv_ID AND tmp.Date_Submitted < wo.Date_Submitted ORDER BYtmp.Date_Submitted DESC),wo.Date_Submitted) AS TTF FROM CHILD_TAG_WO AS wo ORDER BYwo.Date_Submitted DESC ) AS Child_Tag GROUP BYChild_Tag.Equip_ID;
Query #3 • Economic Order Quantity • helps managers keep track of materials inventory and place orders as necessaryto minimize lead time SELECTQuantity_by_Month.Mat_ID, Quantity_by_Month.Model, round(Sqr(Avg(Quantity_by_Month.QuantityOfSum)*2*Quantity_by_Month.Fixed_Cost/(0.12*Quantity_by_Month.Cost)),0) AS EOQ FROM ( SELECTM.Mat_ID, M.Model, O.Month, Sum(O.Quantity) AS QuantityOfSum, M.Cost, M.Fixed_CostFROMOrder_Material AS O, Material AS M WHERE ((O.Year=Year(Now())-1) And ((O.Mat_ID)=M.MAT_ID)) GROUP BYM.Mat_ID, M.Model, O.Month, M.Cost, M.Fixed_Cost) AS Quantity_by_Month GROUP BYQuantity_by_Month.Mat_ID, Quantity_by_Month.Model, Quantity_by_Month.Fixed_Cost, Quantity_by_Month.Cost;
Query #4 • Forecasting arrival of work order calls • allows management to make an informed decision of how many calls to expect and how to staff accordingly to satisfy demand. • IEOR Method: Queuing theory CREATE FUNCTION Factorial (p_MyNum INTEGER) RETURN NUMBER AS BEGIN IF p_MyNum = 1 THEN RETURN 1; ELSE RETURN (p_MyNum * Factorial (p_MyNum-1)); END IF; END; SELECT exp(-(count(*)/60)*[ ENTER PROJECTED TIME])*((count(*)/60)*[ENTER PROJECTED TIME])^[ ENTER NUMBER OF CALLS] / (Factorial ([ENTER NUMBER OF CALLS)) FROM CLIENT_WORK_ORDER WHERE CLIENT_WORK_ORDER.date >= [Now()] – 1800;
Query #4: Future Improvements • Issue: output of this query is limited to one number, which is “the probability that k client work orders will arrive in time t.” • Due to 2 user inputs, “Projected Time” (t) and “Number of Calls” (k). • May be improved, for example, by taking only time period as input, automatically generating values for the number of work order arrival, and calculating probabilities accordingly.
Query #5 • Emergency Response • Prioritize rooms and buildings that should be responded to first when an action is needed • Calculate “vulnerability” scores by using a weighted sum of: • # of equipment in room • maximum capacity of room • avg. number of people in building/room
Query #5 • Rooms with Equipment SELECTRoom.Bname, Room.RID, Room.[Max Capacity], Count(Room.RID) AS Equipment_Count FROM Room INNER JOIN Equip_Inventory ON (Room.Bname=Equip_Inventory.Building) AND (Room.RID=Equip_Inventory.Room) GROUP BYRoom.Bname, Room.RID, Room.[Max Capacity]; • Building Capacity SELECTBuilding.Building_Name, Sum(Room.[Max Capacity]) AS [SumOfMax Capacity] FROM Building INNER JOIN Room ON Building.Building_Name=Room.Bname GROUP BYBuilding.Building_Name;
Query #5 • Rooms with Samples SELECTRoom.Bname, Room.RID FROM (Room INNER JOIN Sample ON (Room.Bname=Sample.[For Building]) AND (Room.RID=Sample.From_Room)) INNER JOIN [Sample Result] ON Sample.SID=[Sample Result].Sample_ID WHERE (((Room.Bname)=[Sample].[For Building]) AND ((Room.RID)=[Sample].[From_Room]) AND ((Sample.SID) In (SELECT [Sample Result].Sample_ID FROM [Sample Result] WHERE ((([Sample Result].Asb_type)<>'NULL')))));
Query #5 • Vulnerability SELECTRooms_With_Samples.Bname, Rooms_With_Samples.RID, Rooms_with_equipment.Equipment_Count, Rooms_with_equipment.[Max Capacity] AS Room_MAX_Capacity, Building_Capacity.[SumOfMax Capacity] AS Building_MAX_Capacity FROMBuilding_Capacity INNER JOIN (Rooms_With_Samples INNER JOIN Rooms_with_equipment ON (Rooms_With_Samples.RID=Rooms_with_equipment.RID) AND (Rooms_With_Samples.Bname=Rooms_with_equipment.Bname)) ON Building_Capacity.Building_Name=Rooms_with_equipment.Bname;
Query #5 • Final Query: Emergency Response SELECT (([V].[Equipment_Count]*5)+([V].[Room_MAX_Capacity]*10)+([V].[Building_MAX_Capacity]*0.1*0.5)) AS Score, V.Bname, V.RID FROM vulnerability AS V ORDER BY (([V].[Equipment_Count]*5)+([V].[Room_MAX_Capacity]*10)+([V].[Building_MAX_Capacity]*0.1*0.5)) DESC;
Form #1: Switchboard • The switchboard provides links to 3 different forms (Child Tag Work Order, Client Work Order, Audit Record)
Form #2: Audit Report • Legal document, which is signed by the manager and the lab representative who are in charge of the specific case
Form #3: Child Tag Work Order • Needed for an order to be placed to restock that particular piece of equipment.
Form #4: Client Work Order • When a client submits a request online, manager receives this request and fills out this form to keep record of all requests submitted by clients
Report #1: EOQ • Economic Order Quantity for each material (result from Query 3) + Graph to visualize
Report #2: Emergency Response • “Vulnerability” score for each room, grouped by building
Normalization Analysis: 1NF • Example of relations normalized to 1NF: MATERIAL_EQUIPMENT(MAT_ID19, EQ_ID17) EQUIPMENT(EQ_ID, Type, Manufacturer, Equipment_Function, Model, MAT_ID) MATERIAL(MAT_ID, Type, Manufacturer, Model, Fixed_Cost, Cost, EQ_ID) • Each type of material belongs to multiple types of equipment, and each type of equipment takes multiple types of material • A new relation called MATERIAL_EQUIPMENT is created to account for this many-to-many relationship and to have all attribute domains include only atomic, single-valued variables.
Normalization Analysis: 2NF A relation NOT in 2NF: • If NOTE were a weak entity to PM_Work_Order,: • NOTE(NID, PMWID8, MECHID6c, Equip_Inv_ID18, Equip_ID18, Date, Action_Taken) • PMWID determines MECHID, Equip_Inv_ID and Equip_ID A relation in 2NF: • NOTE(NID, PMWID8,MECHID6c, Equip_Inv_ID18, Equip_ID18, Date, Action_Taken) • PM_WORK_ORDER(PMWID, Sent_to_Manager6a, Worked_by_MECHID6c, Equip_Inv18, Equip_ID18, Issue_Date, Generation_Time, Status, Task, Asset, Equipment_Note, Remark, Condition) • Mechanic who wrote the note can be found by natural-joining NOTE with PM_WORK_ORDER and MECHANIC.
Normalization Analysis: 3NF • Example of relation in 2NF, but not 3NF: AUDIT_RECORD(ARID, CWID2, Audited_By3, Sampled_by4, Received_by_CID1, Requested_by_Manager_ID6a, Date, Time, No_Samples, Turnaround, ROOM13, Floor, Area, Location, Material) • Example in 3NF: AUDIT_RECORD(ARID, CWID2, Audited_By3, Sampled_by4, Received_by_CID1, Requested_by_Manager_ID6a, Date, Time, No_Samples, Turnaround, ROOM13, Floor, Area, Location, Material) ROOM(NUMBER, BNAME7, Size, Floor, Area, Location, Max_Capacity)
Normalization Analysis: 3NF • CLIENT_WORK_ORDER NOT in3NF: • CLIENT_WORK_ORDER(CWID, Submitted_by_CID1, Client_Fname, Client_Lname, Client_Address, Client_Phone, Client_Email,Sent_to_MID6a, Manager_Fname, Manager_MI, Manager_Lname, Manager_Email, For_Room13 , For_Building13, Date_Submitted) • CLIENT_WORK_ORDER IN 3NF • CLIENT(CID, FNAME, MI, LNAME, ADDRESS, PHONE, E-MAIL) • CLIENT_WORK_ORDER(CWID, Submitted_by_CID1, Sent_to_MID6a, For_Room13 , For_Building13, Date_Submitted) • EMPLOYEE(EID, Supervised_by_EID6, Fname, MI, Lname, E-mail, Phone_Number, D.O.B.) • MANAGER(MID6, Salary) • R is in BCNF if whenever a nontrivial functional dependency XA holds in R, then X is a superkey of R.
Normalization: BCNF • A relation in 2NF but not in 3NF: • TIME_SLOT(TSID, Start_time, End_time, Day, Month, Year, Worked_by_Mechanic6c, Referring_to_Client_WO2, Referring_to_PM_WO8) • Issue: PM_Work_Order includes which mechanic works on each specific PM work order. Hence, the above relation can be normalized into 3NF as the following: • A relation in 3NF and BCNF: • TIME_SLOT(TSID, Start_time, End_time, Day, Month, Year, Worked_by_Mechanic6c, Referring_to_Client_WO2, Referring_to_PM_WO8) • PM_WORK_ORDER(PMWID, Sent_to_Manager6a, Worked_by_MECHID6c, Equip_Inv18, Equip_ID18, Issue_Date, Generation_Time, Status, Task, Asset, Equipment_Note, Remark, Condition) • These relations are in BCNF since PKs for all the relations above are super keys.